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Forum nameMake The Music
Topic subjectMy album is out – now what?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=26&topic_id=49550
49550, My album is out – now what?
Posted by biscuit, Tue Jul-12-16 10:43 AM
My album "Common Denominator" is out now and up on both iTunes and Google Play. Spotify and others to come via Distrokid.



This was kind of a casual release of tracks I've assembled over time. Some more polished than others.

What do you guys recommend for promotion? I'm not obsessed with trying to sell a lot, just some. Would be nice to get it out there, but it's not a monumental mission for me.

Thoughts? Feel free to drop critique here as well if you care to.
49564, Promote...promote...promote.
Posted by Shogun, Wed Nov-16-16 09:38 AM
Bottom line, you have to promote your release. Don't rely on your friends to buy it. They'll SAY they will, but they won't.

Take out an ad ( if you can afford it ) in your local 'zine.
Make some stickers and post them up around town.
Tell any, and everybody you know that you have a release out.
Build yourself a Discogs page, and keep it up to date.

Most importantly, DON'T believe the hype about giving your music away for free. It doesn't help you. If you want, you can hit off a few DJ's that you've built personal relationships with, but don't send blasts out. Nobody responds to them, and you've basically cheapened your own product. The whole "it'll bring you exposure" thing is a lie. People will NEVER buy your material if they get used to getting it for free.

Good luck.