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Topic subjectOh, MEL... so drunk... so racist... so 'fucked' (swipe)
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48573, Oh, MEL... so drunk... so racist... so 'fucked' (swipe)
Posted by ZooTown74, Sat Jul-29-06 01:54 AM
from tmz.com:

>Gibson's Anti-Semitic Tirade -- Alleged Cover Up

Posted Jul 28th 2006 9:15PM by TMZ Staff
Filed under: Celebrity Justice, Train Wrecks

TMZ has learned that Mel Gibson went on a rampage when he was arrested Friday on suspicion of drunk driving, hurling religious epithets. TMZ has also learned that the Los Angeles County Sheriff's department had the initial report doctored to keep the real story under wraps.

TMZ has four pages of the original report prepared by the arresting officer in the case, L.A. County Sheriff's Deputy James Mee. According to the report, Gibson became agitated after he was stopped on Pacific Coast Highway and told he was to be detained for drunk driving Friday morning in Malibu. The actor began swearing uncontrollably. Gibson repeatedly said, "My life is f****d." Law enforcement sources say the deputy, worried that Gibson might become violent, told the actor that he was supposed to cuff him but would not, as long as Gibson cooperated. As the two stood next to the hood of the patrol car, the deputy asked Gibson to get inside. Deputy Mee then walked over to the passenger door and opened it. The report says Gibson then said, "I'm not going to get in your car," and bolted to his car. The deputy quickly subdued Gibson, cuffed him and put him inside the patrol car.

Once inside the car, a source directly connected with the case says Gibson began banging himself against the seat. The report says Gibson told the deputy, "You mother f****r. I'm going to f*** you." The report also says "Gibson almost continually (sic) threatened me saying he 'owns Malibu' and will spend all of his money to 'get even' with me."

The report says Gibson then launched into a barrage of anti-Semitic statements: "F*****g Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"

The deputy became alarmed as Gibson's tirade escalated, and called ahead for a sergeant to meet them when they arrived at the station. When they arrived, a sergeant began videotaping Gibson, who noticed the camera and then said, "What the f*** do you think you're doing?"

A law enforcement source says Gibson then noticed another female sergeant and yelled, "What do you think you're looking at, sugar tits?"

We're told Gibson took two blood alcohol tests, which were videotaped, and continued saying how "f****d" he was and how he was going to "f***" Deputy Mee.

Gibson was put in a cell with handcuffs on. He said he needed to urinate, and after a few minutes tried manipulating his hands to unzip his pants. Sources say Deputy Mee thought Gibson was going to urinate on the floor of the booking cell and asked someone to take Gibson to the bathroom.

After leaving the bathroom, Gibson then demanded to make a phone call. He was taken to a pay phone and, when he didn't get a dial tone, we're told Gibson threw the receiver against the phone. Deputy Mee then warned Gibson that if he damaged the phone he could be charged with felony vandalism. We're told Gibson was then asked, and refused, to sign the necessary paperwork and was thrown in a detox cell.

Deputy Mee then wrote an eight-page report detailing Gibson's rampage and comments. Sources say the sergeant on duty felt it was too "inflammatory." A lieutenant and captain then got involved and calls were made to Sheriff's headquarters. Sources say Mee was told Gibson's comments would incite a lot of "Jewish hatred," that the situation in Israel was "way too inflammatory." It was mentioned several times that Gibson, who wrote, directed, and produced 2004's "The Passion of the Christ," had incited "anti-Jewish sentiment" and "For a drunk driving arrest, is this really worth all that?"

We're told Deputy Mee was then ordered to write another report, leaving out the incendiary comments and conduct. Sources say Deputy Mee was told the sanitized report would eventually end up in the media and that he could write a supplemental report that contained the redacted information -- a report that would be locked in the watch commander's safe.

Initially, a Sheriff's official told TMZ the arrest occurred "without incident." On Friday night, Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore told TMZ: "The L.A. County Sheriff's Department investigation into the arrest of Mr. Gibson on suspicion of driving under the influence will be complete and will contain every factual piece of evidence. Nothing will be sanitized. There was absolutely no favoritism shown to this suspect or any other. When this file is presented to the Los Angeles County District Attorney, it will contain everything. Nothing will be left out."

Gibson's rep Alan Nierob tells TMZ: "We are unaware of any of the information you mentioned in your email pertaining to a police report."

Link to the original report (which is handwritten and kinda hard to read):

As of right now, "Where's Olive?" is the new "Both teams played hard, my man."
48574, yikes
Posted by Deebot, Sat Jul-29-06 01:56 AM
48575, kikes
Posted by Ceej, Sat Jul-29-06 09:24 AM
48576, touche
Posted by Kungset, Sat Jul-29-06 11:37 PM
48577, WWJD?
Posted by Mynoriti, Sat Jul-29-06 02:08 AM
48578, First, turn water to wine
Posted by DubSpt, Sat Jul-29-06 02:24 AM
Done and done.

48579, Are they sure they didn't arrest Mike Tyson by mistake?
Posted by nipsey, Sat Jul-29-06 08:04 AM

>The report
>says Gibson told the deputy, "You mother f****r. I'm going to
>f*** you."

>We're told Gibson took two blood alcohol tests, which were
>videotaped, and continued saying how "f****d" he was and how
>he was going to "f***" Deputy Mee.

