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Topic subjectPost ALL your dumb Star Wars questions here:
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25239, Post ALL your dumb Star Wars questions here:
Posted by ThaTruth, Fri May-20-05 10:48 AM
I know a lot of people that are not neccessarily "die-hards" have questions don't like the wiseass replies you get in the main threads so maybe we could post some things here and some of the more helpful "experts" can help us out.

From the prequels I got the impression that Leia was Luke's half-sister and Vader wasn't her Dad because no real connection is made between those two, why is that?

In Phantom Menace it was obvious to me that Palpatine and Sidious were the same person, was this supposed to be a big secret?

Why did Darth Maul's light saber have 2 ends?

I thought I saw a preview clip of ROTS where Obi-Wan was cut off at the waist in a light saber battle with Anakin, did anybody else see this?

Who did everybody THINK was Padme's baby daddy?

25240, the fuck was that blue milk Luke, Owen, and Beru were drinkin?
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri May-20-05 10:58 AM
Like blueberry Quik or something.
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Fri May-20-05 01:41 PM
25242, LOL!
Posted by biscuit, Fri May-20-05 05:27 PM
25243, OONTEENY!!!
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri May-20-05 05:29 PM
25244, lol
Posted by arispect, Sun May-22-05 12:44 AM
25245, YO!
Posted by Allah, Mon May-23-05 08:32 PM
25246, *klings bottle together* Breaaaast miiiiiiilk, you made my daaaa-aaay
Posted by Paps Smear, Fri May-20-05 05:45 PM
25247, **moisture farmers.. .come out and plaaaaaaaayyyaaaaaaaaayyy***
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Fri May-20-05 08:43 PM
25248, And this is the MAIN question!!
Posted by subjctmattr, Fri May-20-05 11:57 AM

>Who did everybody THINK was Padme's baby daddy?

This chick is pregnant as hell, and not one person asks her who knocked her up? Obi Wan is the only one that can figure it out? I mean the Jedi can sense shit from planets away but no one could tell that Anakin was hitting that?

25249, Padme would be a terrible single mother too...
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri May-20-05 05:30 PM
'cause she can't drop the kids off with her parents. One's dead, and the other is a bunch of midi-chlorians.
25250, and too much time for costume/makeup changes.
Posted by biscuit, Mon May-23-05 03:25 AM
25251, padme's parents are still alive
Posted by eternalist 25, Mon May-23-05 08:36 AM
25252, They're career parents, tho...
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri May-27-05 02:18 PM
a mom like Shmi...she's the kinda mom that would stay home all day, loving all over the babies. She's a good Irish mom too lol She'll would've been all over those kids.

Padme's parents are aristocrats...they're yuppies. They'll be leaving the kids with some poor, elderly Gungan lady named Guadalupe. Thats fucked up. Tusken Raiders are some home-wreckers, for real.
25253, And WHY did Jabba the Hutt have Leia...
Posted by The3rdOne, Fri May-20-05 12:18 PM
wear that bikini when he knew damn well he couldn't smash that shit?...

well he could "smash" her but yall know what the fuck I mean
25254, If you cant smash, might as well enjoy the view.....
Posted by LA2Philly, Fri May-20-05 02:28 PM
Plus he did know she meant something to Han because Jabba caught her trying to rescue him....so why not rub that shit in as well?
25255, what do you think he used that tongue for?
Posted by Scrapluv, Fri May-20-05 03:54 PM
25256, More slut than hutt
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri May-20-05 09:08 PM
25257, answers
Posted by BooDaah, Fri May-20-05 12:51 PM
>From the prequels I got the impression that Leia was Luke's
>half-sister and Vader wasn't her Dad because no real
>connection is made between those two, why is that?

lucas made it up as he went along

the whole luke and leia are bother and sister was injected after the first "star wars" movie (the 1977 one)

>In Phantom Menace it was obvious to me that Palpatine and
>Sidious were the same person, was this supposed to be a big

yes it was. and yes it was obvious....but then again this is movies

who believes that folks wouldn't recognize superman just because he put on glasses?

same thing

>Why did Darth Maul's light saber have 2 ends?

it was really 2 sabers that connected together at the hilt

>I thought I saw a preview clip of ROTS where Obi-Wan was cut
>off at the waist in a light saber battle with Anakin, did
>anybody else see this?

yeah...it's looked more like a punch or a stab in the gut (as opposed to slicing in half)

but the previews defintely showed it

>Who did everybody THINK was Padme's baby daddy?

perhaps they were so consumed by the war going on that they didn't take time to ponder it

besides, who is to say she wasn't creepin around on the lolo

shoot, look at anakin...he didn't really have a daddy so maybe "spontaneous pregancy" isn't something they trip off in this series milieu
25258, At what point did Lucas' soul get claimed by Satan?
Posted by DawgEatah, Fri May-20-05 01:20 PM
25259, So did darth Sidius impregnate Shimmi w/Midichlorens??
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Fri May-20-05 01:45 PM
...since the Emp was probably the all powerfull sith's apprentace in that old sith tale he told Anakin at the theater. I bet Anakin's pops is palpatine the whole time..
25260, Here are some...somewhat answers to that....
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat May-21-05 08:55 AM
I was reading the "making of" book that this dude had at my job...y'know, the mega thick one that shows all the sketches, ideas, etc...

They had some dialogue scibbled in there, and this was before the movie book came out, so I wasn't sure if it was going to make the movie.

There was ORIGINALLY some dialogue between Palpatine and Anakin, where Palpatine told Anakin that using the darkside, you can have midichlorians begin cell division, so it would be easy to merely sustain life using the same force, and keep people from dying.

I haven't see the movie, but in the book, Palpatine says something like "It's possible to create life manipulating midichlorians, so sustaining life in something that's already alive is a small matter"...somewhat hinting that Palpatine had something to do with Shmi becoming pregnant.

Originally, the idea was that Palpatine was going to say this to Anakin, and tell him something like "So I'm more a father to you than you think" (actual line in the "making of" book). In the movie book, they hint towards it, but it leaves it at that. I think it was Lucas' intention.
25261, wow... thats bugged..
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Sat May-21-05 12:41 PM
..i think they were smart for leaving that sort of to the imagination in the movie ..another "im your father" scene would have taken away from the story that was intended to showcase vaders transformation
25262, he does call him "son" at one point
Posted by arispect, Sun May-22-05 12:46 AM
in ep. 3, but when i saw that i didn't take it literally. could be true though.
25263, my take...no
Posted by JtothaI, Mon May-23-05 03:33 PM
>...since the Emp was probably the all powerfull sith's
>apprentace in that old sith tale he told Anakin at the
>theater. I bet Anakin's pops is palpatine the whole time..

I gather that Darth Plagius (or whatever his name is that Palpatine was talking about in the Sith legend he told anakin) created Anakin to be his next apprentice.

Palpatine figured out his plans, killed hi master in his sleep and took Anakin on as his own apprentice.

My reasoning behind this is that at one point is Episode III palpatine tells anakin that only one man has been able to manipulate the midi chlorians but that they together they (anakin/palaptine)could figure it out.
25264, I was gonna backhand you, but u make a good point lol
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Mon May-23-05 05:43 PM
I just saw it last night, and when Palpatine told Anakin about creating life with the midichlorians, he stressed it so much...he was making it pretty obvious what he was incinuating.

You made a good point about Darth Plagius tho..I didn't think of it like that.

*smacks myself*
25265, I thought the same way you did
Posted by JtothaI, Mon May-23-05 06:34 PM
until I saw it a second time and caught the bit of dialigue about them learning the power together, that only one man had done it before.
25266, heres the problem with this theory...
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Mon May-23-05 08:21 PM
...Darth Plagius has been dead for a loooong time right?? ..he would have had to create Anakin within 20 years of episode III (anakin is around 20 right??)

