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Topic subjectRE: That's the whole POINT though...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=41194&mesg_id=41326
41326, RE: That's the whole POINT though...
Posted by buckshot defunct, Tue Aug-29-06 12:08 AM
>the reason is that Dunston Checks In is just a silly movie
>for people who don't want to be challenged. There are no film
>nerds taking Dunston Checks In seriously.

Right. I see the point you're driving at, but on the basest of levels, it's still a film. It meets all the requirements of the medium. But on a knee-jerk/word association level, that's generally not the first thing that comes to mind when one hears the word 'film'.

>But there are certainly lots of comics nerds who take... I
>dunno, Hawkman Vs. Green Arrow really seriously. And that's
>the biggest reason that 30-40 years after comics started
>really being an art form, the mainstream hasn't accepted

I dunno if that's the 'biggest' reason. But it's certainly a factor. I've been reading up a lot on the history of American comics, and it seems like the stigma was sort of built in before Superman was ever committed to paper. The people creating the things were themselves crooks and societal outcasts. How could the end result NOT be stigmatized? I'll probably post more on this later once I've got more research under my belt.

(Also, this wouldn't even be a contest. HAWKMAN ALL DAY BABY!!!)

I'm torn on the issue though. It's frustrating when we as comic readers cannot delineate between the Dunston Checks In's vs. the Citizen Kane's of the medium. But in a way it's kind of charming and pure, too.

>It's like the Battlestar Galactica nerds who got upset about
>the new Battlestar Galactica. God forbid someone alter their
>awful schlockfest's contiuity in order to make something
>that's actually art. They're defending it because they're
>locked in a 12-year-old mindset, not because they're fond of
>it from their youth, or because the toys are valuable (seems
>to be jetblacks argument) or whatever.

People feel this way about BSG? Inconceivable!

Anyways, don't even get me started on nostalgia. Especially when it's 20-30 somethings pining for shit that hasn't even had a chance to collect DUST yet.

>All I'm saying is that if you're going to be passionate about
>something, be passionate about something with merit.

Well here's the big bad slippery slope: Who decides what does and doesn't have merit?

>Especially if you want other people to take you seriously.

Wait a minute...I thought the whole point of nerdism was saying 'fuck other people' and just liking what you like!