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Forum nameOkayplayer News Discussion
Topic subjectits a lil different than "i own this set"
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=185686&mesg_id=185703
185703, its a lil different than "i own this set"
Posted by 15, Sun Aug-02-09 08:28 PM
once you become a endorsee every yahmaha kit is yours.
tech will call local rental spot (every city has a S.I.R. or equal to it)
and instead of paying the "rental fee" ($500) they forgo it and just charge for shipping and set up fee ($100) that's basically the perks of being an endorsee

company you with provides instruments to a instrument rental spot.

most musicians and promotors use these companies to provide instruments and soundboards and lights and stuff for shows, parties, banquets and concerts

if you endorse a company then said company makes sure that you aren't charged a fee for rentals.

so 99% of the time every set you see me on comes from a rental spot.

yah makes me 2 kits a year. so i guess somewhere in this world there are about 20+ sets lying around with my name on em. some in storage. some get used by whatever band i adopt at the moment (i guess elevator fight is using my kit now) its not i go home and say "imma play my drum set right now" ---i mean i got 4 kits at studio i use for album--guess im just saying once you become an endorsee you lose count?

yahmaha owns the fallon set.

that is the 5th yahmaha set ever made. came straight from the museum in japan---i have NO clue as to why they trust me so much with a priceless relic. im nervous (they asked the green tape for iranian justice/solidarity i had on there a month ago be move as to not ruin the precious finish. they are building me this "phoenix" kit which takes about 7 months to make (wood is a certain cut) im still waiting.