25267, I think youre right
Posted by MrMajor, Mon May-23-05 06:32 PM
I heard in an original script it was explain that Plaigus was Anakin's "father"
25268, word?
Posted by JtothaI, Mon May-23-05 07:51 PM
>I heard in an original script it was explain that Plaigus was
>Anakin's "father"

it makes sense. I need to read the book.
25269, Or Plageaus......
Posted by Allah, Mon May-23-05 08:34 PM
25270, those Tatooine chicks got the good power U
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri May-27-05 02:25 PM
25271, Palpatine was no secret
Posted by Rockscissorspaper, Fri May-20-05 03:03 PM
>In Phantom Menace it was obvious to me that Palpatine and
>Sidious were the same person, was this supposed to be a big

If you've seen the originals you know the bad guy is named Emperor Palpatine.
25272, RE: Post ALL your dumb Star Wars questions here:
Posted by kid, Fri May-20-05 03:20 PM
How come in A New Hope Obi-Wan doesn't seem to remember R2D2 or C-3PO?


StLOKp's™: DawgEatah, Dstl1, hyde, Colonel Sanders, MisterGrump, Afrotec, Instant_Vintage, ThaTruth, Soul1908, SefConscious, Baldheadslik, YngblkprinceMD, 314confidential, rdiggity, Kid

Honorable mention:auragin_boi
Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten
Sitting Bull
25273, cause them droids all look alike.
Posted by biscuit, Fri May-20-05 05:29 PM
25274, that wizard's just a crazy old man
Posted by Mynoriti, Sun May-22-05 12:27 PM
25275, RE: that wizard's just a crazy old man
Posted by sithlord, Mon May-23-05 03:20 PM
Cause he was lying! Damn near everything he told Luke was a lie.
"...most sistahs only recognize a good
man when he's a character in a shitty
movie, a shitty play, their favorite
daytime soap or a shitty book written
by a homosexual."
From Reggie Eggert's online review of
"Diary of a Mad Black Woman"

OKP Caswell
25276, How dumb WERE the Jedi's??? Read this...
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri May-20-05 05:35 PM
Here are some clues...

1. Dooku said the lord of the Sith was controlling the senate. Wow, who was in control of the senate? Naaah, COULDN'T be PALPATINE!

2. At the beginning of "Attack of the Clones", when Palpatine finished Padme's sentence with all the Jedi present, and Yoda tried staring through him out of suspicion. Hell, as paranoid and insightful as Yoda is, maybe Palpatine is some kinda...naaaaah, NOT PALPATINE!

3. In "Revenge of the Sith", everyone is on edge about Anakin and Palpatine's CLOSE relationship...NEVERMIND the fact that Anakin is a.) the supposed chosen one, b.) irresponsile, on edge, eratic, spontaneous, rebellious, and everything a Jedi "craves not", and c.) hanging out with the guy CONTROLLING THE senate.

4. Mace Windu and his wise council members sense the darkside AROUND the chancellor, and HEY...NEWSFLASH...they're suspicious about his hunger for power, and him mysteriously assuming control of the Republic. Hey, remember that little thing Dooku said about the lord of the Sith controlling the senate? Well, the dark side surrounds Palpatine, and...naaaaah, not PALPATINE!

Yoda said the darkside clouds everything, but FUCK the force...they had suspicions ANWAY. Dooku said the Sith Lord was head of the senate, and who's the head of the senate? The guy the Jedi's don't like...who's SURROUNDED by the dark side.

Jar Jar: Mesa thinks Pawpateeny is dee Siffy Lawd!

Jedi Council: Shut up Jar Jar! Get him out of here! Impossible!
25277, another
Posted by BooDaah, Fri May-20-05 05:48 PM
why were qui gon, obi wan and everone else fooled by that whole padme/asistant bait and switch

the two didn't look a bit alike

and on top of that natalie portman's voice didn't chane one iota when she supposedly was the two different people
25278, Like they couldn't tell Natalie Portman and that Christina Ricci-
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat May-21-05 08:47 AM
looking chick apart.
25279, they weren't fooled
Posted by colonelk, Mon May-23-05 01:55 AM
Well, Qui Gon and Obi weren't. Notice the knowing look they give each other when she reveals it to the slobbering king Gungan.
25280, something tells me Qui Gon knew
Posted by Allah, Mon May-23-05 08:37 PM
he kept giving her glances, and jokes.
25281, They alude to Palpatine using the force to cloud their vision
Posted by subjctmattr, Sat May-21-05 11:43 AM
That explains how come they couldn't put two and two together about palpatine.

an example fo Palpatine clouding a Jedi's vision is in ROTS when Obi Wan, palpatine and Annakin get trapped in the cage and Obi Wan says "how come I couldn't see this coming?" Well the reason why is because the Sith was clouding their vision.

25282, whether or not the darkside clouded their vision...
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat May-21-05 05:34 PM
all the evidence points to Palpatine.

Plus, whether or not they could see through him his moot. In the book, the Jedi's sense the darkside SURROUNDING him, which is why they assumed he was atleast being influenced or strong-armed by the Sith.
25283, Yoda was a fake ass psychic
Posted by Mynoriti, Sun May-22-05 12:31 PM
he gives same stock answer every single time "hmmmm difficult to see. clouded is the darkside".

lying ass. he didn't see shit.
25284, Question
Posted by Nettrice, Fri May-20-05 05:59 PM
How many people missed the girl from Whale Rider (Keisha Castle-Hughes) at the end of ROTS, as Queen of Naboo?
25285, RE: i knew she looked mad familiar! n/m
Posted by ayce_able, Mon May-30-05 11:19 PM
>How many people missed the girl from Whale Rider (Keisha
>Castle-Hughes) at the end of ROTS, as Queen of Naboo?
25286, Why can't people realize that it is just a movie ?
Posted by 58impala, Sat May-21-05 01:48 AM
25287, damn nobody cant answer my question?
Posted by 58impala, Mon May-23-05 02:28 PM
i think that shows something there
25288, Don't be a dick
Posted by Improv, Mon May-23-05 02:49 PM

"Imagine this..."

Order Sixty Six: http://darthno.ytmnd.com/

"And sorry if I seem a lil bold, I'm too damn old to be playing these games with ya..."
25289, Seriously
Posted by MrMajor, Mon May-23-05 03:32 PM
And he sounds mad no one is aknowledging he's a dick.
25290, A few questions
Posted by El_essence, Sat May-21-05 12:29 PM
Could Mace have survived that fall? Aanakin and Obi have fallen great distances and been able to grab some shit to save themselves. Luke did too. Mace was more powerful with the force than all three of them cats. He just got his hand cut and electrocuted a little bit. He could have gathered himself and survived. Couldn't he?

And would it be safe to say that Yoda is the most powerful jedi? And what his race? Are there other yodas and shit?
25291, mace got fried like a bologna sandwich
Posted by Scrapluv, Sat May-21-05 12:32 PM
he might've been dead before he even flew out of that window
25292, luke was fried longer than that tho..
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Sat May-21-05 12:57 PM
..and he gathered himself talked with his pops and flew them both to endor ..im sure mace died tho, because if he was alive he would have found a way to contact yoda..

as for the yoda question.. all his past is unknown.. although there is a pale skinned looking yoda thing at the end of episode 1.. i doubt its any relation
25293, luke's face didn't change colors, mace was damn near orange
Posted by Scrapluv, Sat May-21-05 01:17 PM
that shit was coming out of mace's mouth, he was really fried
25294, ..i saw mace's skull showing thru same as lukes was
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Sat May-21-05 01:50 PM
...who knows
25295, see you feel me lol
Posted by El_essence, Sat May-21-05 03:38 PM
Luke got fucked up by the emperor in ROTJ. I guess you could argue he was playing with Luke, and not giving him the full dose so he could turn him over.

But still, Mace was powerful enough to live through the frying. the only way he wouldn't have lived is if he was unconscious and couldn't stop himself from falling.

Either way, they did Mace no justice with that death. Especially the way he was clownin in the cartoon. He was pretty much near yoda's level as a jedi.
25296, RE: A few questions
Posted by rdhull, Sat May-21-05 04:36 PM
>Could Mace have survived that fall? Aanakin and Obi have
>fallen great distances and been able to grab some shit to save
>themselves. Luke did too. Mace was more powerful with the
>force than all three of them cats. He just got his hand cut
>and electrocuted a little bit. He could have gathered himself
>and survived. Couldn't he?
>And would it be safe to say that Yoda is the most powerful
>jedi? And what his race? Are there other yodas and shit?