My Space-->http://www.myspace.com/nipseyrussell
48580, .. there was no mention of eating the deputy's children ..
Posted by Samurai_Shampoo, Sat Jul-29-06 08:50 AM
so no, not Mike Tyson.
48581, Perhaps it was left out of the report?
Posted by Bridgetown, Sat Jul-29-06 10:22 AM
48582, RE: Oh, MEL... so drunk... so racist... so 'fucked' (swipe)
Posted by CaptainGenerica, Sat Jul-29-06 10:10 AM
i love how news sites are saying SUSPICION of dui. i bet gibson gets a slap on the wrist or else the christian community will be up in arms.
48583, It happened in LA.
Posted by kurlyswirl, Sat Jul-29-06 02:17 PM
The Christians are way outnumbered. If he gets a slap on the wrist, the Jews will be up in arms. ;-)

> i bet
>gibson gets a slap on the wrist or else the christian
>community will be up in arms.


kurly's Super-Duper Awesome DVD Collection:
48584, ha
Posted by bshelly, Sat Jul-29-06 11:05 AM
48585, What would Jesus do?
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat Jul-29-06 11:19 AM
I'm sorry, I had to.
48586, *Runs to copyright office for the term 'Jail Gibson'*
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat Jul-29-06 11:20 AM
Posted by Mgmt, Sat Jul-29-06 11:49 AM
48588, lol
Posted by HighVoltage, Sat Jul-29-06 09:33 PM
48589, They should have let him piss, then video taped him...
Posted by Mr Mech, Sat Jul-29-06 11:25 AM
48590, isn't this guy Irish?
Posted by Mgmt, Sat Jul-29-06 11:46 AM
I mean, what do you expect?

LOL @ sugar tits
48591, Zionists spiked his iced tea.
Posted by bignick, Sat Jul-29-06 12:48 PM
48592, That was my reaction.
Posted by CliffDogg, Sat Jul-29-06 07:56 PM
48593, Here's how I know this is fake
Posted by Adwhizz, Sat Jul-29-06 03:12 PM

>Gibson was put in a cell with handcuffs on. He said he needed
>to urinate, and after a few minutes tried manipulating his
>hands to unzip his pants. Sources say Deputy Mee thought
>Gibson was going to urinate on the floor of the booking cell
>and asked someone to take Gibson to the bathroom.

anyone who has seen lethal weapon 2 knows that Riggs KNOWS how to get out of handcuffs, even underwater
48594, *DEAD*
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Sat Jul-29-06 03:42 PM
48595, HA!
Posted by Calico, Sat Jul-29-06 05:11 PM
...and yeah, "sugar tits" was GREAT
48596, UPDATE: Mel 'Sugar Tits' Gibon sez, 'My Bad' (swipe)
Posted by ZooTown74, Sat Jul-29-06 05:28 PM
>Mel Gibson's Statement on Drunk Driving Arrest

From Associated Press
2:11 PM PDT,July 29 2006

The following is the complete text of Mel Gibson's statement regarding his arrest for investigation of driving under the influence of alcohol:

"After drinking alcohol on Thursday night, I did a number of things that were very wrong and for which I am ashamed. I drove a car when I should not have, and was stopped by the L.A. County sheriff's. The arresting officer was just doing his job and I feel fortunate that I was apprehended before I caused injury to any other person."

"I acted like a person completely out of control when I was arrested, and said things that I do not believe to be true and which are despicable. I am deeply ashamed of everything I said."

"Also, I take this opportunity to apologize to the deputies involved for my belligerent behavior. They have always been there for me in my community and indeed probably saved me from myself. I disgraced myself and my family with my behavior and for that I am truly sorry."

"I have battled the disease of alcoholism for all of my adult life and profoundly regret my horrific relapse. I apologize for any behavior unbecoming of me in my inebriated state and have already taken necessary steps to ensure my return to health."
As of right now, "Where's Olive?" is the new "Both teams played hard, my man."
48597, pussy...
Posted by Mr Mech, Sat Jul-29-06 06:16 PM
48598, So he blames the Jews for wars and alcoholism for this...
Posted by hideyaface, Sat Jul-29-06 06:53 PM
Someone needs a crash-course in self-responsibility.
48599, Yeah, riiiight...
Posted by kurlyswirl, Sat Jul-29-06 09:53 PM

> said things that I do not believe to be true and
>which are despicable. I am deeply ashamed of everything I


kurly's Super-Duper Awesome DVD Collection:
48600, Exactly the truth really comes out when you're drunk
Posted by Ceej, Sat Jul-29-06 11:11 PM
48601, he's so great
Posted by bshelly, Sat Jul-29-06 10:17 PM
48602, L Gibson...
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Sun Jul-30-06 12:46 PM
...take it, frame it, get some therapy meL.
Posted by Bridgetown, Sun Jul-30-06 05:13 PM
48604, LOL
Posted by Kungset, Sun Jul-30-06 06:14 PM
48605, (L)ethal Weapon.
Posted by daps1, Tue Aug-01-06 03:53 PM
48606, It was a cry for help
Posted by Nettrice, Sun Jul-30-06 07:52 AM
Intervention time!
48607, you think?
Posted by biscuit, Sun Jul-30-06 12:21 PM
48608, *pokes head in doorway*
Posted by Mgmt, Sun Jul-30-06 11:45 AM

48609, Tit-terniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Posted by Majik43, Sun Jul-30-06 12:23 PM

<-- Too intelligent for BET
48610, LOL!
Posted by JRennolds, Tue Aug-01-06 10:27 PM
48611, Wasn't Jesus a Jew?
Posted by biscuit, Sun Jul-30-06 12:23 PM
48612, yeah but Jesus didn't bomb Lebanon.
Posted by broke, Tue Aug-01-06 08:20 PM
48613, bah-dum-bum
Posted by skilly_fools, Tue Aug-01-06 09:59 PM
48614, RE: Crazy Jerry lol. All facts no conspiracy.
Posted by maternalbliss, Sun Jul-30-06 04:28 PM
It has been well publicized that Mel's father is a Catholic taditionalist and is connected with several radical groups such as Opus Dei. Mel is an exetremely programmed religious fanatic. His serving as executive producer of the Passion of the Christ is proof of that. He is a a nut just like the one he played in Conspiracy theory.
48615, I'm not surprised
Posted by Mbutterfly, Sun Jul-30-06 07:11 PM
This is the same guy that said his episcopalian wife is going to hell.


