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Topic subjectTalk Shit About A Movie You Hate, and We Guess What It Is....I'll Start...
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22840, Talk Shit About A Movie You Hate, and We Guess What It Is....I'll Start...
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Mon May-30-05 05:31 PM
Fuck-ass John Travolta, I hope he dies.

I can't believe the winning moment...no, the ONLY thing WORTH THINKING of this movie was a damn 1.5 second Haile Berry shot. Hugh Jackman cashing-in on his newfound popularity was spent on this piece of shit. The worst part about the "suprise TWIST' ending was that I predicted it halfway through when we saw the FAKE John Travolta head. Goddamnit, why did I have to see his OBNOXIOUS, wannabe "devious" facial expression THIS many times? Travolta plays the same role in every movie...he plays an actor who ACTING like the role. That smirk shows up whether he's supposed to be an eccentric, world-conquering hustler, or a smart-ass angel.

Oh yeah, and fuck Cheattle for making this somewhat of a legit film. Other than that, it as ass.

"Twist"-ending my balls. "OOH, he REPLACED what was SUPPOSED to be his body with the REPLICA body we saw earlier!" Fucking duh!
22841, I'll do one.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon May-30-05 05:40 PM
Wait a minute, they're both the same person? I WANT MY FUCKING MONEY BACK, THIS IS THE GAYEST TWIST EVER.
22842, ha ha
Posted by REDeye, Mon May-30-05 05:45 PM
I hate Fight Club.

Ora et labora
22843, Damn that was mine
Posted by DubSpt, Mon May-30-05 06:10 PM
Im still laughing at your dad and I bashing it the other night.

okay, I will do my own then.

I get it, she is hooker and she is nice. SO THE FUCK WHAT? That does NOT mean she deserves some rich guy to take her in. QUIT TURNIN TRICKS, BITCH! And fuck this movie for bringing forward one of my least favorite actresses ever. Scene from every single one of her movies. Other character: does something surprising and fun. Her: BWAH! HAHAHAHAHAHA, giggle giggle giggle! And that goes in every fucking trailer. I get it, her mouth is big I guess, I do not care at all.
22844, Pretty woman
Posted by Olu, Mon May-30-05 09:43 PM
one of the dumbest movies it has ever been my misfortune to sit through
22845, LMAO!
Posted by el_rey, Thu Jun-02-05 11:08 AM
good one
22846, loser.
Posted by will_5198, Mon May-30-05 06:16 PM
22847, RE: loser.
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 01:11 PM
22848, At least Will likes Seinfeld.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Jun-01-05 07:19 PM
22849, RE: Envy 2?
Posted by jigga, Thu Jun-02-05 10:24 AM
22850, *standing ovation*
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon May-30-05 06:26 PM
22851, 'I shot myself, and it KILLED my purely psychological deficiency!'
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Mon May-30-05 08:10 PM

What the FUCK???????
22852, You like Norm Macdonald movies.
Posted by ZooTown74, Thu Jun-02-05 12:04 AM
<------Where have all the raspberry women gone?
22853, Dirty Work >>>>>> Fight Club
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jun-02-05 01:19 AM
22854, Fight Club >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Say Anything/The Big Lebowski
Posted by ZooTown74, Thu Jun-02-05 01:33 AM
<------Where have all the raspberry women gone?
22855, well that was predictable
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jun-02-05 10:37 AM
though I figured you'd use one or the other
22856, Like the Dirty Work joke wasn't.
Posted by ZooTown74, Thu Jun-02-05 11:55 AM
I thought of *that* one after I hit send, though I figured it would be Longo who would type it.
<------Where have all the raspberry women gone?
22857, So true, it must be SIGWORTHY.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jun-02-05 01:39 AM
22858, Ed Norton beating himself up for 5 minutes
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jun-02-05 10:50 AM
is possibly the dumbest scene in the history of cinema. Norm would never allow a scene like that in one of his movies.
22859, RE: Ed Norton beating himself up for 5 minutes
Posted by jigga, Thu Jun-02-05 11:07 AM
>is possibly the dumbest scene in the history of cinema.

Obviously you havent seen Vicent Cassel's breakdancing stunt in Oceans 12
22860, Something Swordfish, right?
Posted by CMcMurtry, Mon May-30-05 05:40 PM
Operation Swordfish? Project Swordfish? It was so God awful I can't even remember the title.

