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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectinteresting...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=22842&mesg_id=22986
22986, interesting...
Posted by Squad, Fri Nov-04-11 11:02 AM

I've enjoyed this show and really can't get enough of it. It is the first time I've really been waiting week to week but I don't watch much television and just catch this on hulu.

Anyway, what are the thoughts on the doctor's wife on waking Ben up and saying that he needs to save Viven and the baby? And with the highlights from next weeks show, we know that the baby is fucked up and some sort of demon baby.

It's going to be interesting to find out what Constance's role within the house is. She may be "the caretaker" of the house. In the 1st or 2nd episode she told Moira that "it was still her house" or something like that. Also, i've heard interesting theories that the Realtor is involved somehow as somebody who brings the families to the house at request of the house or something like that. I'm not sure but the Realtor has been playing an insignificant role so far, except for the fact that I dont think anybody has come by actually interested in checking the house out.

And doesn't Constance state she has three children? Two are known (Tate and Addy)....whose the third? Some theories have that Ben is possibly the third child, maybe estranged from his mother, idk.

Also, what does Constance want with Violet? First she wanted to poison her or whatever with the cupcake. Now with Addy gone, maybe she needs someone to fill the void. Why did gimp suit dude do anything to Violet? He just left at the end of the first episode. Was he there just in case the burned man got in to protect her?

Also here are a couple interesting interviews with Ryan Murphy about the Halloween episodes:


