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Topic subjectThe Official "The Shield" Season 3 Post
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2462, The Official "The Shield" Season 3 Post
Posted by nipsey, Tue Mar-02-04 11:16 AM
With the season premiere a week away, I figured it was time for the official post. Let's keep this up the entire 13 week season. To get us started, below is an Entertainment Weekly review of the first two episodes. There are minor spoilers so READER BEWARE!

From ew.com:
Reviewed by Gillian Flynn

Having a bastard as your central character is like having a snake for a pet -- it's really cool at first, but then you wonder whether you can DO much with it. As The Shieldslithers into its third season, I worried: Can a series that opened with Det. Vic Mackey (Michael Chiklis) murdering a fellow officer possibly find fresh angles three years in?

Ohhhh, yes. Season 2 ended with the crooked cop and his crooked Strike Team gazing at the pile of loot they'd stolen from the Armenian Mob. Now they're aiming to lay low -- which, this being ''The Shield,'' ain't likely. By the second episode, some of the cash -- which, it turns out, has been marked -- is already circulating.

The twisted, politicized station house in a fictional L.A. precinct is also offering up myriad intrigues. Capt. David Aceveda (Benito Martinez), elected to the city council last season, decides to tidy up his sullied legacy, and refuses to vacate his position -- promised to Det. Claudette Wyms (CCH Pounder) -- for another six months. The rivalry between Wyms and the slick Aceveda brewed all last season, and I hope -- nay, demand -- to see a showdown between these two soon.

''The Shield'''s writers have always enjoyed fingering around in fragile human alliances, and they've developed a real knack for small kick-in-the-heart moments. Nothing says more about the desperation of closeted Julien (Michael Jace) than when he shrugs off his old partner Danny (Catherine Dent) to jaw with his new macho buddies in blue. And while I'm still smarting from the letdown that was Lanie Kellis, the Mackey-hating civilian auditor who went nowhere last season, I'll forgive the writers in light of their brilliant decision to put smug, needy Det. Dutch Wagenbach on the Armenian Mob case. Jay Karnes plays the guy with the awkwardness of Ducky and the lemony line readings of Paul Lynde, and I can't wait to see his junior high egghead vibe matched against Mackey's knee-jerk jockiness.

Ultimately, the reason ''The Shield'' is one of the best police dramas going isn't just its spiderweb plots, the claustrophobic you're-stuck-with-us camera work, or its antihero, although Chiklis -- who won a well-deserved Emmy two years back -- is just as spooky and weirdly amiable as ever. It's the fact that the program regularly yields even its main characters to baleful Fate: The series hits its most shocking point with the fifth episode, when one suffers a sick-making assault that's bound to have disturbing ripples. It proves that while ''The Shield'' is mining more of its subtleties, it still knows how to dredge up pure nightmare. Grade: A- (This is the grade given in the magazine issue of EW I believe. The online grade says C+.)

2463, Thanks for the reminder
Posted by doberman, Tue Mar-02-04 03:14 PM
I can't wait.
2464, hell yea!
Posted by phenompyrus, Tue Mar-02-04 04:45 PM
this is gonna be the shit right here. and im watching the rerun right now.
2465, Money Train's a comin'
Posted by nipsey, Wed Mar-03-04 08:58 AM
You know it can't be that easy keeping that kinda money a secret. I bet this upcoming season is all about them trying to keep this a secret and having close calls along the way.
2466, You don't know how giddy I got a couple of weeks ago.
Posted by Kuahmel, Wed Mar-03-04 12:08 PM
January came...no Shield
February came...still no Shield...

Then one Tuesday, I was wondering to myself "When the hell is the Shield coming back? Did they cancel it on the low? Did they premiere it on the low?"

Suddenly, driving back from H'wood, going down Beverly Bl., I look to my right, and on a bus shelter billboard, I see...

"THe Shield....season premiere Tues. March 9, 10PM"

Life became good again.

As of the 30th, those will be two long hours of TV, from 24 straight to the Shield....my girl will hate me.
2467, The Shield Video Game
Posted by nipsey, Thu Mar-04-04 10:59 AM
A game is being developed now for a 2005 release. It'll probably suck because most licensed games do.

From cinescape.com:


Video Game News
THE SHIELD gets game
This ain't no cop rock
Dateline: Wednesday, March 3, 2004

By: News Editor
Source: The Hollywood Reporter, Gamespot

Here's something that we didn't see coming, but now that we know about it, makes perfect sense: the rights to make a video game of the FX network's hard-edged crime drama THE SHIELD have been picked up by Sammy Studios. Michael Chiklis, the Golden Globe-winning actor who plays dirty cop Vic Mackey in the series, is in negotiations to lend his voice and likeness to the game. Deals for the same are also being negotiated with the remaining cast members from the series. Developed by Point of View, the third-person game will let players choose from different approaches to taking down thugs and criminals on the streets of L.A., ranging from following the law to the letter to taking bribes, roughing up informants and planting evidence.

Sammy Studios is the publisher behind such titles as LETHAL SKIES II, the GUILTY GEAR titles and SEVEN SAMURAI 20XX, set for release on March 24. The company is aiming for a release for THE SHIELD game sometime in the first quarter of 2005.

2468, Season Premiere is Tomorrow
Posted by nipsey, Mon Mar-08-04 05:57 AM

Bush v. Kerry v. Nader:

Homer: America, take a good look at your beloved candidates.
They're nothing but hideous space reptiles.

Kodos: It's true, we are aliens. But what are you going to do about
it? It's a two-party system; you have to vote for one of us.

Man1: He's right, this is a two-party system.
Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a third-party candidate.
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote away.

-- "Treehouse of Horror VII"

"If I had stopped to talk to every pretty girl that I saw in TnT, I swear I would've stayed in the same spot the whole trip and just spun in a circle."

---My boy describing the lusciousness that was his trip to Trinidad for Carnivale


"I hate to see you go. But I love to watch you leave."

---John Travolta as Castor Troy
as Sean Archer in "Face/Off"


Last 10 movies I saw:

Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus
Barbershop 2: B
Mystic River: B
Batman, Mystery of the Batwoman: B Plus
10,000 Men Named George: B
Paycheck: B
Finding Nemo: A-
2469, up for CCH Pounder
Posted by radin, Mon Mar-08-04 06:17 PM
she actually deserves her own thread
2470, So um how come you guys have me hooked on
Posted by DJ007, Tue Mar-09-04 01:42 PM
this series now Ive only watched like the last few episodes of the second season and its awesome. I love the way the shoot the episodes has real life vibe to them.Anyways I was definitely pick seasons 1 and 2 on dvd now.

Ordell Robbie: He put himself in a position where he was going to have to do ten years in prison, that's what he did. And if you know Beaumont, you know ain't no god damn way he can do ten years. And if you know that, then you know Beaumont's gonna do anything Beaumont can to keep from doing them ten years, including telling the federal government any and every motherfucking thing about my black ass. Now that my friend is a clear cut case of him or me. And you best believe it ain't gonna be me.
Rev. Fred Sultan: Mono e mono? My dick wants to laugh.
Jules: What does Marcellus Wallace look like?
Brett: What?
Jules: Say "what" again. SAY "WHAT" AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say "what" one more goddamn time.
Brett: He's b-b-black...
Jules: Go on.
Brett: He's bald...
Jules: Does he look like a bitch?
Brett: What?

Brett: NO.
Jules: Then why you trying to fuck him like a bitch, Brett?
Brett: I didn't.
Jules: Yes you did. Yes you did, Brett. You tried to fuck him. And Marcellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody, except Mrs. Wallace
Jules: The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
2471, Damn I forgot how good this show is
Posted by radin, Tue Mar-09-04 05:38 PM
I want to see Mackey and Dutch partners though, that would add comedy.
2472, David Mamet is directing an episode
Posted by actualfact, Tue Mar-09-04 06:56 PM
not sure if it is going to run this season or next but he mentioned it in an interview w/ one of the kids at www.aintitcool.com

too bad he isn't writing an episode that'd be great (and hilarious)

2473, nice first episode
Posted by Calico, Tue Mar-09-04 08:30 PM
...i knew 'ass'avata was gonna pull some bullshit...

CCH is the truth, she don't take shit from anybody....

Dutch and his "perfect record" are gonna cause the strike team nothin but problems and he doesn't even know it...

what's ole boy's name?? the black dude (uniform)....anyway, he needs to get his dignity back, fuckin up one of them attackers had to help a lil....

mackey is gonna be more reckless and an implosion of the team is on the way

...i hope the new guy on the stike team drops duke in that episode they previewed....

...spanish woman handin Mackey the towel after tussin with that kid....classic......them fools was watching divorce court en espanol.....the quick deniro impression...classic...

...damn i'm happy this finally came back......i'mma hate when the seasons over

nip/tuck in june?? word.....
2474, RE: nice first episode
Posted by nipsey, Tue Mar-09-04 09:01 PM
>...i knew 'ass'avata was gonna pull some bullshit...
And Claudette knew it too when he asked her if she had other ideas.

>CCH is the truth, she don't take shit from anybody....
>Dutch and his "perfect record" are gonna cause the strike
>team nothin but problems and he doesn't even know it...

Yes he will

>what's ole boy's name?? the black dude (uniform)....anyway,
>he needs to get his dignity back, fuckin up one of them
>attackers had to help a lil....

Julian needs to step up and do something.

>mackey is gonna be more reckless and an implosion of the
>team is on the way

He can't be more reckless than he was the first half of last season. He was definitely off his game then. I don't think he'll get reckless, he'll just have to try and stay one step ahead of Dutch Boy.

>...i hope the new guy on the stike team drops duke in that
>episode they previewed....

Tayvon. I was hoping he'd realize they always stopped talking everytime he entered the room. They were doint that isht last season. How obvious can you be.


Bush v. Kerry:
Homer: America, take a good look
at your beloved candidates.
nothing but hideous space

Kodos: It's true, we are aliens. But
what are you going to do about
it? It's a two-party system;
you have to vote for one of us.

Man1: He's right, this is a two-
party system.
Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a
third-party candidate.
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote

-- "Treehouse of Horror VII"

"If I had stopped to talk to every
pretty girl that I saw in TnT, I
swear I would've stayed in the
same spot the whole trip and just
spun in a circle."

