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Forum nameMake The Music
Topic subjectMy album is out – now what?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=26&topic_id=49550&mesg_id=49550
49550, My album is out – now what?
Posted by biscuit, Tue Jul-12-16 10:43 AM
My album "Common Denominator" is out now and up on both iTunes and Google Play. Spotify and others to come via Distrokid.



This was kind of a casual release of tracks I've assembled over time. Some more polished than others.

What do you guys recommend for promotion? I'm not obsessed with trying to sell a lot, just some. Would be nice to get it out there, but it's not a monumental mission for me.

Thoughts? Feel free to drop critique here as well if you care to.