Sam was awful in these joints. He stuck out so dam much and not for the obvious reasons.
25297, wasnt sam's fault...
Posted by eternalist 25, Mon May-23-05 08:43 AM
...lucas can't write dialouge
25298, why did they goto video tape after everything happened?
Posted by AbdulJaleel, Sat May-21-05 01:14 PM
if they were leary of the palpatine, why have skywalker be a spy when they had the whole planet wired with surveylance?
25299, i thought they just had video of the temple
Posted by Scrapluv, Sat May-21-05 03:17 PM
25300, when Skywalker was dubbed Darth Vader
Posted by AbdulJaleel, Sat May-21-05 06:46 PM
that was not in the temple
25301, i forgot about that part, i have to see it again
Posted by Scrapluv, Sat May-21-05 07:11 PM
25302, Actually...this was afterwards...
Posted by Improv, Sun May-22-05 02:09 PM

"Imagine this..."

Order Sixty Six: http://darthno.ytmnd.com/

"And sorry if I seem a lil bold, I'm too damn old to be playing these games with ya..."
25303, RE: Actually...this was afterwards...
Posted by AbdulJaleel, Sun May-22-05 09:06 PM
but still, obi wan saw it all
25304, But he saw it after everything took place...
Posted by Improv, Sun May-22-05 09:11 PM
And it was only in the temple. My thinking is that Palpatine came after Vader killed everyone in the temple so they can send that signal to have the jedi come back to the temple.

"Imagine this..."

Order Sixty Six: http://darthno.ytmnd.com/

"And sorry if I seem a lil bold, I'm too damn old to be playing these games with ya..."
25305, right, once they had control of it
Posted by JtothaI, Mon May-23-05 06:37 PM
25306, i need to see it again
Posted by AbdulJaleel, Tue May-24-05 09:21 AM
in a theatre with a better sound system than 125th becasue i didnt catch that
25307, What is the significance of the different colored light sabers?
Posted by El_essence, Sat May-21-05 03:41 PM
I understand the red sabers is for the darkside cats. But they green, blue, and mace had purple. At first I thought it was like a karate belt type thing. But Yoda had a green sabre and so did cats below Mace's level.

holler at me.
25308, According to Samuel himself, there is no real significance
Posted by LA2Philly, Sat May-21-05 04:05 PM
They have the diff colored lightsabers for whatever side you are on, but then Samuel wanted his own distinct color, and after some prodding Lucas agreed to do it (Samuel also had the letter Bad MF engraved on his lightsaber, lol). I dont think theres any ranking system determining lightsaber colors.
25309, hahah sam jack is so hood lol nm
Posted by El_essence, Sat May-21-05 09:33 PM
25310, Actually they explained it in the KOTOR videogame...
Posted by Improv, Sun May-22-05 02:05 PM
Different color represent what kind of Jedi they were...

Guardians = blue
"Class Description: Though a great many were killed or corrupted in the recent Mandalorian wars and the current war against the sith, the Jedi Guardians are still the line that stands between the Republic and chaos. Though they are rare, fallen Jedi Guardians harnessing the power of the dark side of the Force are an immense danger to any who may oppose them.

In Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, a Jedi Guardian must exercise considerable care, the age is a violent one and the dark side is an ever-present temptation. The Jedi Guardian begins as a member of a different class and does not embrace their burgeoning Force sensitivity until later in the story. The Jedi Guardian suffers comparable setbacks to the soldier, fewer skill points per level and more limited feats than other force sensitive classes. This, like the soldier, is balanced by making the Jedi Guardian arguably the most lethal class in the game with feats geared towards combat and evasion. The Jedi Guardian, as a being of action as much as reason, is often the easiest seduced by the lure of the Dark Side and must remain ever vigilant lest the dark tendril coil around his heart much as it did to Revan and Malak during the Mandalorian Wars.

The primary weapon of the Jedi Guardian is of course the Lightsaber. Capable of as much defense as offence, the saber is an excellent tool for the skill of the Jedi. There are many Jedi who embrace disparate styles of fighting, most favoring the single lightsaber and it's varying styles. There are, however the unusual who choose to wield a lightsaber in each hand for a relentless and unpredictable attack and there are those even rarer that employ the deadly double bladed lightsaber for a balanced and rapid offence.

The first, and most important thing we should talk about concerning the Jedi Guardian is his Lightsaber. A Guardian lives or dies by his Lightsaber, and how skilled with it he is or not. With his Lightsaber in his hands, or hands if you decide to go the Dual, or Double headed lightsaber, the right feats, and the proper Force Power's a Jedi Guardian becomes a very, very deadly being. Now then let's look at a of the Jedi Guardian's feat progression: 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18

A Guardian gain's less Feats then a Soldier, but they make up for it by Gaining 2 Force Power's at 1st level, and one at every level there after. Now then let's move on to the Feat's and Force Power, which will be most useful to you as a Jedi Guardian."

"Class Description: Fulfilling the role of investigator and spy, the Jedi Sentinel is the primary information-gathering tool of the Jedi council. Equally adept at combat, persuasion and stealth, the Jedi Sentinel is the most likely to infiltrate places of darkness though how he is affected by what he sees is a mystery to all but him.

In Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, the Jedi Sentinel is probably the most diverse of the 3 Jedi classes. Holding a wide variety of skills from combat, diplomacy, stealth and guile, they are adept at sneaking passed opponents, or if tainted by the dark side, misdirecting an enemy at a critical time allowing the Sentinel to stick a lightsaber between his ribs. The Jedi Sentinel gains the most skill points per level of all the Jedi classes and coupled with The Force, this makes them a formidable force indeed, a force which is not always clean from the taint of the Dark Side.

The Jedi Sentinel's primary weapon is the Lightsaber although some may argue that guile, stealth or persuasion are more potent weapons. Sentinels often find that combat is an unavoidable consequence of being somewhere where others don't want them so most are well trained in the combative arts."

"Jedi Consular prefers to solve a problem through reason"
"Class Description: As a trained diplomat, the Jedi Consular is often the quiet voice of reason amid the turmoil of argument. Though of scholarly persuasion, a Jedi Consular is far from inept with a lightsaber. Ever seeking to extend their knowledge, a few have been corrupted to the dark side by manipulating the greed for information.

In Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, the Jedi Consular is a force for persuasion and diplomacy, seeking to defuse any situation and only resorting to violence when all other options have been exhausted. The Jedi Consular begins play as a member of a different class and embraces their Force abilities later in the story. The Consular embraces a wider sphere of experience than the combat intensive classes such as the Soldier or Jedi Guardian and as such gains more skill points per level. The taint of the Dark Side can influence the decisions of the Jedi Consular, the little white lie that turns nasty or the lure of forbidden knowledge being the most common.

The primary weapon of the Jedi Consular is persuasive language but they also carry a lightsaber should violence be the only remaining option. Being diplomats, the majority of Jedi Consulars specialize in relatively basic single bladed combat techniques more for defense than offence. Despite this, many Consulars find that an aggressive dual saber or double blade style is necessary to survive should negotiations fail.

Example of a Jedi Consular: Yoda"

Only the Sith used Red

"Imagine this..."

Order Sixty Six: http://darthno.ytmnd.com/

"And sorry if I seem a lil bold, I'm too damn old to be playing these games with ya..."
25311, who had a yellow lightsaber?
Posted by Scrapluv, Sun May-22-05 09:25 PM
25312, No one in the movies that I can think of
Posted by Improv, Sun May-22-05 09:31 PM

"Imagine this..."

Order Sixty Six: http://darthno.ytmnd.com/

"And sorry if I seem a lil bold, I'm too damn old to be playing these games with ya..."
25313, how come vader never shot any lightning / eye color changes
Posted by AbdulJaleel, Sun May-22-05 01:03 AM
if skywalker was supposed to be the one with the most force, how come he never spit lightning bolts out of his hands? granted he can just choke you out over a jumbo screen.

the eye color change. it was regular, then like darth mauls, then regular, then like dath mauls

what was the eye thing all about?
25314, He was still struggling
Posted by Improv, Sun May-22-05 02:05 PM

"Imagine this..."

Order Sixty Six: http://darthno.ytmnd.com/

"And sorry if I seem a lil bold, I'm too damn old to be playing these games with ya..."
25315, RE: He was still struggling
Posted by sithlord, Mon May-23-05 03:27 PM
Exactly. As Sith Lords become more powerful their eyes change color. Dooku wasn't as powerful as Vader or Maul because he hadn't completely given over to the dark side. Maul was straight Sith. Plus, in the suit, we can't see Vader's eyes.