---My boy describing the
lusciousness that was his trip to
Trinidad for Carnivale


"I hate to see you go. But I love
to watch you leave."

---John Travolta as Castor Troy
as Sean Archer in "Face/Off"


Last 10 movies I saw:

Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus
Barbershop 2: B
Mystic River: B
Batman, Mystery of the
Batwoman: B Plus
10,000 Men Named George: B
Paycheck: B
Finding Nemo: A-
2475, Another article
Posted by nipsey, Tue Mar-09-04 08:57 PM
From zap2it.com:
'The Shield' Returns for Round Three

By Kate O'Hare

The cast, crew and producers of FX's police drama "The Shield" gather to watch the fourth episode of the new season. A screening room-dining hall has been set up with food near the sets at ABC Television Center Studios in Hollywood.

Everyone is there, from creator Shawn Ryan and star Michael Chiklis to guest director David Mamet. Even actors not working that day are on hand. As befits the de facto captain of the team, Chiklis sits front and center.

"Every week, I find myself definitely cast in the role of the veteran and the leader in the cast," Chiklis says. "It's a responsibility, but it's a flattery as well. I just want to lay down a good example with the best work ethic that I can muster and the least diva. Fish rots from the head, right?"

On Tuesday, March 9, "The Shield" returns for its third season -- extended, this year, from the usual 13 to 15 episodes. Its main character, rogue LAPD Detective Vic Mackey, has not mellowed, but he's trying to behave. At the end of season two, Vic and his Strike Team ripped off a money shipment (aka "money train") belonging to the Armenian mob, and the cash is starting to prove almost more trouble than it's worth.

Vic's now under scrutiny, both from outgoing boss and political candidate David Aceveda (Benito Martinez), and his impatient successor, Det. Claudette Wyms (CCH Pounder). Things also aren't going well in the splintered Mackey family, and internal tensions threaten the solidarity of the Strike Team.

Filming this day is an explosive verbal exchange between Vic and Strike Team member Shane (Walton Goggins). Between takes, Chiklis shows off his extensive knowledge of "Monty Python" sketches.

"We're goofy on-set," Chiklis says. "We need it for the tension break. We do some pretty intense stuff all the time, and if we carry it 'round with us, there'd be fistfights."

Unfortunately for Vic, he doesn't get much comedic relief in season three. "At the beginning of the season," he's much more low-key," Chiklis says. "But you can't change the spots on a leopard, can you? As hard as he's trying to play it tight, in spite of himself, he can't seem to manage it."

New viewers might wonder whether Vic is cop or crook. "I think Vic's really a cop," writer-producer Glen Mazzara says. "He does have a moral line. There are things Vic won't do."


Bush v. Kerry:
Homer: America, take a good look
at your beloved candidates.
nothing but hideous space

Kodos: It's true, we are aliens. But
what are you going to do about
it? It's a two-party system;
you have to vote for one of us.

Man1: He's right, this is a two-
party system.
Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a
third-party candidate.
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote

-- "Treehouse of Horror VII"

"If I had stopped to talk to every
pretty girl that I saw in TnT, I
swear I would've stayed in the
same spot the whole trip and just
spun in a circle."

---My boy describing the
lusciousness that was his trip to
Trinidad for Carnivale


"I hate to see you go. But I love
to watch you leave."

---John Travolta as Castor Troy
as Sean Archer in "Face/Off"


Last 10 movies I saw:

Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus
Barbershop 2: B
Mystic River: B
Batman, Mystery of the
Batwoman: B Plus
10,000 Men Named George: B
Paycheck: B
Finding Nemo: A-
2476, Question about Julian
Posted by EmDub, Wed Mar-10-04 05:08 AM
Might be the years of drug abuse thats fogging my memory but what happened to him?

We can bomb the world to pieces, but we can't bomb it into peace--Michael Franti
2477, RE: Question about Julian
Posted by nipsey, Wed Mar-10-04 06:00 AM
Julian's confused about his sexuality and helped his brothers in blue beat up on his ex partner. They then found out that Julian had a relationship with him so they decided to beat him up.


Bush v. Kerry:
Homer: America, take a good look
at your beloved candidates.
nothing but hideous space

Kodos: It's true, we are aliens. But
what are you going to do about
it? It's a two-party system;
you have to vote for one of us.

Man1: He's right, this is a two-
party system.
Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a
third-party candidate.
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote

-- "Treehouse of Horror VII"

"If I had stopped to talk to every
pretty girl that I saw in TnT, I
swear I would've stayed in the
same spot the whole trip and just
spun in a circle."

---My boy describing the
lusciousness that was his trip to
Trinidad for Carnivale


"I hate to see you go. But I love
to watch you leave."

---John Travolta as Castor Troy
as Sean Archer in "Face/Off"


Last 10 movies I saw:

Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus
Barbershop 2: B
Mystic River: B
Batman, Mystery of the
Batwoman: B Plus
10,000 Men Named George: B
Paycheck: B
Finding Nemo: A-
2478, when did they beat up his ex boyfriend?
Posted by TekzillaOhioSt, Thu Apr-22-04 02:02 AM
the blanket party was for that trans that bit his partner.
2479, first episode was great.
Posted by phenompyrus, Wed Mar-10-04 06:06 AM
it got me looking on to a great year. and we get 15 episodes.
Posted by radin, Wed Mar-10-04 06:19 AM
gonna dip into that money train cash for this bust. You know it's impending doom when that cash hits the street.
Posted by nipsey, Wed Mar-10-04 08:46 AM
Vic doesn't know the money is marked. Of course when the money shows up, Dutch will get a sniff and start following leads.

>gonna dip into that money train cash for this bust. You know
>it's impending doom when that cash hits the street.


Bush v. Kerry:
Homer: America, take a good look
at your beloved candidates.
nothing but hideous space

Kodos: It's true, we are aliens. But
what are you going to do about
it? It's a two-party system;
you have to vote for one of us.

Man1: He's right, this is a two-
party system.
Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a
third-party candidate.
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote

-- "Treehouse of Horror VII"

"If I had stopped to talk to every
pretty girl that I saw in TnT, I
swear I would've stayed in the
same spot the whole trip and just
spun in a circle."

---My boy describing the
lusciousness that was his trip to
Trinidad for Carnivale


"I hate to see you go. But I love
to watch you leave."

---John Travolta as Castor Troy
as Sean Archer in "Face/Off"


Last 10 movies I saw:

Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus
Barbershop 2: B
Mystic River: B
Batman, Mystery of the
Batwoman: B Plus
10,000 Men Named George: B
Paycheck: B
Finding Nemo: A-
2482, he has to have an idea it's marked
Posted by radin, Wed Mar-10-04 08:58 AM
why is he so cautious not to spend a single stack out of it for the next 6-9 months
2483, Why they don't do the Swiss bank account....
Posted by Kuahmel, Wed Mar-10-04 02:28 PM
..is beyond me.

Is that a different Ronny?

And I never knew Shane had a girlfriend.
2484, I believe that was a new addition for the season
Posted by radin, Wed Mar-10-04 05:03 PM

>And I never knew Shane had a girlfriend.

2485, same ronny
Posted by Calico, Thu Mar-11-04 08:04 PM
..jus grew a beard,,,shit threw me too...
Posted by radin, Tue Mar-30-04 07:01 PM
>gonna dip into that money train cash for this bust. You know
>it's impending doom when that cash hits the street.

HAHA I called it!!!
2487, Just watched the first episode
Posted by Ace_ecA, Sat Mar-13-04 10:44 AM
and got damn I'm glad it's back. The crew is up to the same ol' shit, and Aseveda (sp?) is a BITCH. But if I remember correctly didn't the Chief want Claudette to be the new captain? She should go see him and get Aseveda ass up out of there.

When Mackey said "Dutch Boy" this ep, that shit had me rolling, I haven't heard that in a minute.

My Tivo stopped recording the show right after Julian choked the ex fed that beat him down. What happened after that?
2488, up for tonight episode 2
Posted by radin, Tue Mar-16-04 12:44 PM

2489, RE: up for tonight episode 2
Posted by nipsey, Sat Mar-20-04 08:38 AM
Good episode. It was much better than the first. Pretty soon Tayvon is going find out the shadiness that is Strike Team.

Highlight: When Vic suggested that Sticky Fingaz and the Lieutenant in the Biz Lats don't want to handle business in the steel container. In reference to when he did that isht before with Sticky and this other guy (not expecting Sticky to actually kill they guy after spending the night in a steel container).

Bush v. Kerry:
Homer: America, take a good look
at your beloved candidates.
nothing but hideous space

Kodos: It's true, we are aliens. But
what are you going to do about
it? It's a two-party system;
you have to vote for one of us.

Man1: He's right, this is a two-
party system.
Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a
third-party candidate.
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote

-- "Treehouse of Horror VII"

"If I had stopped to talk to every
pretty girl that I saw in TnT, I
swear I would've stayed in the
same spot the whole trip and just
spun in a circle."

---My boy describing the
lusciousness that was his trip to
Trinidad for Carnivale


"I hate to see you go. But I love
to watch you leave."

---John Travolta as Castor Troy
as Sean Archer in "Face/Off"


Last 10 movies I saw:

Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus
Barbershop 2: B
Mystic River: B
Batman, Mystery of the
Batwoman: B Plus
10,000 Men Named George: B
Paycheck: B
Finding Nemo: A-
2490, the beauty of this show
Posted by radin, Sat Mar-20-04 12:14 PM
It continues to build and get better each episode when you think they'll never top last week.

So no that the hundred grand is circulating do you think they'll lift Vic's fingerprints off the marked bills
2491, Up 2 Cummers
Posted by nipsey, Tue Mar-23-04 06:38 PM
For tonight's episode.
2492, I like the fact that
Posted by Ace_ecA, Wed Mar-24-04 04:01 AM
there are so many little plot lines in each episode. Mackey and his fam, Shane and his girl, the black police officer not trying to get back with the chick police officer, Asevada and the black dectective woman (I'm really bad with names), the strike teams keeps dissing the black dude. These writers sure know how to keep you interested.

I also loved when Mackey was talking to Asevada about the new team and the black detective running both teams, Asevada told Vick that the warrant blew up in his face, the guns were still on the street and Dutch and the BDW stole the strike teams arrest, not knowing that the strike team took care of all that shit, just not in the legal way...
2493, Dick Mackey
Posted by nipsey, Wed Mar-24-04 06:09 AM
Ole girl wants the Dick from Vic. He should be tappin' that by the end of the next ep.