If it was up to him she would be allowed in heaven, but it's not.
48616, RE: Damn Lol
Posted by maternalbliss, Mon Jul-31-06 01:21 PM
How did this dumb fuck ever make it in Hollywood?
He must have had some serious handlers.

> This is the same guy that said his episcopalian wife is
>going to hell.
> If it was up to him she would be allowed in heaven, but it's
48617, aaaand avy
Posted by soul creator, Mon Jul-31-06 03:46 PM

<---mel gibson on how to properly approach a female
48618, Mel to Jews: Sorry guys, let's meet and talk about it.
Posted by CMcMurtry, Tue Aug-01-06 03:09 PM
"There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of Anti-Semitic remark. I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested on a DUI charge.

I am a public person, and when I say something, either articulated and thought out, or blurted out in a moment of insanity, my words carry weight in the public arena. As a result, I must assume personal responsibility for my words and apologize directly to those who have been hurt and offended by those words.

The tenets of what I profess to believe necessitate that I exercise charity and tolerance as a way of life. Every human being is God's child, and if I wish to honor my God I have to honor his children. But please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite. I am not a bigot. Hatred of any kind goes against my faith.

I'm not just asking for forgiveness. I would like to take it one step further, and meet with leaders in the Jewish community, with whom I can have a one on one discussion to discern the appropriate path for healing.

I have begun an ongoing program of recovery and what I am now realizing is that I cannot do it alone. I am in the process of understanding where those vicious words came from during that drunken display, and I am asking the Jewish community, whom I have personally offended, to help me on my journey through recovery. Again, I am reaching out to the Jewish community for its help. I know there will be many in that community who will want nothing to do with me, and that would be understandable. But I pray that that door is not forever closed.

This is not about a film. Nor is it about artistic license. This is about real life and recognizing the consequences hurtful words can have. It's about existing in harmony in a world that seems to have gone mad."
48619, I wish everybody would take responsibility for their fuckups like Mel is trying
Posted by broke, Tue Aug-01-06 08:22 PM
48620, oh sure, the jews get an apology
Posted by buckshot defunct, Tue Aug-01-06 08:58 PM
But what about sugar tits?
48621, why doesn't his apology carry any weight?
Posted by shockzilla, Tue Aug-01-06 10:36 PM
sober, rational thought should be more important than drunken ranting, surely?
48622, Because most people wouldn't say those things when drunk
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Aug-01-06 10:46 PM
I mean, I can see someone maybe throwing a couple of regrettable epithets out there but his shit was pretty out there. Sugar tits can be explained away by an apology but I'm not sure many drunken bafoons stammer that Jews are the reasons for all the wars in the world today. It's just not something that rolls off the tongue when in a state of rage. I mean, you aren't going to make that up out of nowhere.

The only way that he could have gotten out of this would be to copping to some of his beliefs. If he said that he isn't an anti-Semite but has serious misgivings about the situation in Israel and feels strongly that they are causing more harm than good in the Middle East or some shit like that then he might have come out a tiny bit cleaner. But to be like, "What did I say? Oh man, that's crazy. I can't believe I said that. My bad" doesn't really play.

48623, to claim that 'the jews are responsible for all the world's wars'
Posted by shockzilla, Wed Aug-02-06 02:25 AM
and the rest of his carrying on was obviously bloody stupid and indefensible.

and surely not random

it would seem a likely guess that he's been upset- as many of us have been- about what israel has been doing to lebanon. however, given his father's rather dubious history, and the things that he said, it would seem that he does hold or has a tendency to anti-semitic beliefs.

having made this mistake, what is mel to do though?

from his latest statement:

"Every human being is God's child, and if I wish to honour my God I have to honour his children," Gibson, a Catholic who has battled alcoholism for 30 years, said in his latest release.

"But please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite.

"I am not a bigot.

"Hatred of any kind goes against my faith.

"I'm not just asking for forgiveness.

"I would like to take it one step further, and meet with leaders in the Jewish community, with whom I can have a one-on-one discussion to discern the appropriate path for healing."

what more can he do or should he do?
48624, His apology = Tom Cruise getting married
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Aug-02-06 04:10 AM
It doesn't matter. People have seen what they've seen and think what they think. Tom can have a sex tape come out and everyone's still going to think he's gay and crazy.

Gibson can apologize for what he says and claim he isn't a bigot but nobody's buying it. It's going to take a lot of time for him to live this down. This will be part of his public image for the rest of his life.

