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Forum nameR.I.P. J DILLA (1974 - 2006)
Topic subjectRIP J Dilla
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=27&topic_id=1&mesg_id=172
172, RIP J Dilla
Posted by ihatemasfonos, Fri Feb-10-06 09:16 PM
I just thought this thing Prozack posted up on his myspace really captured how a lot of people feel...

Jay Dee,
Things will never be the same. You were my all time favorite. I was honored to have worked with you and kick it the few times we did. It meant more to me than you'll ever know. You inspired me and everyone who ever heard your music. I haven't had a conversation about hip hop producers in the last ten years, where your name didn't come up as the best. I always loved playing your music for folks who hadn't heard it before and watching their reactions at your genius. You made so many people happy, and so many hip hop producers better, just by your influence.I promise that I will do all I can to keep your name and music alive by sharing it with the people in my life. Thank you Dilla for inspiring me to make music. I didn't know you well, but you were always mad polite and laughed at my stupid jokes and you didn't have the ego that most people with your talent would've had. I am so very saddened right now, and angry. My prayers go out to your family. I truly love your music, always..Prozack Turner

I would like to say that I'm sick over this shit. I just keep listening to "Don't Cry" over and over... I would like to say to everyone affected by this: stay strong and god bless and peace to Jay Dee.