"Wanna see my badge?"
Dutch Boy putting himself in the lineup.
Ole girl recognizing the politics.
Aceveda pulling the okey doke.
2494, RE: Dick Mackey
Posted by sithlord, Wed Mar-24-04 02:49 PM
ANybody know what honey on the decoy squad was on or in before this? She looks familiar. And fine as shit.
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote, the world is a fine place and worth fighting for. He was right about the second part."

"Its not what you wanted to hear, its not nice, but its the truth."
Tommy Lee Jones in "The Missing"
2495, Nicki Micheaux
Posted by nipsey, Wed Mar-24-04 07:12 PM
>ANybody know what honey on the decoy squad was on or in
>before this? She looks familiar. And fine as shit.


Nicki Micheaux has quickly become a recognizable face on television through her roles as Karla in the critically acclaimed HBO series Six Feet Under and the sexy temptress Lila on Showtime's hit series "Soul Food" (2000). Born into the family of an Army Colonel in 'Motor City' Detroit, Michigan, Micheaux and her younger brother spent a childhood on the move. In fact, she'd have lived in most parts of the United States before she even graduated high school. The family eventually settled in Houston, Texas, where Micheaux got her first taste of the theater. Nevertheless, Micheaux went on to the University of Colorado to pursue a sensible law degree. If you had told her that someday she would be a part of hit television shows and award-winning movies, she probably would have said you were crazy. The acting bug was relentless, however, and while in college, Micheaux appeared in many plays and created quite a successful theater company.

In addition to her unforgettable performances on Six Feet Under and Soul Food, Micheaux has held guest-starring and recurring roles on shows such as The West Wing, ER, NYPD Blue, The Practice, and The District. Micheaux's film credits include Ringmaster (1998), Replacement Killers, The (1998), and the critically acclaimed independent Sweet Jane (1998). Never venturing too far from her stage roots, Micheaux recently appeared in the title role of the Greek tragedy 'Electra'. Nicki Micheaux donates much of her free time to non-profit organizations that are devoted to strengthening the Los Angeles community and spreading a message of humanity and compassion to the world.
2496, Someone answer the following:
Posted by Kuahmel, Wed Mar-24-04 08:15 PM
I was watching it in a bar that had the rock music obnoxiously loud, so I couldn't hear most of it....

-Explain the sisters in the decoy squad (they both some bad ones, BTW). What was the long-haired one rapping about with Vic? Does she like working for Claudette?
-Why was Vic at that foster home? Who was that boy he was looking at in the upstairs room?
-Is Shane's girl pregnant by him?
-If Paul Fetz (sp?) didn't rape the old lady, why did he go after that one broad near the end?

Also, do they repeat it any other day or time of the week, so that I won't have to do the desperate ish I did last night?
2497, RE: Someone answer the following:
Posted by nipsey, Wed Mar-24-04 08:23 PM
>I was watching it in a bar that had the rock music
>obnoxiously loud, so I couldn't hear most of it....
>-Explain the sisters in the decoy squad (they both some bad
>ones, BTW). What was the long-haired one rapping about with
>Vic? Does she like working for Claudette?

Aceveda was asking her questions about the "John" she collared. She got the impression that he was a VIP and Aceveda wanted to bury the arrest. She works directly under Claudette, but Aceveda was the big boss. She was asking Vic which "horse to back."

>-Why was Vic at that foster home? Who was that boy he was
>looking at in the upstairs room?

The crack ho that Vic helped out last year with money, babysitting, etc. died and her kid was an orphan. It's her kid that's in the foster home. Vic felt guilty for the ho dying because she was doing CI work for him when she did. So he wanted to check on the kid to make himself feel better.

>-Is Shane's girl pregnant by him?

She said she's pregnant. One can assume it's by him. This fool then asked this girl to marry him after knowing her 2 months. He probably told her about the money train, if not, he will soon.

>-If Paul Fetz (sp?) didn't rape the old lady, why did he go
>after that one broad near the end?

He's one of those rapists who "can't control themselves." When Dutch was interrogating him, Dutch tried to get him to confess by saying his moral compass was broken. The guy was clean for 7 years but since that neighbor told everyone in the apartment he was a rapist. He couldn't control his urges on some, "Everyone thinks I'm a sicko, why disappoint them."

>Also, do they repeat it any other day or time of the week,
>so that I won't have to do the desperate ish I did last

Sunday nights. 11pm I think.

Posted by Kuahmel, Wed Mar-31-04 12:03 PM
>>>Sunday nights. 11pm I think.<<<

I turned to it around that time and nip/tuck was on.

So does anyone know what day The Shield is repeated beyond Tuesday?
2499, Here's the upcoming schedule
Posted by nipsey, Tue Apr-06-04 07:04 PM
Playing Tight
Wednesday, Apr 14 - 10:00 PM e/p

Vic and the Strike Team must disarm two rival gangs on the brink of war. Dutch and Claudette investigate a money train robbery and the murder of two Armenian gangsters.

Bottom Bitch
Friday, Apr 16 - 10:00 PM e/p

As Claudette and Vic butt heads over a prostitute determined to bring down her pimp at any cost, Dutch uncovers a disturbing trend of rapes in Farmington. When a fellow politician is arrested for prostitute solicitation, David is stuck between politics and his conscience.

Streaks and Tips
Saturday, Apr 17 - 10:00 PM e/p

Threatened by the newly installed Decoy Squad, the Strike Team puts their reputation on the line as they compete to solve a car-jacking case before their new rivals. While tension builds in Shane and Tavon's already frayed relationship, Dutch gets in over his head without Claudette on an attempted murde
2500, 3/24 Episode "Bottom B-----"
Posted by stickywicked, Thu Mar-25-04 10:38 AM
I would love to see more about Dutch...something is very disturbing about him just below the surface there....

Now, what is up w/the black uniform cop and his wife vs. his boyfriend? I know towards the end of last season he got a beatdown at the crib?

Why did his partner get put off the force?

Did Shane kill the prostitute that was Vic's informant?
2501, RE: 3/24 Episode "Bottom B-----"
Posted by nipsey, Thu Mar-25-04 10:43 AM
>I would love to see more about Dutch...something is very
>disturbing about him just below the surface there....
>Now, what is up w/the black uniform cop and his wife vs. his
>boyfriend? I know towards the end of last season he got a
>beatdown at the crib?

Another dropped storyline (The Shield is famous for that). As far as the beatdown, he tried to find out who did it earlier this season. And offered the guy a chokehold in return.

>Why did his partner get put off the force?

She was accused of being a racist cop by an arab woman who was suing the department.

>Did Shane kill the prostitute that was Vic's informant?

Shane didn't do it.

Bush v. Kerry:
Homer: America, take a good look
at your beloved candidates.
nothing but hideous space

Kodos: It's true, we are aliens. But
what are you going to do about
it? It's a two-party system;
you have to vote for one of us.

Man1: He's right, this is a two-
party system.
Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a
third-party candidate.
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote

-- "Treehouse of Horror VII"

"If I had stopped to talk to every
pretty girl that I saw in TnT, I
swear I would've stayed in the
same spot the whole trip and just
spun in a circle."

---My boy describing the
lusciousness that was his trip to
Trinidad for Carnivale


"I hate to see you go. But I love
to watch you leave."

---John Travolta as Castor Troy
as Sean Archer in "Face/Off"


Last 10 movies I saw:

Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus
Barbershop 2: B
Mystic River: B
Batman, Mystery of the
Batwoman: B Plus
10,000 Men Named George: B
Paycheck: B
Finding Nemo: A-
2502, RE: 3/24 Episode "Bottom B-----"
Posted by stickywicked, Fri Mar-26-04 11:46 AM

>>Now, what is up w/the black uniform cop and his wife vs. his
>>boyfriend? I know towards the end of last season he got a
>>beatdown at the crib?
>Another dropped storyline (The Shield is famous for that).
>As far as the beatdown, he tried to find out who did it
>earlier this season. And offered the guy a chokehold in

Which episode was that? Thought I was current

Posted by actualfact, Tue Mar-30-04 04:59 PM
the ending of tonight's episode was out of control

i've never seen a fight that brutal on TV. EVER

2504, I don't usually watch, but I saw the fight
Posted by ArtVandelay, Tue Mar-30-04 05:18 PM
That was CRAZY

Then I saw titty

2505, Was that a kill-off?
Posted by Kuahmel, Tue Mar-30-04 07:51 PM
Did Tayvon (sp) die?

>>>Then I saw titty<<<

That's why I'm watching the repeat right now. I wanted to see the long-haired sister flap by.
2506, RE: Was that a kill-off?
Posted by Shaun_G, Wed Mar-31-04 02:57 AM
I would be really surprised if he's alive. His body was pretty messed up on the pavement after the accident.

That was one of the most brutal hand to hand fights I've seen on TV.

Shaun G.
2507, No he'll live
Posted by radin, Wed Mar-31-04 03:47 AM
and be the biggest thorn to ever sting the Strike Teams ass
2508, that's dutch's job
Posted by Calico, Wed Mar-31-04 03:58 AM
...even if he doesn't know it yet....Tayvon may live, but WHY would he have anything againt the other members of the team??
2509, RE: that's dutch's job
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Mar-31-04 04:12 AM
>...even if he doesn't know it yet....Tayvon may live, but
>WHY would he have anything againt the other members of the

I would think that Claudette would take more pleasure in doing that, especially the way Vick and her clashed in season two.
2510, well
Posted by Calico, Wed Mar-31-04 07:17 AM
good ole dutch boy will do it by accident, and claudette doesn't give a fuck about the strike team long as they stay outta trouble..she showed that this episode...she might make some strides against them tho, just nothing that's too successful..
2511, RE: well
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Mar-31-04 07:38 AM
> she might make some strides against them tho, just nothing that's too successful..

I think this all depends on how much Aceveda continues to piss her off. In the second season, Claudette and Vic has some serious friction though.
2512, RE: that's dutch's job
Posted by radin, Wed Mar-31-04 09:14 AM
>...even if he doesn't know it yet....Tayvon may live, but
>WHY would he have anything againt the other members of the

For starters Vic is Shane's best friend. Obviously Vic's not even going to crack down on Shane like he normally would because his attention is refocused on the money train cash. This pisses off Tayvon who wants revenge on not only Shane but the whole crew.