Also, he simply hasn't explained how that came out. Drunk isn't an answer. He has to give some rationale explanation for why he would go off like that. Other people have been drunk and not done what he did just like other people have been in love and not jumped up and down like a wacko on a couch. His apology doesn't play.
48625, i think the key thing to remember
Posted by rob, Wed Aug-02-06 05:34 AM
is that this isn't an isolated incident. gibson has had a recent track record which seems to point towards bigotry. it's not the drunken words that are talking, it's the moves and movies he made.

whats in insulting is that he's going the "i'm admitting i have a problem" route without REALLY addressing what about mel needs to be changed. he's not really taking responsibility for being a bigot with fame/money/power and an agenda. he's only taking responsibility for saying some stupid shit while drunk.

if you let loose some other lover's name in bed, you don't get off without someone expecting a THOROUGH investigation of your fidelity. mel seems to be going for a "sorry there jews. i ain't gonna lie, she looked pretty sexy, but it was wrong of me to...but...yo...i didn't fuck her. honest. thats not the kind of relationships i believe in."

and we haven't even gotten into the whole defamation league, "hateful words", "harmony" shit. i'm so pissed off at everyone involved or who will become involved in this apology.

but maybe mel will come to see (or will be made to see) he has some atoning to do. we can hope.
48626, i'll admit upfront
Posted by shockzilla, Wed Aug-02-06 08:17 AM
i haven't seen 'the passion of the christ'- i simply have no interest in watching somebody be tortured and executed

that said, it seems to me that accusing the movie of promoting anti-semitism entirely misses the point of the story- in the same manner as the morons who've called jews 'christ-killers' or other such ridiculous slurs and justified anti-semitism thus.

it wasn't the jews who killed christ, it was humanity. the whole theology falls apart if christ doesn't die because of and for all of humanity. and jesus' whole purpose was to die in the place of sinful humanity (john 3:16, and all that)

but that's by the by

the fact is that gibson has made a reprehensible error and will have to reap the consequences

'apocalypto' is in all sorts of trouble, just for starters
48627, RE: i'll admit upfront
Posted by biscuit, Wed Aug-02-06 07:52 PM
you're not missing much. worst movie ever made.
48628, I was really worried this was about Mel Brooks
Posted by sfMatt, Tue Aug-01-06 03:13 PM
48629, *rimshot*
Posted by biscuit, Wed Aug-02-06 07:52 PM
48630, Did you see the Colbert Report last night?
Posted by explizit, Tue Aug-01-06 03:57 PM
LMFAO!! He had this skit about him, farrakhan, iranian president-dijjimpdidddyjihad, and mel gibsons dad partying, playing a drinking game where they looked through the newspaper and everytime they saw a zionist plot they had to take shots! it was fucking funny.
48631, Straight ethered his anti-semite ass; isht was hysterical, fam!!!!!
Posted by JRennolds, Tue Aug-01-06 10:25 PM
Colbert killed it.
48632, (some of) Hollywood to Mel: Fuck you, you racist motherfucker (swipe)
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Aug-01-06 08:43 PM
from Nikki Finke:

>More Hollywood power players speak up publicly about the slur scandal. Today's Los Angeles Times beats The New York Times' coverage of the Mel Gibson slur scandal fallout by a mile. That's because of the article by Claudia Eller and Claire Hoffman featuring "several prominent Hollywood figures broke the industry's silence by publicly condemning the star."

Quoted first is Sony Pictures movie chairwoman Amy Pascal, who was the only studio chief to speak to the reporting pair on the record. "It's incredibly disappointing that somebody of his stature would speak out that way, especially at this sensitive time," she told the paper.

Next was producer Arnon Milchan, an Israeli citizen, who said: "To make all of your money from Jews in Hollywood, and then have a few drinks and say you hate Jews, is shocking. If you are so upset with the Jews, don't work for them."

Producer Jerry Weintraub is quoted calling Gibson "an old friend of mine. I am so sad, so hurt and so disappointed. I don't have words to express it. I really feel bad for him as a human being. I never knew this side of him."

Producer Laura Ziskin termed it "appalling. In a world in which there is so much hatred, and there is so much violence, to harbor those kinds of feelings … it is so sad." Asked by the paper about ever working with Gibson, Ziskin said: "I don't see that in my future."

Veteran talent manager Bernie Brillstein also told the LAT he would not work with Gibson. "If he calls me tomorrow, would I represent him? The answer is no. That doesn't make me right. I just don't like bigots."

Until this story, only Ari Emanuel and Oren Aviv had gone public about the Gibson slur scandal. ICM's Jeff Berg told the paper, "I hate what he said, and so does he. His remarks have created a first-class mess, and he has owned up to it. You cannot spin this. This is a question not of how low you can sink, but how you can dig yourself out of this hole." Berg told the LAT he was communicating the actor's remorse to his staff and clients. "We're not going to back away from him in a moment of need," Berg said. "Our goal is to help him, not judge him."
We gotta go, y'all
Tune in next week
Same time
Same boogie
48633, apparently, barbara walters doesn't want to
Posted by shockzilla, Tue Aug-01-06 10:34 PM
watch any more of his movies

which is too bad, because she was a HUGE lethal weapon fan
48634, On behalf of Jews everywhere: FUCK YOU, MUTHAFUCKER!
Posted by JRennolds, Tue Aug-01-06 10:23 PM
Move to Iran so we can bomb your ass next, hater!

And I'm not even Jewish but I support ISRAEL whole-heartidly!

Who caught NBC Nightly News' ethering on Tuesday?
48635, ur fucked in the head dude
Posted by araQual, Wed Aug-02-06 05:14 AM
48636, More comments like this and Mel could come out the good guy
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Aug-02-06 05:34 AM
48637, RE: On behalf of Jews everywhere: FUCK YOU, MUTHAFUCKER!
Posted by Starbaby Jones, Wed Aug-02-06 10:08 AM
>Move to Iran so we can bomb your ass next, hater!
>And I'm not even Jewish but I support ISRAEL whole-heartidly!