"...most sistahs only recognize a good
man when he's a character in a shitty
movie, a shitty play, their favorite
daytime soap or a shitty book written
by a homosexual."
From Reggie Eggert's online review of
"Diary of a Mad Black Woman"

25316, Because his arms are robotic, he can't shoot lighting.
Posted by Ampersand, Mon May-23-05 04:43 AM


"i'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just gonna ask where they're going and hook up with them later"
Mitch Hedberg (R.I.P)

R U My Friend:
25317, I'ma hate myself for answering this hahaha
Posted by Improv, Sun May-22-05 02:08 PM
>From the prequels I got the impression that Leia was Luke's
>half-sister and Vader wasn't her Dad because no real
>connection is made between those two, why is that?


>In Phantom Menace it was obvious to me that Palpatine and
>Sidious were the same person, was this supposed to be a big

The Jedi never saw Darth Sidious so they couldn't make the connection except for us, the viewers

>Why did Darth Maul's light saber have 2 ends?

Because it was a double bladed lightsaber

>I thought I saw a preview clip of ROTS where Obi-Wan was cut
>off at the waist in a light saber battle with Anakin, did
>anybody else see this?


>Who did everybody THINK was Padme's baby daddy?

That one...I have no answer to. Cloudy that one is...

"Imagine this..."

Order Sixty Six: http://darthno.ytmnd.com/

"And sorry if I seem a lil bold, I'm too damn old to be playing these games with ya..."
25318, this is indeed a dumb question
Posted by Delete me, Sun May-22-05 09:07 PM

>In Phantom Menace it was obvious to me that Palpatine and
>Sidious were the same person, was this supposed to be a big

of course it was no big secret for the audience. but did the characters in films know it? no. that's called suspense (c) hitchcock.
25319, Why do these fine ghetto women got so much ass?
Posted by biscuit, Mon May-23-05 03:27 AM
Oops, wrong forum.
25320, it's the questions...
Posted by eternalist 25, Mon May-23-05 08:46 AM
25321, why did that robot with 4 arms have a heart
Posted by duD, Mon May-23-05 05:44 AM
and why was it coughing?
25322, Cyborg and Mace Windu hurt him in the Attack of the Clones cartoon
Posted by Improv, Mon May-23-05 07:23 AM

"Imagine this..."

Order Sixty Six: http://darthno.ytmnd.com/

"And sorry if I seem a lil bold, I'm too damn old to be playing these games with ya..."
25323, RE: why did that robot with 4 arms have a heart
Posted by lexx3001, Sun May-29-05 01:48 PM
mace effed him up in the cartoon..... him having human organs (heart, also skin around his eyes) they seem to hint at the fact that he is partially man, part machine, like anakin is gonna end up
25324, Ok so Palpatine told Vader he killed his wife
Posted by MrMajor, Mon May-23-05 10:10 AM
Then why...

a) didnt Vader say "ok let do that bring'em back to life shit we were talking about"?
b) did he know he had a kid(s)? Dead wife should have equaled dead kid(s)
c) didnt he kill that old bastard right there for lying about either a or b?
25325, RE: Ok so Palpatine told Vader he killed his wife
Posted by eternalist 25, Mon May-23-05 10:18 AM
>Then why...
>a) didnt Vader say "ok let do that bring'em back to life shit
>we were talking about"?
it might have been to late to save her or maybe once your dead thats it..i think i remember palpatine saying sustain life not bring people back from the dead

>b) did he know he had a kid(s)? Dead wife should have equaled
>dead kid(s)
his main concern was padme so i guess once he thought she was dead he figured so were the kids, and doesnt realize it until luke comes along and he hears his last name

>c) didnt he kill that old bastard right there for lying about
>either a or b?
his mind is twisted by the dark side so he believes everything the emperor is tellin him
25326, and
Posted by bshelly, Mon May-23-05 08:52 PM
vader might have the potential to be more powerful than anakin, but he ain't there yet. at least, that's the impression i got.
25327, RE: Post ALL your dumb Star Wars questions here:
Posted by ASP, Mon May-23-05 08:11 PM
Why doesnt anyone sense the Force in Leia until deep in Empire?

<sin firma>
25328, because she herself didnt tap into the force yet...
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Mon May-23-05 08:23 PM
25329, RE: because she herself didnt tap into the force yet...
Posted by ASP, Mon May-23-05 09:15 PM
but anakin had tapped it before qui-gon and obi-wan found him, right?
hence they'd be able to sense it...

<sin firma>
25330, he was pod racing and stuff
Posted by Allah, Mon May-23-05 09:57 PM
so yeah.........
25331, A question for people who read the Thrawn books..Jedi having kids
Posted by Gemini_Two_One, Mon May-23-05 10:05 PM
So Luke rebuilds the Jedi and has kids. Now we know Jedi are not suppose to be attach..so did they address this. In the new order are Jedi allowed to have families or just Luke?


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25332, I was thinkin the same thing...
Posted by eternalist 25, Tue May-24-05 08:39 AM
...I haven't read the books yet but I know alotta the expanded universe stuff and I knew that leia and han have kids and so does luke...i guess that changes with the new jedi order
25333, RE: A question for people who read the Thrawn books..Jedi having kids
Posted by theGriddler, Fri May-27-05 04:15 PM
I followed the expanded universe for a time (Thrawn is the shit) when did Luke have kids, and with who? Mara Jade?
25334, Only a few Jedi were allowed to have children...like that Mundi
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Mon May-30-05 10:57 AM
cat...the one with the elongated head.

He was from a world of nomadic peoples, and his home planet had very dangerous living conditions, like the Sand People on Tatooine, so he was allowed to have a wife and children because he HAD to help procreate his species. His home planet was so barren, his species birthrate was crucial.
25335, Why are sith bad? What are they revenging?
Posted by JtothaI, Tue May-24-05 11:37 AM
Really. Why are the sith bad? Palapatine said he wanted peace in the galaxy. Yeah he wanted to rule the galaxy, but still.

Even in An New Hope, there is still a government in place, Vader talks about it inthe opening scene on the Tantive IV (the white ship where he captures Leia)

What makes the Jedi good? They want to rule the galaxy?

What are the Sith revenging? What started all the conflict?

25336, RE: Why are sith bad? What are they revenging?
Posted by eternalist 25, Tue May-24-05 01:17 PM
>Really. Why are the sith bad? Palapatine said he wanted peace
>in the galaxy. Yeah he wanted to rule the galaxy, but still.
anakin says they use there passion and think inward only of themselves...and they use fear anger and hate as motivation
>What makes the Jedi good? They want to rule the galaxy?

>to quote anakin again...the jedi are selfless and only think of others, they defend democracy and dont want to rule

>What are the Sith revenging? What started all the conflict?

>the sith are revenging the fact that the jedi are greater in number and are always hunting them down...when it all started i dont know
25337, Democracy vs Authoritarianism
Posted by tappenzee, Tue May-24-05 11:53 PM
I take it as the Empire/Sith looks only to expand its power and rule its people by way of fear, whereas the Jedi look to keep democracy alive and allow the people to rule themselves.

So in this sense, the Jedi aren't looking to rule, just to provide service to the people, who rule themselves.
25338, well you see how that worked, the dumb people still chose
Posted by Allah, Wed May-25-05 12:00 AM
the emperor.
so again, how are the sith "wrong"? :-p
25339, exactly....but...
Posted by JtothaI, Wed May-25-05 02:29 AM
>the emperor.
>so again, how are the sith "wrong"? :-p

there is still government in the original trilogy. I don't recall the form of government, but I recall there still being a senate.

So the empire is still ruling, but there is still a senate?

I just don't see what treachery the sith instilled among the galaxy. This needed to be explained in the movies to give the audience a reason to dislike them.

I never really hated the empire in any of the movies, they were actually pretty cool. But if I had a reason to hate em, that would be antoher thing.
25340, emperor dissolves the senate
Posted by colonelk, Wed May-25-05 03:54 AM
near the beginning of episode IV. He also blows up an entirely peaceful planet. Bad governing, if you ask me.
25341, MF's are dumb.
Posted by ThaTruth, Wed May-25-05 09:52 AM
25342, so for 20 years between EIII and EIV
Posted by JtothaI, Wed May-25-05 05:02 PM
>near the beginning of episode IV. He also blows up an
>entirely peaceful planet. Bad governing, if you ask me.

he ruled by a governement?

