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Topic subjectWhat's on your list of essential Roots songs?
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177852, What's on your list of essential Roots songs?
Posted by souleditor9, Thu Aug-14-08 08:45 AM
My friend Tina and I went to see the Roots and Jill Scott in MD two weeks ago, and she has been completely converted to being a fan (Thanks in part to Kirk's AMAZING "You Got Me" solo!).

I promised her that I would make her a CD of the "essential" Roots songs that she needed to have. I'm having a hard time narrowing down the essentials. Here's what I have so far:

1. Proceed, Pt. 1
2. Proceed, Pt.2
3. Concerto of the Desperado
4. The Next Movement
5. Dynamite
6. Double Trouble
7. Love of My Life
8. You Got Me (Live)
9. Thought @ Work
10. The Seed
11. Break You Off
12. Complexity
13. Star
14. Don't Say Nuthin'
15. Web
16. Boom
17. Don't Feel Right
18. Take it There
19. Here I Come
20. Lost Desire
21. Rising Up
22. What You Want

What's on your list of Roots essentials? Anything else I am missing or that I should include?
177860, no Silent Treatment?
Posted by young_frose, Thu Aug-14-08 10:36 AM
178274, lol right!
Posted by labcoat, Mon Aug-25-08 01:06 PM
177863, no mellow my man?
Posted by krayzeeboi38, Thu Aug-14-08 11:17 AM
177864, no DinDaDa?
Posted by gravity508, Thu Aug-14-08 11:25 AM
177865, No Concerto of the Desperado or Lazy Afternoon
Posted by josephmurf2384, Thu Aug-14-08 11:29 AM
177889, #3
Posted by nicknice, Thu Aug-14-08 02:10 PM
177866, RE: What's on your list of essential Roots songs?
Posted by humchan2k, Thu Aug-14-08 11:30 AM
Normally this sort of post ain't something I get involved in...but C'MON MAYNE, how is this even close to an essential tracklist?

You're telling me that you're only going to put 1 song from Illadelph Halflife on there, are you f'ing kidding me!?!? Where's Push Up Ya Lighter? Where's What They Do?!?! Illadelph is at WORST their 2nd best record, you need to represent that record a bit, take something Boom or Break You Off offa there...those tracks can't touch anything else on Illadelph.

Son, you gotta get your priorities straight. :)
177870, What They Do
Posted by phillyjawn, Thu Aug-14-08 11:55 AM
177895, RE: What They Do
Posted by las raises, Thu Aug-14-08 03:02 PM
came here to post this
177934, me too plus
Posted by rare, Fri Aug-15-08 06:11 AM
Lazy Afternoon.
177873, what about swept away?
Posted by gravity508, Thu Aug-14-08 12:38 PM
177886, I think it depends what you're considering "essential"
Posted by excaluber, Thu Aug-14-08 01:47 PM
I put together a list for my girl friend awhile ago, it was quite different, but it was a lotta their live staples so she could better enjoy all the shows i was gonna bring her to.

But if you're going for a list to describe their work, or whom they are as a group, then ya i'd say you're missing some...heh

"you think its my group simply because im the only one round here whose solution to dealing with fans and journalists isn't punch em in the eye lol"
177887, 100% DUNDEE & Table Of Contents Pts.1-3
Posted by kelvinmercerlookalike, Thu Aug-14-08 02:04 PM

177894, RE: What's on your list of essential Roots songs?
Posted by Superwit, Thu Aug-14-08 03:00 PM
>My friend Tina and I went to see the Roots and Jill Scott in
>MD two weeks ago, and she has been completely converted to
>being a fan (Thanks in part to Kirk's AMAZING "You Got Me"
>I promised her that I would make her a CD of the "essential"
>Roots songs that she needed to have. I'm having a hard time
>narrowing down the essentials. Here's what I have so far:
>1. Proceed, Pt. 1
>2. Proceed, Pt.2
>3. Concerto of the Desperado
>4. The Next Movement
>5. Dynamite
>6. Double Trouble
>7. Love of My Life
>8. You Got Me (Live)
>9. Thought @ Work
>10. The Seed
>11. Break You Off
>12. Complexity
>13. Star
>14. Don't Say Nuthin'
>15. Web
>16. Boom
>17. Don't Feel Right
>18. Take it There
>19. Here I Come
>20. Lost Desire
>21. Rising Up
>22. What You Want
>What's on your list of Roots essentials? Anything else I am
>missing or that I should include?