Yikes homie. You whole-heartedly support the bombing of innocent children? Please be joking.
48638, ^^^Idiots. THINK, YOU MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by JRennolds, Wed Aug-02-06 10:57 PM
First off, everybody in the ME wants to, or has attempted to destroy the state of Israel. It's about time the Israelis go on the offensive. Second, the IDF is not killing civilians; they are putting themselves in harm's way! A rocket-launcher pulls up next to your building, do you A) Get the fuck outta' there? B) If they are forcing you to stay, do you fight back? C) Why the fuck are you still in a warzone 14 days later? Get real, you ignorant chumps. Honestly...
48639, War crimes are FUN and informative too...!
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Thu Aug-03-06 12:09 AM
A) Get the fuck outta'

Nowhere to go. Active bombing and destruction of the infrastructure has made travel deadly in southern Lebanon.

B) If they are forcing you to stay, do you fight back?

No one is forcing anything. Civilians have nothing to fight with against Hammas or the IDF. If anything, the IDF's actions have done nothing but make civilians hate them more.

>C) Why the fuck are you still in a warzone 14 days later? Get
>real, you ignorant chumps. Honestly...

The IDF is systematically destroying all primary routes of travel. Getting out is not possible when local roads have been bombed out.
48640, Dude, come on...
Posted by JRennolds, Thu Aug-03-06 12:20 AM
>A) Get the fuck outta'
>Nowhere to go. Active bombing and destruction of the
>infrastructure has made travel deadly in southern Lebanon.

They were warned, Israel didn't force mandatory evacuations because it would have really soured public opinion even more. Many were smart and fled when they could...

>B) If they are forcing you to stay, do you fight back?
>No one is forcing anything. Civilians have nothing to fight
>with against Hammas or the IDF. If anything, the IDF's
>actions have done nothing but make civilians hate them more.

It's Hezbollah and the IDF is systematically targetting terrorists; their supporters have hunkered down with them. Face it, anti-semitism is the way of life in the Middle East. They have nothing to fight either force with? Then why the fuck are you sticking around? Terrorist supporters putting their children and loved ones in harm's way to die for fanaticism; martyrdom is whacked like that sometimes.

>>C) Why the fuck are you still in a warzone 14 days later?
>>real, you ignorant chumps. Honestly...
>The IDF is systematically destroying all primary routes of
>travel. Getting out is not possible when local roads have
>been bombed out.

Now they are, so that IRAN, SYRIA and the other anti-zionists supporters of Hezbollah can stop moving weapons, troops and intelligence to the frontlines.
48641, "Come on."...? Tony would be proud...
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Thu Aug-03-06 12:45 AM
>Many were smart and fled when they could...

When they could. That is key. The majority or Lebanese that are still there have nowhere to go. The country is still healing from conflicts in the past. The futher decimation of infrastructure and roads is making it harder for people still there to get out.

Also, people ARE trying to leave but with the indescriminate bombings and lack of supplies or even gauranteed shelter from open warfare, there is just as much chance of getting killed on busted up roads as you are in your own home.

"Aid Workers Predict New Refugee Displacement
Tens of thousands of Lebanese refugees are expected to once again be displaced as the Israeli bombing intensifies.

* International Red Cross spokesperson Roland Huguenin: "For more than 2 weeks the ICRC has been assisting civilian refugees in the south. They were living in shelters under the shelling. Today some of them decided to move north. The ICRC will go on helping them in their shelters in the south and wlll set up an operation of relief for those who made the decision to go up north."

Many Lebanese villages have yet to receive desperately needed aid. A U.N. spokesperson said Israel has tightened restrictions on the travel of relief convoys. Meanwhile, aid workers are also warning Lebanon is close to running out of fuel. Officials say there may be only two or three days’ supply left."

>It's Hezbollah and the IDF is systematically targetting

The IDF are targeting civilians and using Hezbollah as a scapegoat. Hezbollah soldiers are not killing civilians in southern Lebanon, the IDF is with their indescriminate use of force and unecessary tactics that do more to isolate even more civilians.

No one is justifying radicals, prejudice or the outrageous tactics of Hezbollah. The IDF is simply digging a deeper hole that will do noting more than stir up more radical sentiment, foster more hatred and usher in a new generation of soldiers for Hezbollah.

>>The IDF is systematically destroying all primary routes of
>>travel. Getting out is not possible when local roads have
>>been bombed out.
>Now they are, so that IRAN, SYRIA and the other anti-zionists
>supporters of Hezbollah can stop moving weapons, troops and
>intelligence to the frontlines.

Yes, this will go a long way to teach them all a lesson. It works every time. Eventually, killing all of those civilian "sympathisers" will show them who's boss and they'll come to their senses. Because all of those muslims are just hateful zealots out to do harm to Isreal.

"In one incident on Monday, Israeli missiles struck a convoy of trucks from the United Arab Emirates near the town of Zahleh as it approached Beirut from Syria, damaging or destroying three of the trucks, as well as four passenger vehicles. Washington Post and Agence France-Press reporters at the scene wrote that the trucks contained supplies of medicines, vegetable oil, sugar and rice. The Red Crescent Society of the United Arab Emirates (UAE RC) said in a statement that the convoy contained medical supplies and medicines, as well as several ambulances. The statement said that at least one person was killed. UAE officials have said that the convoy was clearly marked as a relief operation.

A Human Rights Watch researcher who saw the aftermath of the attack on Tuesday observed at the scene that the lead vehicle was completely burned out, and that a projectile had penetrated the cab of a second truck. A third truck was carrying what appeared to be large bags of flour or rice."