Why should I hate the sith in EI when the series really started?
25343, because of their INTENTIONS
Posted by tappenzee, Wed May-25-05 07:12 PM
This is like the back and forth that Anakin and Palpatine had at the theatre
25344, Palpatine started the war.
Posted by jaboonday, Thu May-26-05 01:05 AM
He initiated the blockade/invasion of the peaceful planet of Naboo in order to create unrest in the Senate so that he could be elected the leader of the Senate, and at the same time orchestrated a war between the Republic and the Separatists of the Republic / Trade Federation. Then, he uses his position of power to convince the Republic to give him more and more power. And finally, when he gains complete power of the Senate, he kills off the people he used to get himself in a position of power (he schemed to have Dooku killed, and he had Vader kill the Viceroy of the Trade Federation who he had used to build the droid army). Dude is straight up evil yo, he had no desire to bring peace to anything, all he wanted was power.

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25345, RE: Palpatine started the war.
Posted by JtothaI, Fri May-27-05 03:20 AM
>He initiated the blockade/invasion of the peaceful planet of
>Naboo in order to create unrest in the Senate so that he could
>be elected the leader of the Senate, and at the same time
>orchestrated a war between the Republic and the Separatists of
>the Republic / Trade Federation. Then, he uses his position
>of power to convince the Republic to give him more and more
>power. And finally, when he gains complete power of the
>Senate, he kills off the people he used to get himself in a
>position of power (he schemed to have Dooku killed, and he had
>Vader kill the Viceroy of the Trade Federation who he had used
>to build the droid army). Dude is straight up evil yo, he had
>no desire to bring peace to anything, all he wanted was

I get all that, but in EI they should have gave some background or history on why they were "evil" in the first place.
25346, You know, that's a major weakness of George Lucas' storytelling.
Posted by jaboonday, Fri May-27-05 01:07 PM
There's a lot of things he takes for gratned in the film that could have used more explanation. When I think of a story that had the proper amount of backstory included in with the main story, I think of Lord of the Rings. They never wasted an opportunity to go back into the past to explain why things are the way they are in the main story. The montage at the beginning of FOTR does a good job of explaining why the ring is evil, and I think something similar in Episode III or even Episode I would have gone a long way toward making the audience understand the true nature of the Sith.

An Official Okayplayer.com Midnight Marauder

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25347, nah
Posted by colonelk, Sat May-28-05 03:28 AM
I think it works the way it does. This way you almost sympathize with Anakin turning to the Sith. He's been given the same rote "they're bad, that's just the way it is" explanation that we have. And we share his frustration, until we see what the consequences of joining the Sith are.
25348, RE: so for 20 years between EIII and EIV
Posted by colonelk, Sat May-28-05 03:32 AM
>he ruled by a governement?

He ruled through a Senate that he bullied and controlled. Only twenty years later did he create a parallel, more directly responsive infrastructure and have the luxury of dissolving the Senate. But he ruled through fear, intimidation, and violence for all that time.

>Why should I hate the sith in EI when the series really

Because Darth Sidious is telling the trade federation to do bad shit. And Darth Maul looks like a spawn of Satan.
25349, the planet had rebels (terrorists). we fucked up afghanistan and
Posted by poetx, Wed May-25-05 08:35 PM
iraq, supposedly to get at some evildoers.

there's not a lot of difference, there, except the weapon was bigger and more complete.

but for the folks that caught the cruise missiles in afghanistan, and gulf war 1 and 2, it makes little difference if the entire planet was blown up or just their block, with their families and neighbors and children. agreed?
25350, a brief history of the sith's heritage.
Posted by Jehan, Tue May-31-05 09:19 AM
from an old starwars.com entry...


Architect of the Sith
July 21, 2000

It was their hunger for power that doomed the Sith to extinction. Internecine fighting dwindled their ranks until their sinister order -- which once held dominance over a multitude of star systems in a distant Empire -- was reduced to a single member. It was this Sith Lord, Darth Bane, who enacted the rule of two; there would only be two Sith at a time: a master, and an apprentice.

The Sith order began thousands of years ago, when a splinter group of dark side-turned Jedi were exiled from the Republic proper, due to their desire to fulfill the Force's complete potential however possible.

Traveling through the void of unexplored space, these evil Force wielders came upon the world of Korriban, and its native inhabitants, the Sith. The Sith people were talented in their own magic, and the Force flowed strongly in their bloodlines. Despite their potential, the Sith were cowed by the newcomers, and the former Jedi set themselves up as gods among the primitive people.

Generations of interbreeding merged Jedi and Sith bloodlines so that the two became inseparable. Eventually, the term "Sith" came to encompass not only the native inhabitants of Korriban, but rather all members of the dark side sect.

The Dark Lords of the Sith ruled from opulent palaces and ziggurats on Korriban and other worlds of their secluded area of space. The Sith grew powerful, and eventually launched a brazen attack into the heart of the Republic, starting a struggle that has lasted millennia.

Time and again the Sith and Jedi clashed, each conflict resulting in worlds ravaged by warfare. The last great battle between Jedi and Sith occurred in the scarred plains of Ruusan. The Sith Lord Kaan and his Brotherhood of Darkness did battle with the Jedi Army of Light. The immense battle resulted in the annihilation of both armies.

One Sith escaped the carnage: Darth Bane.

Bane sought to keep the order alive, but he had witnessed the self-destruction that was inherent in the Sith's previous ventures. Bane crafted the Sith order to preserve it as much as possible. There could only be two, no more, no less.

Bane took an apprentice. When that apprentice succeeded him, that new Sith Lord would take an apprentice. And so the Sith would quietly continue for a millennium. Although encounters with Jedi were rare, the Jedi did eventually learn of this new Sith structure, and thought themselves rid of this menace.

It was not until the time of the Battle of Naboo that the Sith re-emerged, seeking revenge for past defeat. This mission of vengeance has been inherited by Darth Sidious. Following in the dark tradition of Bane before him, Sidious' complex schemes remain hidden from the Republic at large, with few suspecting the impending chaos.

25351, I haven't really seen IV V and VI.. I got a main question
Posted by Marwan, Wed May-25-05 03:41 AM
so Luke doesn't know that Darth/Anakin is his father till the "I am your father scene".. I just watch Revenge of the Sith and.. doesn't Yoda and Obi-Wan know that Vader is Anakin? (Since they looked at the security tapes with Sideuous saying he'll be killed Vader??)
25352, yep
Posted by colonelk, Wed May-25-05 03:53 AM
They lie to him. They are goddamn dirty liars.

Why exactly have you not seen IV, V, and VI?
25353, I've seen glimpses on TV.. I'm getting into it more now
Posted by Marwan, Wed May-25-05 04:00 AM
So what's the purpose of lying? Did they want him to find out for himself or did they not have the heart to tell him the truth or something?
25354, knowing that your father is...
Posted by eternalist 25, Wed May-25-05 08:06 AM
...a sith would obviously mess with luke's head and put even more anger and hate in him, which they were trying to avoid knowing that luke was "a new hope"
25355, makes, sense, thanks.. n/m
Posted by Marwan, Wed May-25-05 03:36 PM
25356, shouldn't have lied
Posted by colonelk, Wed May-25-05 03:42 PM
Just confuses Luke like they confused Anakin. Damn Jedi had it coming.

Watch those movies, Marwan. It boggles the mind that one would watch the prequels without having seen the originals.

25357, I will in the very near future.. hoping I don't like it too much
Posted by Marwan, Thu May-26-05 02:53 AM
so I don't have to shell money for the trilogy and other assorted stuff lol
25358, even if you do like it
Posted by colonelk, Thu May-26-05 04:40 PM
don't shell the money. If you dig the prequels (which I infer that you do), wait for the series box with, almost certainly, new extras.
25359, RE: even if you do like it
Posted by kid, Fri May-27-05 01:44 PM
I knew this girl that had never seen the originals. And when Phantom Menace came out I pleaded with her to watch them in the "proper" sequence. to gauge what philosophy she would come up with.

