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Topic subjectWriters to check for:
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36742, Writers to check for:
Posted by buckshot defunct, Wed May-18-05 09:40 AM
I didn't like the way Bendis, Moore, and Miller were the only guys getting singled out, so I thought I'd compile a list of noteworthy writers in the comics industry, along with some of their most well known works. You might not like all of these authors. Hell, sometimes I don't.

No particular order. Fellas help me out I'm sure I'll forget a few...

Alan Moore - He's been covered pretty thoroughly. Don't sleep!

Grant Morrison - Trippy dude. I'd recommend Flex Mentallo, Doom Patrol, Animal Man, The Invisibles, New X-Men and his current series for DC, Seven Soldiers.

Kurt Busiek - Astro City, Marvels, Superman: Secret Identity

Neil Gaiman - Miracleman, Sandman

Chris Ware - Jimmy Corrigan, Acme Novelty stuff

Warren Ellis - Transmetropolitan, Planetary, The Authority

Neil Gaiman - Bunch of Vertigo stuff, most notably Sandman.

Judd Winick - Barry Ween Boy Genius

Garth Ennis - Preacher. 'Nuff said.

Brian Michael Bendis - Powers, Daredevil, Ultimate Spider Man

Brian K Vaughan - Ex Machina, Y The Last Man, Ultimate X-Men, Runaways

Joss Whedon - Astonishing X-Men

Mark Waid - Fantastic Four, The Flash, Superman: Birthright

Ed Brubaker - Sleeper, Batman, Gotham Central, Captain America

Frank Miller - Batman Year One, The Dark Knight Returns, Daredevil, Wolverine, Sin City, Martha Washingston

Stan Lee - You awready know.

Christopher Priest - Black Panther

Peter David - Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk

Chris Claremont - Uncanny X-Men (old stuff, not the new)

Mark Millar - The Ultimates, Superman: Red Son, Marvel Knights Spiderman

Geoff Johns- This guy is practically writing all of DC right now. The Flash and Teen Titans are currently quite enjoyable