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Topic subjectAfter the 2nd viewing...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=5872&mesg_id=6034
6034, After the 2nd viewing...
Posted by Ryan M, Sat Oct-11-03 05:50 PM
Yeah, I went today again...just had to see it again. I feel a small obsession coming on.

The film as a whole is brilliant. The use of music is straight off the hook (downloaded the soundtrack and I'm seriously considering buying it), especially the slow motion shot of O-Ren Ishii, Gogo, etc. The shot where The Bride is in the bathroom and the camera goes all around the room adjacent to it is mind boggling (how QT pulled that one off, I dont know)...

Overall it was just a straight up dope, entertaining, brilliant film. As it stands (and granted, this is fresh) it's my 2nd favorite Tarantino film. The style of it all alone is amazing. I for one am glad they cut it into two (except the whole having to wait for the 2nd half thing) because some people wouldn't have liked it as much...about 70% of the audience at any given showing would be pulled out of the story just due to the length (we're talking near 4 hours here people).

Didn't this one fly by? Felt like 45 minutes tops.

The House of the Blue Leaves chapter should go down as one of the greatest action sequences of all time...it is just brilliant.

I'm just glad I can now open this thread...I tried real real hard not to read ANYTHING about Kill Bill prior to me seeing it. Damn its just so good.