Trust me I'm good at predicting this shit look up at thread #39
2513, RE: No he'll live
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Mar-31-04 04:15 AM
>and be the biggest thorn to ever sting the Strike Teams ass

I disagree. If Tayvon dies, the strike team will be all white again and that will be a heavy disadvantage to Vick since Claudette and Aceveda are both his superiors now. I am curious if Vick acually likes Tayvon as a cop and not because his can play Tayvon as a race card to his superiors.
2514, RE: No he'll live
Posted by EmDub, Wed Mar-31-04 06:41 AM
Did you know that Tavon is the son of former Celtic Jo Jo White?

We can bomb the world to pieces, but we can't bomb it into peace--Michael Franti
2515, RE: No he'll live
Posted by rjc27, Wed Mar-31-04 07:14 AM
vic loves him cuz hes down with the streets man, not for the superiors, he helps the strike team a lot, the thing i love about vic's character is how he gets people to love him so much, like tayvon sayin, he has plans for me man, shane gets all defensive, its great, i hope tayvon isnt dead, hes the "coolest" character on the show hands down

2516, The man was whacked with a freakin' iron!
Posted by Kuahmel, Wed Mar-31-04 12:06 PM
And bled like a pig when he was driving down the road. So he might have died before the accident. Then again, maybe he was all passed out and could be saved....who knows?
2517, RE: Was that a kill-off?
Posted by rjc27, Wed Mar-31-04 07:14 AM
hes gotta be dead, nobody lives thru that

2518, Aceveda open wide!!
Posted by radin, Tue Apr-06-04 03:24 PM
classic shit
2519, dude woulda had to blast me!!
Posted by doberman, Tue Apr-06-04 04:46 PM
the camera phone with the picture is still out there too....damn
2520, Even funnier if
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Apr-07-04 01:55 AM
>the camera phone with the picture is still out there

Dutch puts one and two together and figures out Aceveda was raped.
2521, the one predicament
Posted by rjc27, Tue Apr-06-04 04:55 PM

no man ever wants to encounter in life, dude wouldve had to put a bullet in my head, this season is really startin to heat up, mad story lines goin....
2522, Mad Story Lines
Posted by nipsey, Tue Apr-06-04 06:53 PM
>no man ever wants to encounter in life, dude wouldve had to
>put a bullet in my head, this season is really startin to
>heat up, mad story lines goin....

So many story lines out there:

1) The pervert raping old ladies all over town. How can you do that isht?
2) Money Train Money is out there and now the Feds and Aceveda know about it?
3) Tayvon
4) Shane: He must really love that girl. He probably told her about the money train.
5) Aceveda: That camera is out there and having a camera phone picture (Hello Moto) of you sucking another man's dick doesn't do much for your political career. (Side Note: This probably wouldn't have happened if Vic didn't make that guy suck the glass dick to begin with.)
6) Other miscellaneous storylines still out there:
a) Vic's crazy daughter.
b) Julian: The perpetual "Am I gay or straight?" storyline.
c) Home gurl on Decoy Squad: When will Vic hit that?
2523, i couldnt believe that shit.
Posted by phenompyrus, Wed Apr-07-04 06:03 AM
he prolly would of had to shoot the shit outta me. i bet he fucks them up later in the season. oh and how much you wanna bet that the phone pic they took will save the strike team from getting in trouble with the money train? i.e. blackmailing acevada
2524, Is Vic the character...
Posted by Kuahmel, Tue Apr-06-04 07:05 PM
....that all of us who watch are most partial to?

Everyone else can instantly sway us one way or another, but there's nothing out there that can make us dislike Vic...

....unless you guys got something?

Assisting in the Tayvon cover-up maybe?
2525, Vic's character is more lovable than Tony Soprano
Posted by radin, Wed Apr-07-04 01:51 AM
You'll always be pulling for him no matter what he gets himself into
2526, RE: Is Vic the character...
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Apr-07-04 01:53 AM
>....that all of us who watch are most partial to?
>Everyone else can instantly sway us one way or another, but
>there's nothing out there that can make us dislike Vic...
>....unless you guys got something?
>Assisting in the Tayvon cover-up maybe?

He shot and killed another cop in the very first episode of the show.
2527, RE: Is Vic the character...
Posted by nipsey, Wed Apr-07-04 03:42 AM
>>....that all of us who watch are most partial to?
>>Everyone else can instantly sway us one way or another, but
>>there's nothing out there that can make us dislike Vic...
>He shot and killed another cop in the very first episode of
>the show.

We still like him after that so that pretty much means nothing will turn us against him....unless he's the one raping old ladies.

2528, Vic and Aceveda are going to form an alliance soon...
Posted by spenzalii, Wed Apr-07-04 03:57 AM
Aceveda is going to have to track down that picture B4 anybody else finds it or his whole shit is finished:acreer, family, character, etc. This can go so many ways now. He could act like all is cool and the picture somehow begins circulating in the station and leaked to the press, causing him shame; he could snap, find who did it and beat the shit out of them, or somehow Vic will find out and use that as leverage to clear his name from the money train deal. Either way, this poses some interresting story possibilities.

Best cop series since Homicide (which is still #1)...

But that was some disturbing shit. I'd take the bullet...
2529, RE: Vic and Aceveda are going to form an alliance soon.
Posted by radin, Wed Apr-07-04 04:24 AM
they've been teasing us with that shit since season one. Aceveda is always going to need Vic but the minute his issue is resolved it's back to ball busting until the next insident.
2530, You sure he wasn't already bussin' balls?
Posted by Kuahmel, Wed Apr-07-04 11:42 AM
2531, REALLY though...
Posted by Kuahmel, Wed Apr-07-04 11:37 AM
>>>But that was some disturbing shit. I'd take the bullet...<<<<

I can't get the image out of my head...he must have really loved living to go out like that....talk about being b--ched.

I got a bad one though: What if that was Julian in that same situation?
2532, Interrogating Shane and his woman....
Posted by stickywicked, Wed Apr-07-04 05:05 AM
was hilarious...you ain't gonna BS Vic...I guess they forgot who they are dealing with....and ol girl shoulda just shut up, but she's all weak "I was doing laundry in the basement" Vic: "Oh really, lights or darks?"....love it

You gotta have your mind right to watch The Shield though..they are rawer than the Sopranos right now.
2533, actually
Posted by radin, Wed Apr-07-04 06:14 AM

>Vic: "Oh really, lights or darks?"....love it
>You gotta have your mind right to watch The Shield
>though..they are rawer than the Sopranos right now.

It's whites or colors but yeah I got your point
2534, How about when Vic and Len hit that quick corner...
Posted by Kuahmel, Wed Apr-07-04 11:45 AM
...when they noticed Aceveda looking up at the camera?

They bust a run like ni--as stealing 40s out the liquor store.

*pyoon!* (that's a ricochet noise)

And oh yeah, I'm happy Tayvon lived, though I still smell a kill-off....
2535, RE: How about when Vic and Len hit that quick corner...
Posted by nipsey, Sun Apr-11-04 05:21 PM
>...when they noticed Aceveda looking up at the camera?
>They bust a run like ni--as stealing 40s out the liquor
>*pyoon!* (that's a ricochet noise)

That was classic! They were out with da quickness!
2536, 4/13 ep
Posted by Keiqqo, Tue Apr-13-04 04:03 PM
I been lurking and mentally cosigning for a while so I decided to step up to the plate on this ep so here it goes.

-first of all there was a lot of white girl ass in this ep, Vic's wife, ho in the blue house (have DVR had to run that ish back a couple of times to make sure of the geometry of the ass)

-Tayvon is a fighter he gone make it but nobody cares

-Aceveda still got that bad taste in his mouth... thumbing through mug shots all damn day. Don't he know that picture can be on a 100 different phones by now? Go home get some sleep.

-Seein dude on the strike team kickin it with the homo pro's on the corner with his shirt wide open and talkin about cars was perfect.

-Vic's former bone droppin dime on him and her ex-partner was effed up I didn't think old girl had it in her.
2537, RE: 4/13 ep
Posted by radin, Wed Apr-14-04 12:41 AM

>-first of all there was a lot of white girl ass in this ep,
>Vic's wife, ho in the blue house (have DVR had to run that
>ish back a couple of times to make sure of the geometry of
>the ass)

I couldn't believe that was his wife in the close up

>-Tayvon is a fighter he gone make it but nobody cares

this will come back to haunt not only Shane but Vic as well. I said it before but no one heard me.

>-Aceveda still got that bad taste in his mouth... thumbing
>through mug shots all damn day. Don't he know that picture
>can be on a 100 different phones by now? Go home get some

Literally a bad taste

>-Seein dude on the strike team kickin it with the homo pro's
>on the corner with his shirt wide open and talkin about cars
>was perfect.

Shane's got his coming

>-Vic's former bone droppin dime on him and her ex-partner
>was effed up I didn't think old girl had it in her.

And Aceveda doesn't got her back. she's gonna need Vic soon and things will then get interesting.

2538, it was a good episode as usual.
Posted by phenompyrus, Wed Apr-14-04 05:32 AM
acevada is fucked up though. shit, i think he is gonna flip out and go postal. although i cant blame him.
i am hopin vic taps that decoy chick, shes fine!
i want tayvon to live, cuz its gonna be interesting to see what happens if he remembers any shit. shane would be fucked up then.
i like how they are carrying on the dutch/claudette story with the rape victim to more than one show, b/c it keeps interest in their characters.
2539, RE: it was a good episode as usual.
Posted by guest, Tue Apr-20-04 03:44 AM
Dutch is very overzealous about the rape victim case. The fact that its being drug out and Dutch is acting like he knows the guy and his abliity to emotional connect with sex offenders (the whole moral compass speech)makes me think he knows more than he's telling. Think about it,he doesn't have a girlfriend, he put his schlong in a rape suspect line up and showed it to Claudette (the blue meanie as i like to call her ie:Yellow Submarine)like he wanted her to look at it, and on the last episode he said he went looking thru windows to see what the suspects MO is. Come on, this foreshadowing of things to come.
2540, Check that...
Posted by sithlord, Wed Apr-21-04 11:34 AM
In season one he hooked up with the wife of an unsolved murder victim. They broke up the Strike Team and he partnered with Shane for a day who told him about the benefits of victim seduction or something like that.
Dutch referred to her a couple of times last season as well. I don't think they'd leave that hanging like that.
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote, the world is a fine place and worth fighting for. He was right about the second part."