Thats a hard one to nail down -
Popcorn, Grits - where is the organix love?

I also would have to have some of the cuts off the Homegrown album - ie: The Seed with Martin Luther over Cody Chestnutt....

I would remove Break You Off - not my favorite but I don't dislike the song - I actually love when the beat changes in that song.....
Also Don't say nothing is not on my essential list.....Unless my list could go on forever........

What about more off the new album?
I wlll not aplogize or I can't help it - or even Rising Down -

Oh - WHAT THEY DO!!!!! Duh! I was missing that one.....that is in my top 5.
177900, My list
Posted by weston24, Thu Aug-14-08 05:23 PM
Sticking to 22 tracks but I'm guessing it would be too long for a CD.

1. Good Music
2. Mellow My Man
3. Swept Away
4. Silent Treatment
5. Push Up Ya Lighter
6. What They Do
7. Concerto Of Desperado
8. Clones
9. The Next Movement
10. Double Trouble
11. Love Of My Life
12. 100% Dundee
13. You Got Me
14. Thought @ Work
15. Water
16. Star
17. Web
18. Game Theory
19. Here I Come
20. Clock With No Hands
21. I Can't Help It
22. Rising Up
177976, When I introduce cats to the Roots...First and Foremost...
Posted by scribalartz, Fri Aug-15-08 05:18 PM
...is the jam that got me first...this is the song that made BT my favorite Emcee.

What goes on Pt 7
Yo, niggaz can not see me, can not be me or
capture the metaphoric phrase blasted off stage when I tour
I am but a messanger born to blow up
My niggaz knew it all the time, lyrically I was a dime
At the age of nine, shorty Black, could rhyme
On the mic I never wasted time, I'm, the exquisite wizard
when I visit shorties I hit it I'm cool as a blizzard
Nigga what? You wanna bust your fronts, with the butter, my
black paper chase ya and then erase ya rhyme
Sucker, MC's how I hate it when you waste your time
My state of mind, shine like it's diamond studded
I'm rhyme budded on stage, word is bond, when I'm on, I rage
Got the 12 gauge had the reci-play, inter-terrestrial-ly
My everyday M.O. is gettin dough cause times is rougher
than a mother for brothers to scuffle shuffle your cards kid
Cause the odds is, niggaz'll hustle and live, foul
This wild environment hostile produce, the music in me
So my style's the blend of what is and was
You could get a buzz from it, but enter too deep
and reach a summit you fall and then plummit beyond real
Where you're killed if your raps ain't ill
Another crab motherf**ker 'nother cap to peel
Through these amps, I motivate camps to dance
Niggaz too advanced, I warn, I'm just tellin you what goes on
177979, RE: What's on your list of essential Roots songs?
Posted by bert07, Fri Aug-15-08 06:51 PM
First off your gonna need at least 2 cd's. How you figure you're gonna get ten cd's worth of "Essential" one 1 cd? You ain't. Pick a few more & give her 2.

"All life is interrelated. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly." - Martin Luther King

"Some men see things as they are and ask,'Why?' I dream of things that never were and ask, 'Why not?'" - Robert F. Kennedy
178009, my list
Posted by NAffy5488, Sat Aug-16-08 04:27 PM
1. Proceed
2. Lazy Afternoon
3. You Aint Fly
4. Section
5. What They Do
6. Clones
7. The Next Movement
8. Dynamite!
9. Act Too...
10. You Got Me
11. Thought @ Work
12. The Seed (2.0)
13. Water
14. Star
15. Guns Are Drawn
16. Web
17. Boom!
18. Game Theory
19. In The Music
20. Here I Come
21. Get Busy
22. Rising Up

this being if i only get 22 tracks (like you did)
but after doing this, i realized that there's no way to make an "essential" roots playlist with just 22 tracks, there's no way
i had to leave some tracks off due to lack of space that i know should be on this playlist
178014, RE: my list
Posted by Eugene Young, Sat Aug-16-08 10:12 PM
Adrenaline anyone?
178019, Home Grown! The Beginner's Guide to Understanding the Roots
Posted by High Chief, Sun Aug-17-08 05:50 AM
Vol. 1 & 2?
178191, RE: Home Grown! The Beginner's Guide to Understanding the Roots
Posted by kay13, Thu Aug-21-08 11:01 PM
yeah pretty much
and then feed her the entire GT and RD albums!