48642, thank u for shutting that jackass up
Posted by araQual, Thu Aug-03-06 02:58 AM
48643, ^^Thinks ignorance is bliss. "Don't believe the hype!" - Chuck
Posted by JRennolds, Mon Aug-07-06 09:50 PM
Araqual, move your ass over to Southern Lebanon and fight the IDF, supporter. The loss of civilian life is terrible but terrorism is the worst. I don't think you'd be a happy camper if you lived in Israel and relied on public transportation to get around. Again, the Israelis are just protecting their livelihoods; get a clue, Jack!
48644, "War Is A Testosterone Fueled Event" - Chuck D
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Mon Aug-07-06 10:55 PM
" I've always felt that the ridiculous feuding in the middle east is just some testosterone laden activity with religion as a front. Straight up stupid. Them idiots fighting over turf and land is a direct connect to the cavemans' prehistoric barbaric tendencies and tastes itself. No, I don't believe the Palestinian land should be bogarted but again all of this land belongs to who stuff is confusion as to regarding the future of the earth. The faces of civilians with the loss of family is so disgraceful that the world should ask all of the Jewish faith to detach themselves from Israel, because this thing ain't about religion its about old fashioned government, war and the very thing that other religious factions have been screaming about for years, zionism."

"...but I tell you what, if some folks continue to line their religious beliefs with a government that continues to present itself as the latest 'we'll blow you off the face of the earth if you don't agree with us nation', then people better start lining up to give Professor Griff and Mel Gibson some apologies real soon....."


*Flav-o-flav's out of post*
48645, so, if your local police force said they were bombing your hood
Posted by violence, Tue Aug-08-06 08:02 PM
to catch a murder suspect on the lam...

you would leave and go live in a homeless shelter?


the problem is not the PEOPLE, it's IDF's indiscriminate bombing.

they're even bombing neighborhoods where hezbollah opponents live, like the christian neighborhoods outside of beirut.

you think HZ is holed up there too?

48646, On behalf of all black people, I thank you for your support
Posted by KosherSam, Mon Aug-07-06 10:43 PM
48647, Rabbi makes Mel Yom Kippur keynote speaker? A-wha? (swipe)
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Aug-01-06 11:08 PM
Gibson's New Gig -- Yom Kippur Keynote Speaker?

Posted Aug 1st 2006 6:45PM by Harvey Levin

TMZ has obtained a letter from a prominent Los Angeles Rabbi asking Mel Gibson to speak at his temple on Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement.

Mel Gibson: ExclusiveIn the letter, David Baron, the Rabbi for the Temple of the Arts, the largest entertainment industry synagogue in the United States, wrote: "...I wish to invite you to come and speak in order that you might directly express to the Jewish community your remorse. I feel that Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, would be an appropriate time."

Rabbi Baron added: "In our faith we are commanded to forgive when the offending party takes the necessary steps and offers an apology from the heart."

Rabbi Baron, who recently spent time with Pope Benedict XVI, has had prominent Yom Kippur speakers in the past. Last year, Senator Hillary Clinton spoke on personal forgiveness.

On Tuesday, Gibson acknowledged he made anti-Semitic remarks while under arrest on suspicion of drunk driving. The actor reached out to the Jewish community to "help me on my journey through recovery." Gibson said he was not anti-Semitic but added "I am in the process of understanding where those vicious words came from..."

TMZ contacted Rabbi Baron, who is vacationing in Spain. He said: "Some members of the congregation were skeptical about Mr. Gibson's recent statement and felt he was absolute anti-Semite. My response was 'Better a repentant anti-Semite than an unrepentant anti-Semite.'"

TMZ contacted Gibson's rep who would not comment on the Rabbi's offer.

TMZ has learned when an allegedly inebriated Mel Gibson left Malibu's Moonshadows restaurant in the wee hours of Friday morning, he walked past the valet attendant with his head down, hands behind his back and uttered "I'm f****d up."

Gibson, who had not valeted, then crossed the street to his car, pulled out, made a u-turn and proceeded to step on the gas, driving past Moonshadows at a fast speed.

Shortly thereafter, as TMZ first reported, Gibson was arrested for driving 87 mph in a 45-mph zone with a blood-alcohol level of 0.12 (the state limit is 0.08).

The valet says the deputy who pulled Gibson over was actually driving in the opposite direction as the actor, but made a u-turn when Gibson flew by.
48648, 'understanding where those vicious words come from'?
Posted by buckshot defunct, Wed Aug-02-06 09:57 AM
Is that anything like 'won't rest until I've found the real killers'?
48649, RE: Rabbi makes Mel Yom Kippur keynote speaker? A-wha? (swipe)
Posted by biscuit, Wed Aug-02-06 07:57 PM
That got kind of wierd with your sig at the end there.
48650, *shrug*
Posted by shockzilla, Thu Aug-03-06 01:54 AM
he has much to atone for..
48651, it's good to be rich and white in H-wood
Posted by violence, Tue Aug-08-06 08:05 PM
because if he was a black actor, he'd be atoning from the unemployment line.
48652, As the lovely Mica pointed out in GD, lest we forget,
Posted by ZooTown74, Wed Aug-02-06 05:39 AM
this motherfucker was DRUNK DRIVING as well. Apparently the folks he was partying with offered to give him a ride home (but apparently a cab was out of the question) and Mel declined.
The Avi? A SLANDERED, forgotten classic.
48653, it's pretty obvious dude harbors anti-semetic feelings
Posted by smutsboy, Wed Aug-02-06 09:35 AM
I don't care how drunk you are, blaming Jews for 'all the wars in the world' is not exactly a drunken thought that comes out of nowhere. it's not like throwing a few racist phrases around. Blaming Jews for all wars is a rather complex and serious belief. No one's drunken mind would wander towards international conflict and then pull a guilty party out of thin air to blame and rant and rave against.