"Its not what you wanted to hear, its not nice, but its the truth."
Tommy Lee Jones in "The Missing"
2541, he wasn't even trying to do that press conference
Posted by doberman, Wed Apr-14-04 06:57 AM
notice that? He knew once his face got on TV, dude that he gave brain would know his starture and either black mail him or put him on blast...
2542, RE: The Official "The Shield" Season 3 Post
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Apr-14-04 06:23 AM
I have the feeling I will be on angry black guy mode when Vic and that female undercover cop hook up. Ugh.
2543, UP
Posted by nipsey, Tue Apr-20-04 02:41 AM
Bush v. Kerry:
Homer: America, take a good look at your beloved candidates. They're nothing but hideous space reptiles.

Kodos: It's true, we are aliens. But what are you going to do about it? It's a two-party system; you have to vote for one of us.

Man1: He's right, this is a two-party system.
Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a third-party candidate.
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote

-- "Treehouse of Horror VII"

"If I had stopped to talk to every pretty girl that I saw in TnT, I swear I would've stayed in the same spot the whole trip and just spun in a circle."

---My boy describing the
lusciousness that was his trip to
Trinidad for Carnivale


"I hate to see you go. But I love to watch you leave."

---John Travolta as Castor Troy as Sean Archer in "Face/Off"


Last 10 movies I saw:

Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus
Barbershop 2: B
Mystic River: B
Batman, Mystery of the
Batwoman: B Plus
10,000 Men Named George: B
Paycheck: B
Finding Nemo: A-
2544, how much you wanna bet
Posted by guest, Tue Apr-20-04 04:06 AM
...that Julian and Tony are more than just partners on the job. They are on the down low or something. Dude was mad when Danny(former partner) tried to pull the mother role on him. I think they are fellow "bone smokers" as Shane likes to say and they or Tony (acting only probably)had them whacked so they could be together. It was obvious he was not surprised they were killed, not to mention Julian didn't shoot the dude that did it.WTF? Plus Tony was real clear that he did not have a girlfriend. How many more clues do you need.
2545, tayvon
Posted by rjc27, Tue Apr-20-04 09:01 AM
im goin against the grain, not only will he remember, he will claim not to to protect the strike team because he is a very loyal dude, this will prove to them how real he truly is and he will stay on the team, i could be way off, but i can c it happening and i hope it does

2546, Pass that Dutch Ep:4/20 (he,he)
Posted by guest, Wed Apr-21-04 03:55 AM
I told you Dutch was a perv. Kiddie porn research,huh? It didn't work for Pete Townsend and it ain't going to work for Dutch boy either. His card is going to get pulled eventually. Besides that this episode was pretty lame to me. The only good part was seeing Aceveda crack. He needed to be taken down a peg anyways,he was too smug to begin with. He ain't gonna kill nobody though. Unless he wants to rock mics for the rest of his life. Wouldn't that be ironic? Damn, can we at least see how Tayvon is doing,damn!! I can't wait for the next episode,more of Tish or Trish. I just call her Vanessa Blue, thats who she reminds me of.
2547, RE: Pass that Dutch Ep:4/20 (he,he)
Posted by Calico, Wed Apr-21-04 09:18 AM
>I told you Dutch was a perv. Kiddie porn research,huh? It
>didn't work for Pete Townsend and it ain't going to work for
>Dutch boy either. His card is going to get pulled

dutch is my nigga...just constant comic relief....when he said that shit i was dying....the reaction on the officers faces was cool too..

Besides that this episode was pretty lame to me.
>The only good part was seeing Aceveda crack. He needed to be
>taken down a peg anyways,he was too smug to begin with. He
>ain't gonna kill nobody though. Unless he wants to rock mics
>for the rest of his life. Wouldn't that be ironic?

big A is going to try to kill them dudes....any person with his kinda power would....he's not a wimp, he just likes to play it safe... recently, that shit ain't been workin out so weel, so expect changes...

Damn, can
>we at least see how Tayvon is doing,damn!! I can't wait for
>the next episode,more of Tish or Trish. I just call her
>Vanessa Blue, thats who she reminds me of.

tay is gonna come out fine...look at ronnie....trish= good ole 'nessa blue? ...to each his/her own....next episode looks fucked up tho for her....that due was taggin tha shit outta her...

shane's girlfriend is one THE most annoying characters they've had...

2548, RE: Pass that Dutch Ep:4/20 (he,he)
Posted by guest, Wed Apr-21-04 10:14 AM

shane's girlfriend is one THE most annoying characters
>they've had...

Word! I just want something to happen to her! But shes around for a reason. My guess is, first of all, she is not prego or she is going to have a miscarriage or something. Then if that turns out to be the case, she is going to find out about the money train and be a thorn in the side of the team some way or another.
2549, RE: Pass that Dutch Ep:4/20 (he,he)
Posted by las raises, Wed Apr-21-04 11:10 AM
>shane's girlfriend is one THE most annoying characters
>>they've had...
>Word! I just want something to happen to her! But shes
>around for a reason. My guess is, first of all, she is not
>prego or she is going to have a miscarriage or something.
>Then if that turns out to be the case, she is going to find
>out about the money train and be a thorn in the side of the
>team some way or another.

Co-sign. Even if she has the kid I don't think it's Shane's

2550, Did anyone else think she might attempt suicide?
Posted by kurlyswirl, Wed Apr-21-04 11:41 AM
The way she was getting so pissed about Shane never being around, I thought she might. She seems so emotionally needy that I wouldn't put it past her to at least pretend to attempt it, just to get Shane's attention for awhile.

> My guess is, first of all, she is not
>prego or she is going to have a miscarriage or something.

Yep, cosign!
2551, RE: Did anyone else think she might attempt suicide?
Posted by las raises, Wed Apr-21-04 12:09 PM
>The way she was getting so pissed about Shane never being
>around, I thought she might. She seems so emotionally needy
>that I wouldn't put it past her to at least pretend to
>attempt it, just to get Shane's attention for awhile.
>> My guess is, first of all, she is not
>>prego or she is going to have a miscarriage or something.
>Yep, cosign!

Or someone is gonna kill her and have to cover it up

2552, Good Ep
Posted by nipsey, Thu Apr-22-04 03:17 AM

Aceveda's brother: "You didn't try to stop him?"

Strike Team: Pulling it out in the clutch. Just when all hope was lost, they took care of business...for now.

Vic: The way he manipulated Nina to hire his guy to crack the safe. Classic!

Nina: That chick ain't no joke. She plays right by the rules. "I called A.I.D."


Shane's girl: I'm tired of this chick. I'm expecting her to kill herself and the baby. Shane will be broken up until he realizes the baby wasn't his.


Vic's wife: At first I thought she was being sincere about not being able to handle the kids...but something about the way she looked at the end makes me think she's running an okey doke on Vic. I think she had a last minute weekend get away with her man and didn't want Vic or the kids to know.
2553, RE: Good Ep
Posted by phenompyrus, Thu Apr-22-04 09:50 AM
>Aceveda's brother: "You didn't try to stop him?"

yea he will prolly kill the guys with vic's help later this season.

>Strike Team: Pulling it out in the clutch. Just when all
>hope was lost, they took care of business...for now.

was there ever any doubt??

>Vic: The way he manipulated Nina to hire his guy to crack
>the safe. Classic!

hes the man.

>Nina: That chick ain't no joke. She plays right by the
>rules. "I called A.I.D."
>Shane's girl: I'm tired of this chick. I'm expecting her to
>kill herself and the baby. Shane will be broken up until he
>realizes the baby wasn't his.

yea i dont understnad this shit either.

>Vic's wife: At first I thought she was being sincere about
>not being able to handle the kids...but something about the
>way she looked at the end makes me think she's running an
>okey doke on Vic. I think she had a last minute weekend get
>away with her man and didn't want Vic or the kids to know.

exactly. shes pullin a fast one, and wants some different dick.

this season just keeps getting better and better. next wks episode is gonna be great.
2554, RE: Good Ep
Posted by kurlyswirl, Thu Apr-22-04 12:01 PM
>Aceveda's brother: "You didn't try to stop him?"

He sounded like some of you guys up in here. :-/ I think Aceveda shut him down though when he said a gun was held to his head and he was thinking about survival and coming home to his wife and baby girl.

>Strike Team: Pulling it out in the clutch. Just when all
>hope was lost, they took care of business...for now.

That almost worked out too well. I'm not sure it would've gone so relatively smoothly in real life.

>Vic: The way he manipulated Nina to hire his guy to crack
>the safe. Classic!

That was good stuff!

>Nina: That chick ain't no joke. She plays right by the
>rules. "I called A.I.D."

It's I.A.D., but I got it. :-)

>Vic's wife: At first I thought she was being sincere about
>not being able to handle the kids...but something about the
>way she looked at the end makes me think she's running an
>okey doke on Vic. I think she had a last minute weekend get
>away with her man and didn't want Vic or the kids to know.

I have to admit that didn't occur to me until I read this. I may have suicide on the brain (lol), but I thought she might get so down that she'd off herself and leave Vic to take care of the kids. That would be an interesting plot twist. But yeah, what you said makes more sense, lol. She sure did put on a good show, though!

Chris Rock quotables:

"Titties and tater tots don't mix!"

"Brothers would put rims on a toaster: 'I got some 22's on some raisin toast and they spinnin' nigga, they spinnin'!'"

2555, So next week is going to be sick
Posted by radin, Wed Apr-28-04 11:05 AM
Strike team thinks Shane is stealing from the money train. Mackey's got a new woman with a psycho man that'll stick with his woman after she gets torn up at a motel. Vic teaming up with "the enemy" to put Claudette in her place. Dutch clueless as ever. And Aceveda still got the taste of dick in his mouth.
2556, RE: So next week is going to be sick
Posted by kurlyswirl, Wed Apr-28-04 12:16 PM
>Strike team thinks Shane is stealing from the money train.