Currently Playing:

Athlete- Tourist
Asheru- Insomnia
Deerhoof- Friend Opportunity
Miho- Drop By Drop
The Roots- Organix
178083, RE: What's on your list of essential Roots songs?
Posted by muted, Mon Aug-18-08 06:12 PM
i got a pre- rising down roots cd that flows beautifully and everybody (roots fan or not) has been amazed at this joint... try it at home... if you like it i got de la, comm, busta, etc. joints too.


1. i'm out deah
2. act too... the love of my life
3. swept away
4. clock with no hands
5. no great pretender
6. somebody's gotta do it
7. sacrifice
8. stay cool
9. common dust
10. push up ya lighter
11. step into the realm
12. distortion to static
13. concerto of the desperado
14. long time
15. adrenaline
16. rolling with heat
17. duck down
18. don't feel right
19. quills
178131, RE: What's on your list of essential Roots songs?
Posted by Boutbidnis, Wed Aug-20-08 02:34 PM
DING-DING-DING!!!.....there u go player!!! the 1st post including -" No great pretender" that was and still is 1 of my ALL TIME roots favorites. that jawn is THE SHIT! .......malik b zoned the fuck out on that peice rite there!......still waiting to hear that shit live b4 i leave this earth.
178094, No Alibi? 100% Dundee? The Notic?
Posted by BrklynzFinestPR, Tue Aug-19-08 07:50 AM
178190, RE: No Alibi? 100% Dundee? The Notic?
Posted by Eugene Young, Thu Aug-21-08 10:48 PM
>"Change the order there's no way we can rock after them/ my man sport the 'fro like 'What's Happenin'/ from the latest hiatus The Roots back again!"

178096, Here's the thing: you gotta take different eras into account
Posted by Invisiblist, Tue Aug-19-08 09:39 AM
and moods and styles. And sequence that in a way that makes the most sense. Chronological would be close.
178099, my double cd
Posted by illeagle, Tue Aug-19-08 11:31 AM
For the person who is new to The Roots, I'd make them a double CD consisting of (not in this order, and I'm sure I'd throw in a "Da Jawn" and/or "Rhymes and Ammo" and some interludes):

1. Pass the Popcorn
2. Good Music
3. Proceed
4. Mellow My Man
5. Datskat
6. Lazy Afternoon
7. Swept Away
8. Essaywhuman?!!!??!
8. Silent Treatment
9. Respond/React
10. Panic!!!!!
11. Episodes
12. What They Do
13. ? vs. Scratch
14. Concerto of the Desperado
15. Clones
16. No Alibi
17. Ital (The Univeral Side)
18. The Next Movement
19. Dynamite!
20. Without a Doubt
21. Ain't Sayin Nothin New
22. Act Too
23. 100% Dundee
24. Adrenaline!
25. You Got Me
26. Rock You
27. Thought @ Work
28. Water
29. Guns Are Drawn
30. Game Theory
31. In the Music
32. Take It There
33. Here I Come
34. Long Time
35. Livin in a New World
36. Atonement
37. Criminal
38. I Can't Help It
39. Singing Man
40. Rising Up
178184, illadelph halflife
Posted by brainiac, Thu Aug-21-08 07:48 PM
and the tipping point


No Alibi
Stay Cool
Guns Are Drawn
Don't Say Nuthin'
Why? (What's Goin On)

those two albums have a pretty diverse representation of the Roots many styles, IMO, and then after those two albums Game Theory & Rising Down
178231, RE: What's on your list of essential Roots songs?
Posted by rightobehostile, Sat Aug-23-08 11:19 AM
woah, no respond-react? i don't see enough illadelph halflife in there.
178273, I love "Y'all Know Who"
Posted by J_Bear29, Mon Aug-25-08 12:59 PM
Probably my favorite non-album Roots song.... almost like a foreshadow of the stripped down drums and thought songs they've been doing on the last few albums (i.e. 75 Bars, Web)

Most people die with their music still locked up inside them.
-- Benjamin Disraeli