And the fact that Halle showed her titties was sorta negated by "Monster's Ball", where there is basically a softcore porn sex scene.
22861, well the Hugh Jackman-getting-head-under-pressure was...
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Mon May-30-05 08:11 PM
kinda cool, but...fuck TRAVOLTA
22862, I love Jode Foster, but...
Posted by bignick, Mon May-30-05 05:45 PM
...show me the fucking alien!!!
22863, some people feel Contact is the best science fiction film of all time
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Mon May-30-05 05:49 PM
for the record: i am not one of them
22864, and those people are wrong.
Posted by hype_phb, Mon May-30-05 06:16 PM
it's her fucking father? I mean, COME ON
22865, RE: and those people are wrong.
Posted by bignick, Mon May-30-05 06:42 PM
>it's her fucking father? I mean, COME ON

seriously. that is the biggest cop out in the history of film.
22866, For the 10,000th time...it wasn't her father lol
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue May-31-05 11:05 AM
It was an etheral/alien being who took the FORM of her father to make her feel at ease.

The whole movie was about doubt, religion, science, curiosity, etc...

The end just made people think outside the box. True, everyone expected to see this advanced civilization, and they ended up getting some Mr. Miagi-ass galactic wisdom, but it wasn't terrible.

It's not my favorite movie, but I liked it. I saw nothing wrong with the ending. I swear, I'm going to make my sig "Contact: It wasn't her fuckin father" lol
22867, RE: For the 10,000th time...it wasn't her father lol
Posted by kid, Tue May-31-05 02:21 PM
but she was straight trippin off her father the whole damn movie.
And the alien showing up as her father?? She would've gone into psychological convulsions or something.

seriously, she wouldn't have been able to take it.

StLOKp's™: DawgEatah, Dstl1, hyde, Colonel Sanders, MisterGrump, Afrotec, Instant_Vintage, ThaTruth, Soul1908, SefConscious, Baldheadslik, YngblkprinceMD, 314confidential, rdiggity, Kid

Honorable mention:auragin_boi
Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten
Sitting Bull
22868, She had a look on her face when she saw him, like 'duuuh duh'
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue May-31-05 05:31 PM

It's a trip how people think it was her actual father, and there was an etheral BEACH floating in a cloud of space gas.
22869, RE: She had a look on her face when she saw him, like 'duuuh duh'
Posted by kid, Tue May-31-05 05:44 PM
Maybe it was a machine that induced acid trips or somethin

Cause e'rybody was like, "Bitch. You aint go nowhere!"
but she THOUGHT she did.
So maybe the aliens wanted to get us all fucked up for sending them that Hitler thing and be like "chill you human fuckers"

that would explain the father thing, the beach in the clouds in OUTER FUCKING SPACE!! I'm convinced now, thats what it was

StLOKp's™: DawgEatah, Dstl1, hyde, Colonel Sanders, MisterGrump, Afrotec, Instant_Vintage, ThaTruth, Soul1908, SefConscious, Baldheadslik, YngblkprinceMD, 314confidential, rdiggity, Kid

Honorable mention:auragin_boi
Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten
Sitting Bull
22870, If people would read the book
Posted by JungleSouljah, Mon Jun-06-05 05:20 PM
there'd be a lot less of that kind of talk. Not that people read anything that isn't on the internet anymore.
22871, Now I don't *ever* want ot go to Africa.
Posted by FuriousFreddy, Mon May-30-05 05:50 PM
22872, The Lion King!
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Mon May-30-05 05:53 PM
22873, lol...wrong, wrong (c) u know who
Posted by FuriousFreddy, Mon May-30-05 06:12 PM
22874, Belly.
Posted by hidell, Mon May-30-05 06:25 PM
22875, lmfao.
Posted by hunuh, Mon May-30-05 08:02 PM
22876, bingo! *hands you an OKCookie*
Posted by FuriousFreddy, Tue May-31-05 12:48 AM
22877, I just laughed my ass off.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon May-30-05 06:31 PM
22878, You share my hate
Posted by Olu, Mon May-30-05 09:46 PM
of that movie, I see
22879, god DAMN this flick is slow-moving!
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Mon May-30-05 05:52 PM
it seems so self-satisfied with the supposed "twist" it's building to, but i figured out that this dude was dead like halfway through the film! (maybe it was because the trailers kinda gave it away? or because i watched Carnival of Souls? or because i read plenty of EC Comics when i was a kid?)

and i can't STAND these movies with creepy little white kids.