I don't know...I thought Shane was suspected at first, but then they seemed to lean toward Vic. Certainly Ronnie suspects him. Vic did put on a good show in the storage room, though. But I think it may have been a case of, "Thou dost protest too much."

>Mackey's got a new woman with a psycho man that'll stick
>with his woman after she gets torn up at a motel.

That was weird as hell. Looks like Lauren(?) and her man have some kind of weird dominant/submissive-type relationship. The way he marched her down to see Vic, it was like she was a little kid who stole some bubble gum from the corner store and he was her dad making her take it back and apologize to the store owner.

>teaming up with "the enemy" to put Claudette in her place.

She certainly did get knocked down a few pegs last night!

>And Aceveda still got the taste of
>dick in his mouth.

Yeah, he looked pained when Trish said she'd need an STD test and morning-after pills. That Trish sure is a trooper! Although, what else could she do, really, if she wanted to stay alive?
2557, cosign.
Posted by phenompyrus, Thu Apr-29-04 03:04 AM
this show is so good.
2558, RE: The Official "The Shield" Season 3 Post
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Apr-28-04 11:28 AM
I dunno, but I thought the siutation with the Vanessa Blue look-a-like was wrapped up too quickly. I did get a good laugh out of Mr. Chef coming up in Vic's place of work and taking Vic's balls away from him. Interesting to see Julian's prayer sessions or whatever didn't work. This seemed like an episode to establish more storylines.
2559, RE: The Official "The Shield" Season 3 Post
Posted by las raises, Wed Apr-28-04 12:06 PM
. This
>seemed like an episode to establish more storylines.

2560, I was tring to ignore the Julian situation
Posted by radin, Thu Apr-29-04 02:28 AM
That Sperm Bank scene was harsh
2561, RE: The Official "The Shield" Season 3 Post
Posted by guest, Fri Apr-30-04 04:32 AM
>I dunno, but I thought the siutation with the Vanessa Blue
>look-a-like was wrapped up too quickly.

Fo'real. Why couldn't we have seen what she was doing before she got in that situation? Didn't they say she was going undercover as a stripper or something? I would have loved to see that more than Julian getting his jollies off at the sperm bank anyday.
2562, RE: The Official "The Shield" Season 3 Post
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Apr-30-04 05:49 AM
>>I dunno, but I thought the siutation with the Vanessa Blue
>>look-a-like was wrapped up too quickly.
>Fo'real. Why couldn't we have seen what she was doing before
>she got in that situation? Didn't they say she was going
>undercover as a stripper or something? I would have loved to
>see that more than Julian getting his jollies off at the
>sperm bank anyday.

Well, I wasn't going for that route with the undercover cop. I meant that with the situation being so serious, I thought they could have stretched it out to a two part episode or something. Instead, it ended too quickly and too neatly in my opinion. I do however think the Julian situation will get somewhat interesting in that he is just closeted and not 'saved' or whatever he was trying to achieve.
2563, Paul Benjamin
Posted by actualfact, Tue May-04-04 03:00 PM
Good fucking look!
2564, Shane needs to kill this bitch
Posted by actualfact, Tue May-04-04 03:32 PM
and her momma

and Aceveda's wife is a horrible human being
2565, RE: Shane needs to kill this bitch
Posted by Keiqqo, Tue May-04-04 04:16 PM
All the officers chicks effed them over this ep.
-Vic's chick still payin that dude for teachin her son and doing the do on the side, that dude is pimpin her
-Aceveda's wife, poppin up at work like 3 times a day for the past month trying to pry it out of him. Then turning her back on him when he needs her most, I bet you he was like I shoulda kept this to myself cuz now he has no choice but to do something.
-Shane's bitch, I betcha she ain't even pregnant stealin and sendin her mom's money. Then wantin to know where it came from, she already hurt my dude Tayvon and now this? Two to the temple
2566, i bet she aint pregnant too
Posted by TekzillaOhioSt, Thu May-06-04 03:35 AM
she'll tell him in the season finale and he's gon' fuck her up. watch.

2567, dude...
Posted by Calico, Tue May-04-04 04:34 PM
there's something about this show...other than the two female cops, i end up dislikin ery female on the show..just bitches....

mackey's wife....she's got some serious problems....i still don't really understand why she divorced Vic....it wasn't THAT serious...

Aceveda's wife.....not to be funny, but she did EXACTLY what stupid people do in relationships...they wanna know 'everything' and when they find out the truth, they can't handle it...bitches...

shane's fiance....she's gonna end up dead....seriously....she's just a fuck up..it's kismet she found shane, cause normally he's the fuck up...

A's secretary.....i just didn't like how she tried to check him "i don't lie"....yeah right....he gave her this look like, 'get the FUCK outta my office.'...

..i like Julian's wife tho, even iff she's foolin herself thinkin her marrage is gonna work...

....only way they're gonna find out about the rape is if that pic shows up....in the next ep it looks like A played his revenge right...i'm a BIG believer in revenge....i'mma miss the decoy squad....shane is fucked....i KNEW she took that money....she's GOTTA die, her mouth is too big..and she's too stupid to figure out when she's in over her head...i like nothin about her...i HOPE the writers aren't going in the direction i think they are wit Mackey's daughter (molestation), if so it's gonna get really bloody...
2568, Fuck that fucking bitch
Posted by BigReg, Thu May-06-04 03:44 AM
Aceveda's wife went to a whole new level of fucked up ness.

Holy Shit.

I saw her taking it pretty badly(screaming, crying, denial).

But that was fucking cold.

Arguably the coldest thing Ive seen on the show, and that takes alot of fucking work.

2569, Vic is going to handle the mom
Posted by The Real, Wed May-12-04 12:52 AM
You catch how Shane's girl's mom seems to be feenin' for Vic? I think Vic is going to hit it, then use that to his advantage somehow. Maybe to lure her into a trap.

Yeah, I think Vic is also going to take care of the "therapist."

Oh, and I also wouldn't be suprised if Shane is thrown a pillow party by the other two members of the strike team without Vic's knowledge.


Being black beats possible terrorist anytime unless you're at an airport, except for the airport gift shop. - © Whoopie Goldberg
2570, RE: The Official "The Shield" Season 3 Post
Posted by Numba_33, Wed May-05-04 12:57 AM
Was this the half-way mark for the show? The way the music was played at the end of the show makes me think it is.
2571, RE: The Official "The Shield" Season 3 Post
Posted by las raises, Wed May-05-04 09:38 AM
I can't wait til next week and the week after (cause I think that is when they will show Aceveda get the guy that made him you know...), Aceveda looks like Denzel in Man on Fire for next weeks episode
2572, this weeks thoughts
Posted by radin, Tue May-11-04 02:54 PM
"Diego everytime I see you you've got your mouth around another clam"---classic

Vic is loosing clout on the streets each week we see more and more Vic doesn't have the control to get what he wants like he used to.

Aceveda is a Politician not a cop. What a bitch move after sucking a dick.

Shane is an even bigger bitch.

Claudette is gonna get the CCH Pounded out of her.....finally she needs to get laid worse than Dutch.

Speaking of getting laid. Jullian you can't get your wife pregnant pounding it in her can.
2573, David Mamet is directing the next episode
Posted by Numba_33, Wed May-12-04 04:07 AM
Will that make the dialog better? I hope the Tayvon storyline will get some attention.
2574, They can stretch that Tavon thing forever
Posted by spenzalii, Wed May-12-04 06:50 AM
They could have him in traction till the middle of next season pretty much.

Shane's girl has got to go. Shane's going to go nuts losing his child, but still. I'll put one in her and her blackmailing mother.

5 dollars says that picture in the camera will still turn up this season. And his wife needs to get checked, for real. Come home? Shit, get out!

POssible outcomes of any of these story lines:
-The picture gets leaked to the press before Aceveda has another big press conference
-The therapist will get his ass kicked, after he puts a hand on Vic's daughter
-Vic and his wife may end up back together
-Julien is going to get caught with another man. Sad but true. And there will be no baby, no matter how hard he gives it to his wife
-The squad presses Shane to drop kick the bitch, causing to choose between the girl and the team. When he chooses the girl, she fucks him over once more (whatever secret her mom is covering for her daughter will come bite Shane in the ass)
-Somehow, someway, Vic gets the broad from the Decoy Squad in the sack (the Captin Kirk rule, he has to hit everything with a vagina)

PS: While I love the show, it STILL isn't fucking with Homicide: Life On The Streets on a good day. Isn't Clarke JOhnson directing some of The SHield's episodes?
2575, RE: The mom has got to go
Posted by las raises, Wed May-12-04 08:49 AM
sometime this season and Shane's lady. Maybe even Shane when Tayvon recovers if he recovers
2576, RE: They can stretch that Tavon thing forever
Posted by nipsey, Tue May-18-04 05:33 AM
>They could have him in traction till the middle of next
>season pretty much.
They can and they will.

>POssible outcomes of any of these story lines:
>-The picture gets leaked to the press before Aceveda has
>another big press conference

I don't think so. I think this story line is wrapped.

>-The therapist will get his ass kicked, after he puts a hand
>on Vic's daughter


>-Vic and his wife may end up back together

I doubt it.

>-Julien is going to get caught with another man. Sad but
>true. And there will be no baby, no matter how hard he gives
>it to his wife

Julien ain't fooling no body. He's going to give in to himptation.

>-The squad presses Shane to drop kick the bitch, causing to
>choose between the girl and the team. When he chooses the
>girl, she fucks him over once more (whatever secret her mom
>is covering for her daughter will come bite Shane in the

I can see this happening.

>-Somehow, someway, Vic gets the broad from the Decoy Squad
>in the sack (the Captin Kirk rule, he has to hit everything
>with a vagina)

You know it.

>PS: While I love the show, it STILL isn't fucking with
>Homicide: Life On The Streets on a good day. Isn't Clarke
>JOhnson directing some of The SHield's episodes?

Homicide is the GOAT. Clark Johnson directed the pilot of the Shield and several other episodes. I don't think he shot any in season 2 because he was directing S.W.A.T. He directed a couple this season I believe.

