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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectRE: shout out to 'funny games' and 'the strangers'
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=22842&mesg_id=22900
22900, RE: shout out to 'funny games' and 'the strangers'
Posted by BrainChild, Fri Oct-14-11 11:38 AM
>why the fuck is mean bully cokehead girl the new bff? does
>that make sense to any of y'all?

yeah, the bully's experience down in the basement was obviously a life altering moment, and Violet is probably the only person she could talk to about it freely.

>>why the fuck wld cheating hubby give the jealous pregnant
>beatpiece his phone? i was like, 'come on, bro...'

umm, she probably had the number from when they were creeping back in boston. keep in mind that he got caught screwing her in his own house, in his own bed. he's not too bright when it comes to cheating on his wife.

>why the fuck wld he tell the family-murdering burnt guy awl
>his personal biz like that? y'all boys now? come on, bro

dude has a lot on his mind... his sidepiece just told him that she's pregnant with his kid, one of his patients is jerking off to thoughts of his daughter.... he probably just needed someone to listen to him talk about his problems, just like he's always listening to other people and theirs.

>how easy was it for the viv and vi to escape the crazy murder
>crew? very? too? yeah

they were a bunch of amateur copycats. (also, anyone notice that the dude was the "retarded" rapper from Sunny?)

>and why didn't viv get sick from eating the ipecake? did she
>eat it or not?

she didn't eat it.