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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectthoughts:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=26638&mesg_id=26832
26832, thoughts:
Posted by araQual, Mon Dec-13-10 11:13 AM
finale coulda been better. i hate that just by knowing there's guna be a season 6 it ruined MOST of the suspense. even when Deb was on the verge of busting him, i kinda almost saw the resulting plastic-sheet convo happening before it happened.

and ima just say this one last time: I FUCKING HATE DEBRA MORGAN. and i realised it's just cos Jennifer Carpenter is an incredibly SHITTY actress. i hate that she's stuck on one vocal delivery, always talking like she's on the verge of tears. i don't GET it! lol. she never used to be this annoying in the first couple seasons. and i think that's one mistake the show made: giving her too much fucking screen time. i actually like where her character is headed by finally embracing the fabled n complicated 'gray area', cos it helps throw the whole Deb v Dex outcome into question. i just wish there was some OTHER actress doing it, cos if u re-watch this season, her performance is pretty pissweak.

Lumen pretty much annoyed the crap outta me all season (as harsh as that sounds, but tis the truth). LaGuerta was an immature bitch for MAJORITY of the season, and somehow in the last two eps is a fucking mother goose lookin after Deb n shit lol. i just don't know what these characters are doing anymore. and it seems like this show completely SUCKS at writing female characters, or any scene involving intimacy & r/ships between a man/woman couple.

i dont wanna sound like a broken record or anything, but if this show doesn't get back to a season 1 & 2 calibre (where it felt like each episode would build in intensity over the last, where each ep felt like a fucking MOVIE) then it'll be a shame. cos there's so many more dark places the show can go. and i keep hearing the same shit almost every season from fans: we see a trailer that looks like it has stuff in it that could potentially make Dex completely unhinged and unleash the full force of the Dark Passenger within, yet it never pans out. it's not just male bloodlust talking. Dex is our anti-hero, but how fucking cool would it be to see him completely embrace his natural self and rack up one HELL of a body count. i for sure thought with the death of Rita, it would pave the way for Dex to truly become the thing Harry kept trying to keep at bay & suppress. wrong yet again. and for all the badness Dex has in him, for all his smarts n cunning n shit, he falls for a blond bit? how many times we guna see this storyline played out til Dex realises (he shoulda realised LONG ago) that he can't have what others have.

it's cute that for the last few seasons we've been witnessing a certified serial killer trying to better himself...i just think that enough's ENOUGH. give Dex a reason to kill that goes beyond guilt and regret and noble revenge. NO MORE FUCKING TEAM-UPS. Dexter can only survive if he is ALONE. that's the path next season needs to take, otherwise we come dangerously close to jumping the frign shark by over-pushing the "Serial Killing Cop who is also a daddy" shtick.

i was right, we got premise fatigue. i am HOPING the next season will be the last, cos if it's for SURE the final season, then it at least gives me SOME hope that it won't be 'just ok'. it needs to be 'fucking unbelievable' like the first 2 seasons.
