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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectok, ok....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=22842&mesg_id=23031
23031, ok, ok....
Posted by spades, Thu Nov-17-11 12:24 PM

>But I still maintain that she was ghost raped for real.

We gon have to sit down and work this shit out, that was not ghost rape! She loved it, son!

>Are we taking bets on whether or not the "dark half/bad son"
>will be deformed in some way and the "Good Son" won't be,
>thereby adding more complications to all of this.

Oh, I'm down for that. - I'm guessing the baby isn't deformed, but will be EVIIIILLLLLL
>And, watch both those babies having some kind of power also.

yeah, I could see that.
>They really need to explore Violet being a medium and her
>being able to see the spirits in the house, etc.

it seems like there starting too, also I think Tate is starting to realize he's dead
>And damn, she *READ* BOTH Viv and Ben too! She dropped that
>"wise beyond her years/observes everything" ETHER!

I loved that! IMO, they're both far too selfish/self involved - their marriage was NEVER gonna work, two narcissists is a recipe for disaster.