Now I regret that decision cause I just heard from her that she actually did that. She prolly won't like them as much as those that grew up on that shit.

She sent me an e-mail saying thanks a lot, I waited 6 years to watch Padme die and Anakin killing all the Jedi.
What the hell is the point of this story?

It totally backfired on me.

StLOKp's™: DawgEatah, Dstl1, hyde, Colonel Sanders, MisterGrump, Afrotec, Instant_Vintage, ThaTruth, Soul1908, SefConscious, Baldheadslik, YngblkprinceMD, 314confidential, rdiggity, Kid

Honorable mention:auragin_boi
Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten
Sitting Bull
25360, LOL @ using your friend like a lab rat
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri May-27-05 02:50 PM
Now you know - and knowing is half the battle!
25361, I dunno
Posted by colonelk, Sat May-28-05 03:24 AM
That's kinda cool. Did she really not know that was going to happen?

I'm impressed at her ability to avoid cultural information.
25362, my dumb confession:
Posted by fats, Wed May-25-05 10:18 AM
i never put 2 and 2 together to realize anakin fulfilling the prophecy and killing all the sith was realized in rotj. i thought him killing all the sith was going to happen at the end of rots. so all thru the movie i'm anticipating anakin going somewhere and killing 80 darth maul lookalikes (the emperor could have ordered him to do this to fill up on the dark side or some shit.) about 2/3 thru the movie i realized that wasn't going to happen and was pretty disappointed.
25363, misunderstood the prophecy
Posted by colonelk, Wed May-25-05 03:45 PM
He wasn't predicted to "kill all the sith," but, rather, to "bring balance to the force."

Before TPM: thousands of Jedi, two Sith (at most).
After ROTS: two Sith, two Jedi

Sounds like balance to me.
25364, RE: misunderstood the prophecy
Posted by jaboonday, Thu May-26-05 01:09 AM
>He wasn't predicted to "kill all the sith," but, rather, to
>"bring balance to the force."
>Before TPM: thousands of Jedi, two Sith (at most).
>After ROTS: two Sith, two Jedi
>Sounds like balance to me.

But then he rejects the Sith, kills his Sith master, and leaves his Jedi son to live. Doesn't that leave the force out of balance again?

An Official Okayplayer.com Midnight Marauder

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25365, he fathered Luke and Leia
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu May-26-05 12:07 PM
Who in turn brought balance.

So the prophecy was right, just not in the same way the Jedi anticipated.
25366, yeah
Posted by colonelk, Thu May-26-05 02:58 PM
Luke was a little different from the Jedi who came before him. I guess you could call him "balanced."
25367, the emperor didnt die in the novelizations
Posted by Iltigo, Fri May-27-05 02:11 PM
he sent his essence into a clone

when he ordered the clon army, he ordered a few extra one for him.

so he came back to reek even more havok for luke, and the ganag later
25368, Someone also told me a different story from the books...
Posted by LA2Philly, Fri May-27-05 02:48 PM
that when the Emperor was falling down the Death Star shaft after Darth had tossed him, he created like 3 or 4 clones in that moment himself. Not sure if its true but thats what a cat told me.
25369, this is why the novels are stupid
Posted by colonelk, Sat May-28-05 03:25 AM
The WHOLE point is that Anakin kills the emperor. If he just kills some dumb clone, basically his whole life was a waste.
25370, i know right ?!
Posted by Iltigo, Sat May-28-05 11:32 AM
apparently after luke dables in the dark side, he has enough power to destroy siddious once and for all.

also rememebr that the profecy is a JEDI profecy...
im sure they didnt consult any sith about their demise, que no?
25371, well anakin wasnt the chosen one
Posted by J_Stew, Mon May-30-05 10:45 PM
luke was. but of course anakin had to come into the jedi order for any of the prophecy to happen
25372, Ok... so Obi Wan cuts off Vader something fierce...
Posted by ASP, Wed May-25-05 03:55 PM
and leaves him to die on the lava planet. Does Obi Wan at this point think Vader is dead? That would be the reasonable conclusion. Did he tell Yoda anything hinting at whether or not he thought Vader was still alive? And since Vader is unrecognizable in the new 'fit Sidious hooked him up with... I'm thinking... how did the Jedi know he was still alive? I know the force and fluctuations can be sensed, but can identity be sensed in the same way?

I mean, I guess if they heard "The Emperor and his right hand boy, Vader, are ruling the galaxy with an iron fist" then they could have put 2 and 2 together. But Yoda was definately not receiving any telegrams int eh Degobah system, and Obi Wan was supposed to be in hiding as well...

I dont know...that just seems a little off to me for some reason.
25373, Kenobi hears that Anakin's new name is Vader from the security tape.
Posted by jaboonday, Thu May-26-05 01:17 AM
...so it would make sense that when he goes back to Tattoine (which is outside the Empire's sphere of influence but still gets heavy traffic from spacefarers) he still hears about the developments going on in the galaxy from visitors to the planet. The exploits of Lord Vader and the Emperor should be quite the hot topic since the Emperor is all out in the open now, and Lord Vader is going out and doing his dirty work, so it's not hard to imagine Kenobi learning about all this stuff from the stories that people tell when they come to visit Tattoine.

An Official Okayplayer.com Midnight Marauder

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25374, Who is Master Cypher Dias?
Posted by HighVoltage, Wed May-25-05 07:42 PM
They mention him, but do we ever meet him or find out who he is. In Episode 2 they said he was a Jedi that ordered the contruction of the clone army for the republic.... thats pretty crucial, who the fuck is he?
25375, he was a real Jedi
Posted by colonelk, Wed May-25-05 08:02 PM
But it was Palpatine, pretending to be Sifo Dious, who ordered the clones.
25376, when did they say palp was dias?
Posted by HighVoltage, Thu May-26-05 01:24 AM
25377, They didn't.
Posted by jaboonday, Thu May-26-05 01:41 AM
But it's one of just a very few reasonable conclusions based on the fact that Sifo Dyas was killed BEFORE the order to create the clone army was made. The only thing it doesn't explain is how the Jedi Archives were hacked to erase any evidence of the existence of the planet where the clones were being produced.

An Official Okayplayer.com Midnight Marauder

http://xaraya.jrojr.com (in progress, soon to be www.jrojr.com)

25378, RE: They didn't.
Posted by eternalist 25, Thu May-26-05 07:48 AM
The only thing it doesn't
>explain is how the Jedi Archives were hacked to erase any
>evidence of the existence of the planet where the clones were
>being produced.

probably dooku
25379, yep
Posted by colonelk, Thu May-26-05 02:55 PM
Dooku did that. He recruited Jango for the clone job. So he almost certainly hid the planet.
25380, Genius
Posted by kid, Thu May-26-05 03:27 PM
I had ben contemplating this for a while and you guys just figured it out for me.
I can't believe it was that obvious.

Siddeous, posing as a Jedi, (probably in the similiar robes Sith wear) visits Kamino, (or possible Dookoo) to order the clones. (I wonder how susceptible the Kaminoans are to the Jedi mind trick.)
And Dookoo deletes Kamino from the database, so the Jedi don't catch on.

Ever notice that f it isn't plain as day, the Jedi probably won't notice it??

StLOKp's™: DawgEatah, Dstl1, hyde, Colonel Sanders, MisterGrump, Afrotec, Instant_Vintage, ThaTruth, Soul1908, SefConscious, Baldheadslik, YngblkprinceMD, 314confidential, rdiggity, Kid

Honorable mention:auragin_boi
Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten
Sitting Bull
25381, I don't even think he needed to use the Jedi Mind Trick on them.
Posted by jaboonday, Thu May-26-05 06:37 PM
On the Star Wars website, it says that the Kaminoans are a neutral party when it comes to the affairs of other planets/races in the galaxy, so they don't take sides when it comes to these kinds of dealings. They're more interested in perfecting their genetic experiments and cloning technologies than worrying about the conflicts they're inadvertantly involving themselves in.

