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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectthat part where Vivien and the realtor
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=22842&mesg_id=22925
22925, that part where Vivien and the realtor
Posted by SankofaII, Thu Oct-20-11 11:10 AM
were talking was at the BEGINNING of the episode...it was when she FIRST declared she wanted to move...

and shout out to Connie Britton/Vivien reading the FUCK out of the realor. She was on some: "NO BITCH. This is how WE will play this..."

I fucking *LOVE* Connie Britton. She is, hands down, one of the most underrated actresses on tv or film working TODAY....

as for the daughter, something tells me her whole "im not leaving and if we do leave, i'm running away" crap is just a smokescreen for her hiding how terrified and scared she is...remember she started seeing the ghosts in the house when the monster cut up the bully's face...

and yea, she's definitely staying for Tate. Let's take bets on when Tate ghost fucks her (cause i'm convinced he's not even alive..)