Do I think he's a closet Nazi? No.
Do I think he harbors some anti-semetic beliefs? Unquestionably.

Oh, and he was raised by a Holocaust denier.
48654, He'll just do what he did when he upset the gays...
Posted by CMcMurtry, Wed Aug-02-06 12:12 PM
bring some Jews to a movie set!

"Uh, I know I insulted you homos and all that, but, err, you wanna meet Julia Roberts?!?"
48655, i'm just confused why everyone's so surprised
Posted by ternary_star, Wed Aug-02-06 01:01 PM
we've known this guy is a jew-hating nutball for a while.
48656, I don't think people are surprised that he's anti-semetic
Posted by CMcMurtry, Wed Aug-02-06 02:01 PM
We're surprised he could be so stupid to let all this unfold.
48657, ^^^ What he said. n/m
Posted by kurlyswirl, Mon Aug-07-06 04:04 PM


kurly's Super-Duper Awesome DVD Collection:
48658, ..i still think naveed afzal haq's actions were worse
Posted by shockzilla, Thu Aug-03-06 07:06 AM
on friday naveed shot six women, killing one at the jewish federation office in seattle.

“He said he wanted the United States to leave Iraq, that his people were being mistreated and that the United States was harming his people,” Chief R. Gil Kerlikowske of the Seattle Police said Saturday at a news conference. “And he pointedly blamed the Jewish people for all of these problems. He stated he didn’t care if he lived.”


and mel's drunken driving is more serious than his offensive remarks. gibson's remarks reveal an ugly facet of his personality but his driving could have actually killed somebody. he was arrested for doing 140kmh in a 72kmh zone while his blood alcohol reading was 0.12, well over california's legal limit of 0.08; he's very lucky not to have smashed his car, considering he was so smashed.

and, while he's a celebrity, at least mel isn't the prime minister of a country, like say, spanish pm jose luis rodriguez zapatero who recently claimed to "understand" the sentiments of the nazis

..i don't know. i'm australian, what do you want from me?

48659, it's sort of expected though
Posted by araQual, Thu Aug-03-06 08:38 AM
that more attention will be given to a Hollywood celeb than a dude shooting up women (what a fucktard). it's all about what's gonna make for an interesting story.

48660, thatt's likely so
Posted by shockzilla, Thu Aug-03-06 08:46 AM
but there's no escaping that this is a pretty ugly episode in the life of one of our favorite adopted citizens.

..it's just so disappointing.
48661, Hollywood News vs Real News
Posted by smutsboy, Thu Aug-03-06 10:00 AM
are you really surprised who wins the ratings war?
48662, RE: One good thing
Posted by maternalbliss, Mon Aug-07-06 02:42 PM
There won't be a Lethal Weapon 5

>from tmz.com:
>>Gibson's Anti-Semitic Tirade -- Alleged Cover Up
>Posted Jul 28th 2006 9:15PM by TMZ Staff
>Filed under: Celebrity Justice, Train Wrecks
>TMZ has learned that Mel Gibson went on a rampage when he was
>arrested Friday on suspicion of drunk driving, hurling
>religious epithets. TMZ has also learned that the Los Angeles
>County Sheriff's department had the initial report doctored to
>keep the real story under wraps.
>TMZ has four pages of the original report prepared by the
>arresting officer in the case, L.A. County Sheriff's Deputy
>James Mee. According to the report, Gibson became agitated
>after he was stopped on Pacific Coast Highway and told he was
>to be detained for drunk driving Friday morning in Malibu. The
>actor began swearing uncontrollably. Gibson repeatedly said,
>"My life is f****d." Law enforcement sources say the deputy,
>worried that Gibson might become violent, told the actor that
>he was supposed to cuff him but would not, as long as Gibson
>cooperated. As the two stood next to the hood of the patrol
>car, the deputy asked Gibson to get inside. Deputy Mee then
>walked over to the passenger door and opened it. The report
>says Gibson then said, "I'm not going to get in your car," and
>bolted to his car. The deputy quickly subdued Gibson, cuffed
>him and put him inside the patrol car.
>Once inside the car, a source directly connected with the case
>says Gibson began banging himself against the seat. The report
>says Gibson told the deputy, "You mother f****r. I'm going to
>f*** you." The report also says "Gibson almost continually
>(sic) threatened me saying he 'owns Malibu' and will spend all
>of his money to 'get even' with me."
>The report says Gibson then launched into a barrage of
>anti-Semitic statements: "F*****g Jews... The Jews are
>responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked
>the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"
>The deputy became alarmed as Gibson's tirade escalated, and
>called ahead for a sergeant to meet them when they arrived at
>the station. When they arrived, a sergeant began videotaping
>Gibson, who noticed the camera and then said, "What the f***
>do you think you're doing?"
>A law enforcement source says Gibson then noticed another
>female sergeant and yelled, "What do you think you're looking
>at, sugar tits?"
>We're told Gibson took two blood alcohol tests, which were
>videotaped, and continued saying how "f****d" he was and how
>he was going to "f***" Deputy Mee.
>Gibson was put in a cell with handcuffs on. He said he needed
>to urinate, and after a few minutes tried manipulating his
>hands to unzip his pants. Sources say Deputy Mee thought
>Gibson was going to urinate on the floor of the booking cell
>and asked someone to take Gibson to the bathroom.
>After leaving the bathroom, Gibson then demanded to make a
>phone call. He was taken to a pay phone and, when he didn't
>get a dial tone, we're told Gibson threw the receiver against
>the phone. Deputy Mee then warned Gibson that if he damaged
>the phone he could be charged with felony vandalism. We're
>told Gibson was then asked, and refused, to sign the necessary
>paperwork and was thrown in a detox cell.
>Deputy Mee then wrote an eight-page report detailing Gibson's
>rampage and comments. Sources say the sergeant on duty felt it
>was too "inflammatory." A lieutenant and captain then got
>involved and calls were made to Sheriff's headquarters.
>Sources say Mee was told Gibson's comments would incite a lot
>of "Jewish hatred," that the situation in Israel was "way too
>inflammatory." It was mentioned several times that Gibson, who
>wrote, directed, and produced 2004's "The Passion of the
>Christ," had incited "anti-Jewish sentiment" and "For a drunk
>driving arrest, is this really worth all that?"
>We're told Deputy Mee was then ordered to write another
>report, leaving out the incendiary comments and conduct.
>Sources say Deputy Mee was told the sanitized report would
>eventually end up in the media and that he could write a
>supplemental report that contained the redacted information --
>a report that would be locked in the watch commander's safe.
>Initially, a Sheriff's official told TMZ the arrest occurred
>"without incident." On Friday night, Sheriff's spokesman Steve
>Whitmore told TMZ: "The L.A. County Sheriff's Department
>investigation into the arrest of Mr. Gibson on suspicion of
>driving under the influence will be complete and will contain
>every factual piece of evidence. Nothing will be sanitized.
>There was absolutely no favoritism shown to this suspect or
>any other. When this file is presented to the Los Angeles
>County District Attorney, it will contain everything. Nothing
>will be left out."
>Gibson's rep Alan Nierob tells TMZ: "We are unaware of any of
>the information you mentioned in your email pertaining to a
>police report."
>Link to the original report (which is handwritten and kinda
>hard to read):
>As of right now, "Where's Olive?" is the new "Both teams
>played hard, my man."
48663, NYT psychology op-ed: it wasn't the alcohol's fault.
Posted by smutsboy, Mon Aug-07-06 11:35 PM
August 6, 2006
Ideas & Trends