An Official Okayplayer.com Midnight Marauder

http://xaraya.jrojr.com (in progress, soon to be www.jrojr.com)

25382, Dag, you'd think the Jedi Archive Library woulod check ID's
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri May-27-05 02:24 PM
and shit lol
25383, which scenes did Speilberg direct? (he did direct some, right?)
Posted by soze, Thu May-26-05 10:24 AM

25384, he didn't direct any
Posted by colonelk, Thu May-26-05 02:56 PM
He storyboarded a few shots. I think it was the Obi v. Grevious chase/fight.
25385, did y'all know Sith is an anagram for Shit?
Posted by poetx, Thu May-26-05 12:20 PM

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

"But I'm just saying, thats my blanket policy as a grown ass adult." - Crucian1

my philosophy on free time:

"and next time when he get it he'll waste it on somethin'
25386, Padme's Last Words....
Posted by HighVoltage, Fri May-27-05 01:25 AM
I believe she says "Obi Wan.... there's gonna name (? hard to make out what she says)...I know there's still...." *she dies*

anyone know what she's talking about? It's her last words, so its gotta be something important.
25387, she says "i know there is still good in him"
Posted by DawgEatah, Fri May-27-05 02:13 AM
or something to that effect.
speaking about Anakin.
which comes to fruition in ROTJ.

ºº¤ºº The Elmer Fudd of this Hip Hop ºº¤ºº

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25388, makes sense.
Posted by HighVoltage, Fri May-27-05 02:53 AM
25389, yea she says
Posted by eternalist 25, Fri May-27-05 07:41 AM
i know there is good in him....i know theres still...*drops dead*
25390, RE: yea she says
Posted by HighVoltage, Sat May-28-05 12:58 AM
the thing that threw me was cause she never actually says "good in him"... i guess its just implied. i saw it twice in theaters and downloaded it off bittorrent last night, so im certain.
25391, im pretty sure she does...
Posted by eternalist 25, Tue May-31-05 07:32 AM
...say good in him
25392, Why did it take them twenty years to build the Death Star...
Posted by Aesop, Fri May-27-05 12:39 PM
When it took them like a year to build the second one. And if they built it fast, why did it take the Rebellion twenty years to find out about it, or for the Empire to start using it? At the end of Sith, they are staring at the frame for the Death Star which leads me to believe they had that shit built long before it's discovered in A New Hope.
25393, RE: Why did it take them twenty years to build the Death Star...
Posted by eternalist 25, Fri May-27-05 01:11 PM
>When it took them like a year to build the second one.
the second one wasnt even near completion when lando blew it up

>if they built it fast, why did it take the Rebellion twenty
>years to find out about it, or for the Empire to start using
they hid it just like the rebels hid their base. the empire kept it secret until it was fully operational when they destroye aalderan

At the end of Sith, they are staring at the frame for the
>Death Star which leads me to believe they had that shit built
>long before it's discovered in A New Hope.
it wasnt fully operational
25394, RE: Why did it take them twenty years to build the Death Star...
Posted by Aesop, Fri May-27-05 01:25 PM
>>When it took them like a year to build the second one.
> the second one wasnt even near completion when lando blew it

It looked pretty near completion to me, just missing a chunk of it. They built that much of it in somewhere around a year when it took them 20 years to build the first one?

>>if they built it fast, why did it take the Rebellion twenty
>>years to find out about it, or for the Empire to start using
>they hid it just like the rebels hid their base. the empire
>kept it secret until it was fully operational when they
>destroye aalderan

I don't believe it took 15-20 years for it to be fully operational when they had the frame and then some already there at the end of Sith.

>At the end of Sith, they are staring at the frame for the
>>Death Star which leads me to believe they had that shit
>>long before it's discovered in A New Hope.
>it wasnt fully operational

I know it wasn't fully operational at the end of Sith, but I'm saying it couldn't have taken them 15-20 years to complete the ship from what they already had.
25395, RE: Why did it take them twenty years to build the Death Star...
Posted by jaboonday, Fri May-27-05 02:24 PM

Within three years of the Death Star's demise, the Galactic Empire again proved its evil nature with the construction of a second Death Star in a remote region of space. Fortunately for the galaxy, the Empire never completed this monstrosity. Word of its construction was spread through the Rebel ranks by Bothan spies. The Alliance was able to pinpoint the exact location of Death Star's construction, and mount a pre-emptive strike to destroy the station.

The leaked information was all a ruse. The scheming Emperor Palpatine engineered the Rebellion's discovery of the Death Star in the hopes of trapping the growing Rebel fleet. The second Death Star would not be as vulnerable as the Rebels believed.

To ensure that the Death Star would destroy the lured Alliance fleet, Palpatine entrusted the supervision of its final phase of construction to his Sith apprentice, Lord Darth Vader. Vader motivated the Death Star's commander, Moff Jerjerrod, to see that the battle station was operational when the Emperor arrived for his inspection tour.

The second Death Star was not a complete sphere. Though much of the battle station's recognizable shape was visible, there were huge sections of exposed superstructure and visible skeleton. To protect the half-completed and immobile station during its construction, the Empire projected an immense deflector shield from the nearby forest moon of Endor. The shield was strong enough to protect any breach from both capital and starfighter-class ships.

The Alliance sent a commando team to land on the moon and deactivate the shield generator while the Rebel fleet emerged from hyperspace to destroy the station. Unlike the previous Death Star, whose reactor core was accessible only from a two-meter wide exhaust port, the second Death Star's heart had to be destroyed by actually flying into the superstructure and detonating the collosal power plant.

The commando team was waylaid by Imperials and the Rebel fleet arrived to find the deflector shield intact. Worse yet, the superlaser was operational, and began destroying Rebel Mon Calamari cruisers with each blast. General Lando Calrissian came up with a daring and foolhardy tactic to engage the Imperial fleet at point-blank range, thus limiting the Death Star's available targets.

Aided by the native Ewoks of Endor, the Rebels were able to infiltrate and destroy the shield generator complex. With the shield down, General Calrissian led the Alliance starfighters into the inner recesses of the Death Star. There, he and Wedge Antilles loosed a volley of ordnance that began an immense fireball that tore apart the station.

Emperor Palpatine's body was consumed in the explosion. The Imperial fleet never recovered from the fiasco. What was to be the Rebel Alliance's demise instead turned into the death of the Empire. As firey fragments of the battle station burned away in Endor's atmosphere, the celebratory cheers of freedom rang throughout the forests, and indeed, the entire galaxy.

An Official Okayplayer.com Midnight Marauder

http://xaraya.jrojr.com (in progress, soon to be www.jrojr.com)

25396, They hid the original Death Star behind Jake Lloyd'd head
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri May-27-05 02:23 PM
25397, Why WAS Vader wearing a cape before they let him up??
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri May-27-05 02:22 PM
They showed him decked out in his Vader outfit, with the cape ON before they let him off the operating table LMFAO


Like, "Hold on, son! Your raw, tender, runny skin is still melting off your bones, but...let's lift you up for a second so we can get this cape on". Did anyone else notice this?

I would've been like "AH! Fuck! You got the damn iron lung and life-supporting armor on...wait a damn second before you put the CAPE ON! Damn, I know I'm supposed to look devious and shit, but...let me stand up first, jeezus".
25398, hahaha
Posted by Mic_Specialist, Fri May-27-05 02:45 PM
25399, C'mon.. u know that cape is built in.. made from the best wookie fibers
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Fri May-27-05 05:44 PM
25400, Wookie Hilfiger
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat May-28-05 08:54 AM
25401, Is this the first lightsaber of its kind?
Posted by JtothaI, Sat May-28-05 09:26 PM

25402, lol
Posted by HighVoltage, Sat May-28-05 09:38 PM
and how did happen to stumble across this website?
25403, a post in another forum.
Posted by JtothaI, Sat May-28-05 11:53 PM
>and how did happen to stumble across this website?

25404, Why in Star Wars when Luke brought R2d2 to Obi Wan
Posted by syncere600, Sun May-29-05 10:01 AM
mofo said I dont remember ever having a droid?
Yo they all had droids
his was R4

Damn so why if they was starting death star in episode 3
shit wasn't done till Luke was 19
so it took em 20yrs to make that one
but they made another in like what a yr
how the fuck?

<-------I changed Esther for this!

