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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectI imagine this season being difficult to write
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=26638&mesg_id=26676
26676, I imagine this season being difficult to write
Posted by Dae021, Wed Oct-06-10 01:31 PM
Particularly because Dex always had a play home to go back to. He always had Rita as an excuse an somewhat as a center. This season he doesn't have that, and it's tough to take the leap without that center.

I said this last season, LaGuerta and Anhell need to cease, its a bad storyline and Anhell was a much better character when he was attempting to be a great father instead of 2nd class, money spending husband to his Lt. Wife. There was no development to their fight about money all of a sudden he's a spender and she's a saver. Like can we get some build up not just show a bank statement and expect folks to fall in line? the over reaction on this show is world class and gets old quickly. The characters are irrational and not believably so.

Astor is not a great child actor, but Dex was cold as ice when he told "Oh Astor no one will notice you" DAGGER to a teenage girl, complete and utter dagger. She has no place to put all of her anger towards losing her mother so she projects it on Dex, it'll pass. Capt. Bowlcut (Cody) loves Dex and at somepoint will come back.

Quinn's personal thing against Dex is not good Tv we've already done this with Doakes, the only difference is now he's fucking Deb so yea there's that.

Deb needs to NEVER get naked again, and needs to stop saying fuck, either way i'm tired of it.

I'll continue watchin because I'm hooked, but damn.