Is It the Drunk or the Drink Doing the Talking?

DID Mel Gibson mean it?

Did he mean it when he said, according to a sheriff’s report of his arrest on suspicion of drunken driving, that “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world”? Or when he asked the arresting deputy, “Are you a Jew?”

In the first of his serial apologies afterward — the one that did not mention the anti-Semitic nature of his rants — Mr. Gibson called what he said “despicable” and that he made statements “that I do not believe to be true.”

In a follow-up apology that dealt directly with his comments about Jews, he said, “I am in the process of understanding where those vicious words came from during that drunken display.”

So where, exactly, did those words come from? (And not just the anti-Jewish comments, but also the less-noted crude aside about the anatomy of a female officer?) Was this alcohol-fueled soliloquy an ugly insight into Mr. Gibson’s character — in other words, in vino veritas? Or was it just the tequila talking?

Science, as it happens, has been hard at work trying to understand the how and the why of what everyone at a college mixer learns: alcohol can make people do, and say, stupid things. But does it make people say things that they do not believe at all, that are, as Mr. Gibson insisted in his statements, antithetical to one’s own views and faith?

Experts generally suggest that the answer is “Nope.”

When asked where those vicious words came from, Dr. Kevin J. Corcoran, a psychology researcher who has studied the effects of alcohol on perception and judgment, replied, simply, “his mouth.”

Dr. Corcoran said comments do not spring from nothing; for example, Dr. Corcoran said, he himself would not make anti-Semitic statements under the influence of alcohol.

“I say other outrageous things when I’m drunk,” he said.

He added that Mr. Gibson “may not fully believe” his statements about Jews, “but they were waiting to be delivered,” once his inhibitions were lowered and he was subjected to the stress of being pulled over by the police.

“We all have things that we might think or feel or even be attracted to that we know are wrong,” said Dr. Corcoran, who is also the dean of arts and sciences at Northern Kentucky University. For example, he said, people are likelier to look at pornography when they drink than when they are sober; alcohol reduces inhibitions, for good or ill.

Alcohol suppresses the prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum regions of the brain, said Dr. Nora D. Volkow, the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, who declined to comment specifically on the Gibson case.

The cerebellum governs motor coordination, which explains the drunk’s weaving walk and iffy driving skills. The prefrontal cortex “is normally making an assessment of the appropriateness of your acts,” she said, modulating desires and urges. After a couple of drinks, Dr. Volkow said, suppressing such impulses becomes much harder.

“Alcohol brings you back into adolescence and childhood,” she said, the time before the prefrontal cortex is fully developed.

This leads to a condition that researchers call the “alcohol myopia effect,” in which someone who has had too much to drink reacts to immediate cues without regard to consequences or the broader social context. G. Alan Marlatt, director of the Addictive Behaviors Research Center at the University of Washington, said that psychologists often focus on the difference between “traits and states.” Inebriation is a temporary state, but it might unleash one’s deeper and more permanent traits, he said.

Nonetheless, Mr. Marlatt said that he had encountered people who, under the influence of alcohol and other drugs, do completely uncharacteristic things or say things that are not true. He recalled a case of a man coming out of anesthesia — alcohol is an anesthetic, after all — and babbling about having an extramarital affair, even though he apparently had done nothing of the sort. Even in this case, however, Dr. Marlatt said that he wondered whether the patient’s words sprang from a desire to have an affair, whether there had been one or not.

In Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” Dr. Marlatt noted, the evil Hyde was no stranger to the good Dr. Jekyll; he sprang from within.

Which is why the best explanation for Mr. Gibson’s comments may come from the exquisite Italian phrase for misspeaking. Instead of saying “oops,” they say “mi č scappato.”

It means, literally, “It escaped from me.”