XBOX Live Gamertag: slballer
XBOX Live Games: MotoGP2, Splinter Cell: PT, ESPN NBA Basketball, Links 2004

Last 10 movies I saw:

Ripley's Game: C+
30 Years to Life: B-
Kill Bill Vol. 2: B-
Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus
Barbershop 2: B
Mystic River: B
Batman, Mystery of the
Batwoman: B Plus
2577, i missed this weeks episode i fell asleep
Posted by Mic_Specialist, Wed May-12-04 11:45 AM
someone please tell me when they show it again, i cant believe i fell asleep.
2578, rerun is Monday at ten n/m
Posted by radin, Thu May-13-04 02:49 AM

2579, Shane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by radin, Tue May-18-04 03:19 PM
And don't think you don't deserve a mention just because you didn't make the headlines Dutch.
2580, Dutch Boy was eventually going to do something crazy
Posted by Kuahmel, Tue May-18-04 06:28 PM
I think the cases noodle with his dome a little...this dates back to that young chick last season.

Cuddler rapist got in his head for real...detectives are supposed to stay in front of their subjects, not be answering their questions...he allowed himself to get probed.

As far as Vic: I think he finally decided to let Lauren figure her issues out. And he's either going to go back to Corrinne or go after full custody after seeing what he saw at the house. The latter and the former situation are connected, so I'd stay tuned.

Shane clearly wants to prove he's no sucker...and tryna marry old girl right now is clearly an act of defiance to the real that Vic was kickin' to him about having been around way longer than her and being there after she skates. Her mom needs to get dealt with, for real.

That light skinned brother...I've seen him on some show or movie before, without a beard. Anyone know?

Is Terry from the first season?
2581, RE: Dutch Boy was eventually going to do something craz
Posted by Numba_33, Tue May-18-04 10:53 PM
>That light skinned brother...I've seen him on some show or
>movie before, without a beard. Anyone know?

He played Julian from A Different World
2582, RE: Dutch Boy was eventually going to do something craz
Posted by The Commish, Wed May-19-04 01:34 AM
>Is Terry from the first season?

Yes he gets killed in episode I of the first season if i remember right
2583, RE: Dutch Boy was eventually going to do something craz
Posted by Numba_33, Wed May-19-04 01:37 AM
>I think the cases noodle with his dome a little...this dates
>back to that young chick last season.
>Cuddler rapist got in his head for real...detectives are
>supposed to stay in front of their subjects, not be
>answering their questions...he allowed himself to get

I think this has more to do with his ego in the sense that he felt like he failed in truly catching and understanding the dude. Notice how dejected he was when he last talked to the dudes wife. I kind of wish the episode dealt more with Dutch interogating the guy; it reminded me of my favorite scenes so far in the show in Season One when Dutch interogated that serial rapist guy, at least I *think* he was a serial rapist.
2584, Oh, he clearly lacks confidence.
Posted by Kuahmel, Wed May-19-04 02:45 AM
Why do you think he needs Claudette so much, saying stuff like "you complete me?" He seems to think more like a student than someone with experience, like he's experimenting too much.

>>I think the cases noodle with his dome a little...this dates
>>back to that young chick last season.
>>Cuddler rapist got in his head for real...detectives are
>>supposed to stay in front of their subjects, not be
>>answering their questions...he allowed himself to get
>I think this has more to do with his ego in the sense that
>he felt like he failed in truly catching and understanding
>the dude. Notice how dejected he was when he last talked to
>the dudes wife. I kind of wish the episode dealt more with
>Dutch interogating the guy; it reminded me of my favorite
>scenes so far in the show in Season One when Dutch
>interogated that serial rapist guy, at least I *think* he
>was a serial rapist.

2585, Dutch Boy
Posted by EmDub, Wed May-19-04 02:03 AM
Damn he is losing it. I bet some shit is going to happen soon. He was looking up the kiddie porn "for research" and now this. He is a messed up dude.

>Shane clearly wants to prove he's no sucker...and tryna
>marry old girl right now is clearly an act of defiance to

My first thought was that Shane was doing it so that she could not testify against him if shit went down. I could be wrong though.


Proud Founder Of The Post Killer Support Group

"We make posts go away."
2586, RE: Dutch Boy
Posted by Keiqqo, Wed May-19-04 04:25 AM
Man I didn't know if dude did it or not even though he admitted to all them crimes. It wasn't open and shut for him, there was really no motive. He admitted to it though and I guess that's what counts.
2587, positively sick...I'm through w/the shield
Posted by triumph, Wed May-19-04 04:13 AM
I know cable series' push the envelope but that is further than I care to go....bye bye Shield it's been nice.
2588, lol, lets see
Posted by BigReg, Wed May-19-04 06:25 AM
They've called black man nigger and beat the fuck out of him right after.
Rampant abuse of women.
Horrible portrayal of cops, including killing them in cold blood.
Rape of men AND women.

And them killing a cat got you, lol.
2589, Him choking that cat WAS disturbing though...
Posted by Kuahmel, Wed May-19-04 08:19 AM
Makes me really wonder what he's getting ready to become.

That was clearly his snapping moment.

Notice how loserish he lives too....old as he is staying in some back house...
2590, I don't know if it was him 'snapping' to be a killer
Posted by BigReg, Wed May-19-04 09:36 AM
Clearly all he wanted was a profile from the guy. With him confessing immediately it basically took all the police work out of it, and Dutch is a stickler for getting the guys to break down to their very core(like the previous sex suspect who he effectively broke his therapy and motivated him to go rape again).

All Dutch was doing that day was to trying to get some kind of profile, a 'why'. And the guy refused to be pigeonholed: he was smart, clearly not a psycopath, almost normal dude. You could take him strangling the cat as not him 'snapping' but trying vainly to figure out what was the dudes motivation. All through the interrogation I didn't really get him as going crazy, just confused and wanting to catagorize the dude. The strangling of the cat was an act of desparation and frustration in trying to get the motivation, I don't know if its exactly a jump off to something bigger.
2591, RE: positively sick...I'm through w/the shield
Posted by Numba_33, Wed May-19-04 08:43 AM
The cat itself wasn't even shown on camera while it was being killed...come on.
2592, I was more offended when Julian choked a monkey
Posted by radin, Wed May-19-04 09:02 AM
in front of gay porn
2593, you buggin
Posted by TekzillaOhioSt, Tue Jun-08-04 12:07 PM
>I know cable series' push the envelope but that is further
>than I care to go....bye bye Shield it's been nice.

all the crazy shit they do on that show and choking a fuckin cat is what got you?

you need your fuckin head fixed.

raping old women...that's cool
burning people alive....that's cool
pissing on someone...that's cool

choking a CAT? that's not cool.

how retarded does that sound.
2594, Dutch has been off since last season like you said
Posted by BigReg, Wed May-19-04 07:37 AM
In fact, I expected them to pull this off last season till he hooked up with the widow and they dressed it up as him trying to make his name in the paper. I like him, but I hope they don't persue this and make him into some psycho killer.

Shane, surprise surprise, is fucking up. And they need to get rid of the moms, asap, because apparently she thinks its a game.

And where's Devon?

2595, Dutch shoulda stopped after the confession...
Posted by Calico, Wed May-19-04 05:20 PM
the rest was one ego against the other, dutch trying to prove he 'knows' the criminal mind, and the guy running circles around him....

i think that cat thing WAS dutch trying to get in dude's head...

...Shane and his woman have to be the two biggest fuckups so far, no one else on the show is as dumb as they are....i love how vic checked her though, she should sit her ass down somewhere...stealin money....damn i hate that broad....kinda chick who fucks up a good thing...

the rest...i didn't care....
2596, Was that the kid from Finding Forester
Posted by radin, Wed May-19-04 03:07 AM
The Pharmaceutical sales guy that got mustard on himself
2597, naw, the guy you're thinking about was in 'the hurrican
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Wed May-19-04 04:06 AM
2598, He was also Keith Palmer on 24.
Posted by Kuahmel, Wed May-19-04 08:17 AM
And one other recent role I can't think of.
2599, great episode
Posted by rjc27, Thu May-27-04 03:00 AM
the intensity is pickin up

2600, Stay on the board
Posted by nipsey, Wed May-26-04 06:05 PM
XBOX Live Gamertag: slballer
XBOX Live Games: MotoGP2, Splinter Cell: PT, ESPN NBA Basketball, Links 2004

Last 10 movies I saw:

Ripley's Game: C+
30 Years to Life: B-
Eternal Sunshine: B-
Taking Lives: C
Kill Bill Vol. 2: B-
Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus
Barbershop 2: B
2601, My two bits,,,
Posted by guest, Mon May-31-04 08:37 AM
last week's ep was kinda weak i quess thats why there are no posts about it. Hopefully things are about to heat up this week since Vic can no longer protect Shane from getting a much deserved ass whuppin' and this money train shit is about to hit the fan. We'll see tomorrow, huh?
2602, 3000 rumor...
Posted by guest, Mon May-31-04 08:52 AM
I heard Andre 3000 was supposed to be making a guest appearence soon as a pimp or something. Don't know how true it is though. Anybody heard 'bout this?
2603, Finally
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-02-04 12:52 AM
Tayvon reenters the picture. Its a damn shame dude has no idea with muck will get dug up as result of Shane and his BS. Its nice seeing Vic's home life in total shambles. All the mess dude pulls over other people, its good to see him with problems. My issue though is how duke is able to just shrug the mess off and function as a cop. In the first season dude had a nervous breakdown when his wife left him and the situation at home is worse in my opinion and he shows no signs of it. Maybe there's one too many storylines to show Vic being vulnerable.
2604, That Claudette situation was squashed too easily
Posted by radin, Wed Jun-02-04 02:49 AM
Now Claudette is once again cool with the Decoy Squad and everybody will be pitted against Strike team.
2605, RE: That Claudette situation was squashed too easily
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-02-04 03:13 AM
That's been a problem this season with storylines getting resloved too quickly and neatly. I'm glad the whole office politics squabble between Claudette and Aceveda is going to get revisited though on the next episode.
2606, RE: That Claudette situation was squashed too easily
Posted by Pamalama, Wed Jun-02-04 03:47 AM
I had to chuckle when Claudette asked dude if he ever sucked a dick and the camera went straight to Acevada.

As far as storylines go, the writers come up with some hard core stuff...that whole child porn thing was pretty sick...the sad thing is it probably happens more than people know.

Other thoughts:
- I think Danny will call your boy for a date
- The Armenians are quick!
- And you can't tell me the latin gang (can't remember the
name) won't put it together about the money train.
2607, The Bizlatts
Posted by radin, Wed Jun-02-04 04:49 AM
> - And you can't tell me the latin gang (can't remember
> name) won't put it together about the money train.

