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Forum nameR.I.P. J DILLA (1974 - 2006)
Topic subjectanother sad day in hip hop
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=27&topic_id=1&mesg_id=336
336, another sad day in hip hop
Posted by kdarkwa, Sun Feb-12-06 08:19 PM
Hip hop today has lost another influential innovator. Even though, he will not be remembered as the likes of Notorious BIG, Big L, Tupac, Aalliay, etc....he mae a very big imapct in my life. JD was my inspiation into finally start Djing and hosting my radio show in college. I made a point to play his innovative music along with other underrated producer and MCs. I am truly sadden by this.

If you guys have a chance, my friend, DJ Ivan, will be dedicating his show to JDilla on Carnegie Mellon University college radio. Here is the link....

My condolonces go to JDilla's family and friends. May he Rest in Peace.