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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectI think ppl are spoiled cuz of the pace of how last season ended
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=26638&mesg_id=26687
26687, I think ppl are spoiled cuz of the pace of how last season ended
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue Oct-12-10 10:34 AM
Last season started VERY slow and picked up around episode 4-5.

You have to give the season time. And unlike with last year, not much time has passed since the end of last season (I think last year picked up like 6 months after Dex killed the DA dude). They pretty much picked up where they left off so there had to be some development. I mean, they've had what, 10-15 serial killers on the show. Would Miami have that many back-to-back-to-back?

I like the dynamic that Dex still feels empty when he kills the roadkill sanitation guy and how he's getting sloppy (and now discovered) by the victim.

-Quinn on his trail
-Dex searching for normalcy but is feeling hollow due to his emotional growth (something he didn't have or was percieved not to have as the show began)
-Deb's growning wrecklessness due to her emotional losses
-The inter-office dating
-Creepy hispanic chick cop (who likely has something to do with the religious murders)

LOTS of good plot lines that will boil to a head at some point this season. I'd say we got 2-3 more eps before the crap hits the fan and things speed up.