2608, Yeah they will hook up
Posted by djprimo99, Wed Jun-02-04 07:13 AM
> - I think Danny will call your boy for a date

2609, i like the decoy squad.
Posted by phenompyrus, Wed Jun-02-04 04:58 AM
they should be in it, for challenging the strike team.
what is the tall blonde dudes name in the strike team? clem?
i bet one of them dies this season too...
2610, Lem..
Posted by guest, Wed Jun-02-04 11:10 AM
you can tell he's going to go all wuss on them and probaly sell them out if the fire gets too hot. He must really want to keep his feet. I'm mad they killed your boy Diego, the muff diving mexician, though. Since they cut O'Brian's feet off, you know they know whose responsible. All dude had to say was "a bald headed cop told me to skip town" and its going to come back to Vic. He should grow some hair or something and go undercover.

PS- I love Trish. "Where's my money,black? Mama gotta get low."
2611, RE: Lem..
Posted by Calico, Wed Jun-02-04 05:25 PM
i kinda feel bad for Lem and Ronny cause everytime someone fucks up it's NOT them.....Lem is just pissed about Tayvon, and Shane and Vic HAVE been making some bad decisions lately...i'd be pissed too....Tayvon WILL put 1&2 together, and i'm wondering what Vic and Shane will do, and how Lem will help Tay....

my cousin is right tho....on his first impression of ole boy (i always wanna call him 'Adrian'....the uniform black cop) he said, "hater!"...i just laughed, but that nigga IS a hater...

2612, Only 2 episodes left
Posted by nipsey, Mon Jun-07-04 05:51 PM
Nice to see Tayvon back, he been inconegro for the past 8 weeks.

Armenian mob is no joke. They been cutting fools' feet off since last year.

It was hilarious how Ronnie was out of the loop about what went down with Tayvon and Shane. Ronnie doesn't get any shine!

Kiddie porn is sick!

Dutch is on the case. This fool just knows where to look but can't ever close the deal.

The strike team has only killed one person (Terry) but they've been responsible for so many deaths (missing feet guys, homeboy in the cargo container with sticky fingaz first season).

The strike team (Vic really) knows how to stay one step ahead. Even when they drop the ball like with this money train money, they've been able to keep the cops off them.

Can't wait for the last two eps:

I see:

Shane's wife/ho/Yoko/whatever she is, getting killed by the Armenian mob.

Dutch boy finding out about the strike team's involvement but no real proof.

Tayvon getting back in the mix and threatening the strike team's plans.

Lem: I don't know about. This stuff maybe getting too heavy for him. He may cut his losses.

Danni letting ole boy hit that. He deserves it. He been putting in some work. This guy is a fence and is openly hollerin' at a cop!

XBOX Live Gamertag: slballer
XBOX Live Games: MotoGP2, Splinter Cell: PT, ESPN NBA Basketball, Links 2004

Last 10 movies I saw:

Breakin' all the Rules: C-
Ripley's Game: C+
30 Years to Life: B-
Eternal Sunshine: B-
Taking Lives: C
Kill Bill Vol. 2: B-
Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus

2613, RE: Only 2 episodes left
Posted by kurlyswirl, Mon Jun-07-04 06:19 PM
>Nice to see Tayvon back, he been inconegro for the past 8

I know, right? I missed him.

>Kiddie porn is sick!

That scenario/case was hard to watch. So disturbing because it's so realistic.

>I see:
>Shane's wife/ho/Yoko/whatever she is, getting killed by the
>Armenian mob.

LOL at "Yoko." So true, so true.

>Tayvon getting back in the mix and threatening the strike
>team's plans.

I'm worried that Shane and/or Vic will do something to shut him up permanently.

>Danni letting ole boy hit that. He deserves it. He been
>putting in some work. This guy is a fence and is openly
>hollerin' at a cop!

Maybe if Julian would mind his own business! He's getting on my nerves with that. I wonder if Dani went after him after Julian left, or called him later?

2614, Best episode ever
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-09-04 04:36 AM
Or maybe I feel that way because this season's episodes haven't been that good...I dunno. But just the fact this week's problems didn't get solved neatly within the hour makes this one great. I wonder if peoples that viewed Mackey as likable still feel that way with the way Tayvon was misled. The only good thing I could think about that situation is that the Strike Team didn't have to kill him to cover up their mess.
2615, Lem prolly saved their asses..
Posted by guest, Wed Jun-09-04 11:03 AM
by burning the stash but how do they go on after that? The only person that really needed it is Vic really. Maybe Shane so he could put a hit out on old girl if she don't come up prego, but he could always take out an insurace policy on dat ass, but we know he ain't gonna do that, big wuss. I wonder if Tay tapped that skinny ass and thats why he was so torn up about what happened or what didn't happen rather.
2616, RE: Lem prolly saved their asses..
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-09-04 12:38 PM
>by burning the stash but how do they go on after that? The
>only person that really needed it is Vic really.

Lemm only burned some of the cash, not all. And Vic is right about burning the cash not solving the situation. Too many people have died and Aceveda is too hot on their tail for the situation to die down so quickly. In a very weird way, its good Tayvon is out of commission so that his ass doesn't get pulled into the whole mess.

> I wonder if Tay tapped that skinny ass and thats why he was so torn up about what happened or what didn't happen rather.

2617, Shane's girl...
Posted by Pamalama, Wed Jun-09-04 01:20 PM
>>>Maybe Shane so he could put a hit out on old girl if she >>>don't come up prego

I am the only wondering when is she gonna start showing? When she told Shane she wanted Vic out of there lives, I just knew she was going to say that she was never pregnant.

Yeah, I'm mad at how they did Tayvon...Dude was crushed. Knowing him, he might tell IAD that he hit her.

Oh well...but next week looks pretty good. I hope Tayvon
2618, RE: Best episode ever
Posted by las raises, Wed Jun-09-04 11:03 AM
Aceveda is on their a**. Dutch opened his mouth. I can't wait for the next episode, the strike team is over. And it was nice to see Shane finally stand up to his lady when she said she didn't want Vic in their lives.
2619, CO-SIGN
Posted by actualfact, Mon Jun-14-04 03:50 PM
just caught the rerun because i missed it last week.

why is Lem and Tayvon the only one's i'm fucking with right now. and i'm really surprised by Brian White's acting. He stepped it up a whole gang of notches with that hospital scene. Poor fucking Lem and Tayvon man.

phenomenal episode
Posted by radin, Wed Jun-09-04 12:05 PM
I can't wait
2621, Up for Season Finale
Posted by nipsey, Mon Jun-14-04 10:15 AM
Looks like Andre 3000 will be hosing down the hoes!

What will happen Tuesday?:

Is this the end of the strike team?
Will Aceveda and Dutch finally catch Vic in the act?
Is Tayvon the father of Mara's baby?
Will Claudette quit her job in a fit of rage fed up with the politics of being a detective (much like Frank Pembleton)?
Will we see other dropped storylines get some half baked resolution in the final hour(like Julian's low sperm count/"Look at me I'm still gay" storyline)?

What will happen?

XBOX Live Gamertag: slballer
XBOX Live Games: MotoGP2, Splinter Cell: PT, ESPN NBA Basketball, Links 2004

Last 10 movies I saw:

Ripley's Game: C+
30 Years to Life: B-
Eternal Sunshine: B-
Taking Lives: C
Kill Bill Vol. 2: B-
Once upon a time in Mexico: C
Runaway Jury: C Plus
50 First Dates: B minus
Civil Brand: D Plus
Barbershop 2: B
2622, Juan In A Million
Posted by guest, Mon Jun-14-04 02:15 PM
I am really pissed about the Juan issue gettin' sewn up so quickly. Ace is gettin' too cocky again (no pun intended). Hopefully that picture will resurface again along with the videotape of him going apeshit in the interagation room and be used as leverage to keep the strike team together.Can't wait until tomorrow night.
2623, Can't wait.
Posted by Kuahmel, Tue Jun-15-04 06:39 AM
Something will have me happy after the end of this damn game tonight.
2624, one more night and to the archive vault we go
Posted by radin, Tue Jun-15-04 11:54 AM
2625, That was a little anti-climactic..
Posted by sithlord, Tue Jun-15-04 02:59 PM
I wanted Vic to get in that ass on Shane, not the Armenian chick...Shane ain't too long for this world. Damn. 2005 can't get here fast enough.
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote, the
world is a fine place and worth
fighting for. He was right about the
second part."
Morgan Freeman in Se7en
"If America was a woman, America
would be a big tittied woman...and
everybody loves a big tittied woman."
"You show me a man that has never
said 'shit' and I'll show you a man
that's full of shit."
The Great Chris Rock
"This dude asked me if I was a democrat or a republican. I told him, I agree with some things both sides say, so on election day, I pick the guy that agrees the most with me...then I flip a coin and do the opposite of what the coin says."
2626, Great ending
Posted by radin, Tue Jun-15-04 03:00 PM
I never thought I'd see the day Vic would back down to anything. He had Shane on every point. Should have jacked him.

It will never happen but I'd love to see Claudette running the barn next season.

Dutch was put in his place which was hillarious..."he's responding the same way pussy always resposnds to him, tells him no"

Lem and Tayvon may be back next year together to be Vic's worst nightmare.

Oh yeah and Andre bustin up those drug dealers.

So what purpose do Danny and Julien serve anymore, besides the miss goody2shoes and the token gay guy
2627, Can you see Danny on the strike team?
Posted by Kuahmel, Tue Jun-15-04 09:47 PM

2628, RE: Can you see Danny on the strike team?
Posted by radin, Wed Jun-16-04 03:00 AM
hell no. Not after Vic boned her and than she ratted him out to Aceveda.

Maybe Julian though cause he can be persuaded into doing as Vic says
2629, Shane runs his mouth a little too much.
Posted by Kuahmel, Tue Jun-15-04 09:51 PM
That was proven this season. Vic or one of the others should have given him an eye jammie.

I'm lovin' how old girl said "no, not just thank you....here, have some pu--y." I'm also lovin' how Vic wasn't interested in getting a jim hat out.

He got Margos REAL good though.

In any case, at least my girl can shut up about how bad she thinks The Shield is.