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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives (TV)
Topic subjectshout out to 'funny games' and 'the strangers'
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=30&topic_id=22842&mesg_id=22896
22896, shout out to 'funny games' and 'the strangers'
Posted by tex, Thu Oct-13-11 06:45 AM
but this one was kinda blah
too much 'wtf' going on

why the fuck is mean bully cokehead girl the new bff? does that make sense to any of y'all?

why the fuck wld cheating hubby give the jealous pregnant beatpiece his phone? i was like, 'come on, bro...'

why the fuck wld he tell the family-murdering burnt guy awl his personal biz like that? y'all boys now? come on, bro

how easy was it for the viv and vi to escape the crazy murder crew? very? too? yeah

and why didn't viv get sick from eating the ipecake? did she eat it or not?

i'ma STILL keep watching, but this show obviously expects me to not just *suspend* disbelief, but to basically chop it up into little bits and bury it in the basement

i know horror movie white folk traditionally can't run thru the woods without falling, and do unexplainable stupid shit, but come on


jessica lange and lil mongo are my favorite characters so far. can't wait to get into their back-story

rosemary's babydaddy