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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectRE: Man, I didn't see that coming......I feel kinda duped by Violet.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=22842&mesg_id=23063
23063, RE: Man, I didn't see that coming......I feel kinda duped by Violet.
Posted by SankofaII, Thu Dec-08-11 12:15 PM
>In a good way though, 'cuz it through me off. All this time
>she seemed like one of the strongest characters on the show,
>with a "get over yourself and deal with it" quality. Turns out
>she was just as mentally/spiritually tortured as her parents,
>even more so given the circumstances. I guess she really
>couldn't handle being a medium. All her anger over Ben and Viv
>running away from their problems, and she did the ultimate
>disappearing act...

i could see that but i'm still not totally buying she's even dead...like i need to see Tate dragging her body to that crawlspace and THEN i'll be like: "ok, badass Violet *IS* dead. her parents are TOTALLY staying in the house forever now!"

>And it does explain why she hasn't been to school. lol

LOL! right...or just the fact that she's skipping and NEITHER of her parents have noticed or cared.

>I like the way they revealed it. Her trying to get out of the
>house was hilarious. It was like a Bugs Bunny cartoon,
>watching her run out only to end up back in the house. lol

I was laughing that ENTIRE sequence...and she was DETERMINED to get the fuck out too! LOL!

>I still call bullshit on her though, for selling Vivien out
>before she was hauled off to the crazy house a few episodes
>ago, just so she could selfishly stay with Tate. Ghost or no
>ghost, she turned her back on her mom.

well, really then, she's even steven with Vivien AND Ben, because they BOTH turned their backs on her because they've been too wrapped up in their own personal problems to even NOTICE her...AT ALL.

i mean, damn Tate be in that house ALL THE TIME..ghost or not, that's some mess right there...LOL