25405, about the death star
Posted by lexx3001, Sun May-29-05 02:11 PM
they probably failed a whooole buch of times when they started building it at first... but once you know the formula its a piece of cake.... shit look at invention of pennicillin (sp). how long it took to discover it. they probably were still researching for mad long
25406, Obi Wan/droid
Posted by colonelk, Mon May-30-05 12:28 AM
He says he doesn't remember "owning" a droid. R4 and all them were owned by the Republic. He never had a personal droid the way Anakin had R2. R4 never followed him around to dinner dates and stuff.
25407, Obi Wan never paid attention to the droids...only Anakin
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Mon May-30-05 10:59 AM
if you watch the movies, Obi Wan pretty much treated the droids like everyone else saw the droids...just there to serve their purpose.

Only Anakin and Padme really got personal with them.
25408, Why is Windu's lightsaber purple?
Posted by Tiger Woods, Mon May-30-05 09:20 AM
this is a good question too.
25409, sam jackson's request
Posted by JtothaI, Mon May-30-05 10:12 AM
he asked lucas if he could have a purple lightasber, and Lucas said ok.
25410, RE: Padme's death
Posted by BooDaah, Mon May-30-05 06:51 PM
What exactly did she die from again (a broken heart, yeah right)?

You mean to tell me they could save a guy who
had been chopped to bits, not to mention burned to a crisp, but they couldn't handle what seemed to be a normal birth of twins?

malpractice like a mug
25411, the bitch died 'cause of ANAKIN? While NEGLECTING her kids
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Mon May-30-05 08:16 PM
"Boohoo! I just gave birth to TWINS, but I wanna DIE 'cause my husband is an irresponsible, ego-centric, power-hungry DEADBEAT! I WAS a good queen for my planet, and a high-esteemed senator, but now I'm just going to up and DIE 'cause my man did some stupid shit. Woes ME!"

She didn't even stay alive to find out where her kids were going either. She didn't say "Wait, where are you taking my babies after I pass?". For all she knew, they could've been put into some cruel orphanage on bubblefuck's 5th moon.

25412, How come they can breath on every planet? (spoilers)
Posted by MrMick, Mon May-30-05 08:55 PM
And how come every species can breath in the same environments?

In Episode III, why doesn't Obi-Wan kill Annakin?

In Empire, why does Obi-wan say Yoda trained him, when in fact Quai-Gon trained him?

How come Yoda goes into hiding after one failed attempt at killing Darth Sidious?

If they are trying to hide Luke from Vader, why did they keep his last name and send him to live with family?

How come Luke is the only one with a regular name (besides Obi-Wan's alias)?

Why the hell did they throw in the Darth Vader "NOOOOO!" moment in Revenge of the Sith?

How come Yoda can flip around but still needs to walk with a cane?

"Around the survivors, a perimeter create"?

What was the point of Episode I?

How come Padme doesn't age?

In Episode VI, why does Vader get to become a happy Ghost like Obi-Wan and Yoda? Dude was evil.

How come Vader's breathing doesn't get interrupted when he talks?

How come in Episodes IV-VI no one does the "force push"?

How come they begin the Death Star in Ep III, don't finish it until Ep IV (like 20 years later), but are like half done with the second one by "Return of the Jedi"?

How come the Storm Troopers had their outfits downgraded from setting-specific and multi-colored to plain white?

How come Luke sucked so much?

How did General Grievous get lung cancer?

25413, RE: How come they can breath on every planet? (spoilers)
Posted by colonelk, Mon May-30-05 09:19 PM
>And how come every species can breath in the same

Cuz it's fantasy, not sci-fi.

>In Episode III, why doesn't Obi-Wan kill Annakin?

He can't kill him. He's his friend. He can only defend himself. Sort of fucked up to let him burn like that without a mercy kill, but nobody said Obi Wan was a nice guy.

>In Empire, why does Obi-wan say Yoda trained him, when in fact
>Quai-Gon trained him?

Yoda trained him. Qui Gon mentored him. Notice Yoda training younglings before they become Padawans.

>How come Yoda goes into hiding after one failed attempt at
>killing Darth Sidious?

Because he knows in his heart Sidious is stronger.

>If they are trying to hide Luke from Vader, why did they keep
>his last name and send him to live with family?

Because Vader thinks he's dead. And because Lucas didn't think this far ahead when he made the first film.

>How come Luke is the only one with a regular name (besides
>Obi-Wan's alias)?

Leia is regular.

>Why the hell did they throw in the Darth Vader "NOOOOO!"
>moment in Revenge of the Sith?

Because Lucas wrote it that way.

>How come Yoda can flip around but still needs to walk with a


>"Around the survivors, a perimeter create"?

Blame Frank Oz for this. Lucas wanted Yoda to talk a little more normal in the prequels, but Frank resisted.

>What was the point of Episode I?

To introduce characters.

>How come Padme doesn't age?

Good make=up.

>In Episode VI, why does Vader get to become a happy Ghost like
>Obi-Wan and Yoda? Dude was evil.

He was redeemed.

>How come Vader's breathing doesn't get interrupted when he

It plugs straight into his lungs. Not through his mouth.

>How come in Episodes IV-VI no one does the "force push"?

Nobody taught it to Luke.

>How come they begin the Death Star in Ep III, don't finish it
>until Ep IV (like 20 years later), but are like half done with
>the second one by "Return of the Jedi"?

Improved construction methods.

>How come the Storm Troopers had their outfits downgraded from
>setting-specific and multi-colored to plain white?

White looked cooler.

>How come Luke sucked so much?

Loss of oxygen in the womb when his dad choked his mom.

>How did General Grievous get lung cancer?

Grievous is actually Joe Camel in the later stages of life.
25414, *dead*
Posted by syncere600, Mon May-30-05 09:43 PM
>How did General Grievous get lung cancer?

Grievous is actually Joe Camel in the later stages of life.

Your Star Wars knowlege is un matched

<-------Esther back like cooked crack!

25415, thanks
Posted by colonelk, Tue May-31-05 08:10 AM
Not sure whether to be proud or not.
25416, i dont think sidious was stronger
Posted by J_Stew, Mon May-30-05 10:50 PM
but yoda and obi wan cant take on whole armies, and by that time sidious was in total control of everything. so they had to bide their time and wait till the right opportunity

>How come Yoda goes into hiding after one failed attempt at
>killing Darth Sidious?

Because he knows in his heart Sidious is stronger.
25417, RE: i dont think sidious was stronger
Posted by colonelk, Tue May-31-05 08:12 AM
Then why was Yoda running through that escape tunnel like a bitch? Also, "failed I have, into exile my green ass must go."

The "emperor is surrounded by armies" excuse explains why Yoda and Obi Wan can't just team up and get him (one assumes their combined powers could take him, which is what they should have done in the first place).

EDIT: punctuation.
25418, RE: How come they can breath on every planet? (spoilers)
Posted by eternalist 25, Tue May-31-05 07:40 AM
>How come the Storm Troopers had their outfits downgraded from
>setting-specific and multi-colored to plain white?

They still had setting specific...like the storm troopers driving AT-AT's, snow troopers, and the guys who rode the speeder bikes. Don't know about the color
25419, White outfits in the forest?
Posted by MrMick, Tue May-31-05 10:38 AM
Never seemed like a good a good idea to me. But I guess that since they were all clones that could be mass produced, the empire just didn't give a shit how many of them died.

25420, WTF is Chewbacca saying?!
Posted by JRennolds, Mon May-30-05 09:55 PM
Just curious...

(I "don't get" STAR WARS)
25421, 'Why do I have a belt with no clothes?'
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue May-31-05 11:00 AM
25422, RE: i enjoyed reading this entire post
Posted by ayce_able, Mon May-30-05 11:45 PM
thank you.
25423, the execution of 'order 66'.
Posted by Jehan, Tue May-31-05 09:11 AM
kenobi/yoda excepted, why was that sh:t so easily done? presumably the jedi that sat on the council (all of 'master' rank) were badass enough to not get knocked w/ ease by a coupla stormtroopers.

25424, they caught them by suprise, you don't expect the MF's you're leading...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue May-31-05 10:33 AM
in battle to shoot you in the back.
25425, that doesn't fly.
Posted by Jehan, Tue May-31-05 11:01 AM
their ability to sense trouble via the force alone shoulda hipped them to it. that notwithstanding, anakin/kenobi/yoda been in plenty of surprise situations wh/ they handled w/ ease.
