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Topic subjectthat was so powerful to see Dexter actually heartbroken
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=26638&mesg_id=26833
26833, that was so powerful to see Dexter actually heartbroken
Posted by Kahlema, Mon Dec-13-10 11:44 AM
about Lumen leaving. It seemed much more genuine and intense than when he discovered Rita's body. I felt really sad for Dexter, cause he was so hurt.

I thought the finale was great. They really had us thinking Deb was going to find out. I hope that the next season, Dexter does find a chick who's totally down for him, even if she's not into killing people.
And it would be cool if Deb knew Dexter killed ppl and was ok with it, since she is ok with Quinn possibly being a killer.
I will still glad that Lumen left. She was aiiite for one season but that'll do. lol

And if the show ends with Dexter being a one-man show, that's fine too. Its like who can you trust but yourself to do the job right anyway?