i'm never gonna watch another film by this director. these people who are calling him the "new Hitchcock are on some serious drugs"
22880, you really hate that one
Posted by will_5198, Mon May-30-05 06:17 PM
22881, more than almost any other film of the last decade
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Mon May-30-05 06:21 PM
i hate to be so obvious, but it was the first one to come to mind
22882, Don't worry I am with you
Posted by DubSpt, Mon May-30-05 06:22 PM
I thought that movie was garbage.
22883, kingdom of the heaven sucks
Posted by urbantea, Tue May-31-05 04:20 AM
22884, RE: Not as bad as...
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 01:15 PM
...aliens that fear water
22885, yet wind up on a planet where water makes up 70% of the surface
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Jun-01-05 01:24 PM
>...aliens that fear water
22886, We've already seen someone get hit in the nuts....
Posted by HiKwelity, Mon May-30-05 05:54 PM
.... at least six or seven times, why is everyone in the theater still laughing like its the funniest thing they have ever seen? Must be because any movie right now involving Ben Stiller or Vince Vaughn is unconditionally funny.
22887, the mustache was funny, though
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Mon May-30-05 05:58 PM
mustaches are always funny
22888, RE: Talk Shit About A Movie You Hate, and We Guess What It Is....I'll Start...
Posted by The Damaja, Mon May-30-05 06:01 PM
that was Swordfish

As if the first one wasn't enough of a misstep, Mr Dangerously Little Taste for That Much Talentino delivers 2-3 hours of film that must have passed through his digestive system before overpowering hipster film goers everywhere. Give the rate this man talks at, it's distinctly possible he suffers from some sort of ADHD disorder: this would explain the 3 bullet points he wrote down in preparation for this film before getting bored and making the unnecessary phonecalls. They were: 1. do a buried alive scene, 2. steal that speech about Clark Kent 3. Give a deadly hitman a mundane job with an asshole boss, that he puts up with. Thank you RZA for not providing any actual music. Your 5 second loop in the Crazy88 fight last time was quite enough, very atmospheric (or would have been if only the scene took place in a massage parlour). Thank you everyone else for agreeing to a 7 year waste of time. Thankyou follow-up for vindicating my judgement that the first one wasn't going anywhere interesting.
22889, hater.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Mon May-30-05 06:06 PM
22890, RE: nice
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 01:19 PM
Although I loved the 1st one the 2nd one was a huge letdown.
22891, AMEN!
Posted by mc_delta_t, Thu Jun-02-05 04:04 PM
'specially on the RZA part
22892, actually, I think I'd prefer the politicians tried to save the world
Posted by The Damaja, Mon May-30-05 06:20 PM
we'd die sooner and be spared ever watching this film again
22893, Day after tomorrow?
Posted by Onederlust, Wed Jun-01-05 05:03 AM
22894, nah
Posted by The Damaja, Wed Jun-01-05 05:42 AM
what was that one anyway? the one with the tidal wave?
unless i'm mistaken, it was the tagline for Armageddon, where they send a bunch of oil rig drillers (Bruce Willis) to save the world
22895, So lemme get this straight...
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon May-30-05 06:32 PM
He can see the future or something? Or he can change it? And what the fuck is up with this bunny? Maybe it'll be explained in the next 30 minutes...wait a minute...IT'S OVER?? WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT MOVIE.
22896, The Passion of the Christ
Posted by 6FeetDeepInThought, Mon May-30-05 11:46 PM
22897, hey! i liked donnie darko...i think
Posted by Iltigo, Tue May-31-05 07:13 AM
my turn:

okay so this dude with the wild ass tats just gets bisected after a 6 minute fight...WTF! and whats up with the slave dialect, somebody kill this platapus looking fuck quick.

damn that kid has a big ass head, to bad he gets to kil each and every one of you fucks in a few years...

return to your home citizens

madagascar titties- (c) phontiggalo the rap jiggalo

I would never, ever hit a woman....but i'll beat a bitch (c) wifey
22898, I refuse to answer, on the grounds that you like Donnie Darko.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue May-31-05 06:07 PM
22899, RE: So lemme get this straight...
Posted by ScooterBj, Thu Jun-02-05 04:06 PM
Donnie Darko wasn't all that bad. The bunny was f**ked up though.
22900, RE: So lemme get this straight...
Posted by ScooterBj, Thu Jun-02-05 04:06 PM
Donnie Darko wasn't all that bad. The bunny was f**ked up though.
22901, So thats what black people would do if they had an airplane? FUCKOUTTA HERE
Posted by SkoolWerk, Mon May-30-05 06:42 PM
and take Tom Arnold with you!......

...............keep Sofia Vergara with me thankyouverymuch.
22902, RE: So thats what black people would do if they had an airplane? FUCKOUTTA HERE
Posted by ScooterBj, Thu Jun-02-05 04:07 PM
I only saw a few minutes of Soul Plane, but I do agree with you!
22903, How the fuck he never realize he had super powers?
Posted by Gemini_Two_One, Mon May-30-05 07:05 PM
Let me get this straight this dude never got sick and that was not odd? Not to mention he was super strong, but did not figure it out till he was damn near 40? he never played softball and hit the ball the like 700 feet? He never helped someone move and said, "wow this fridge is light?" and don't get me started on the fucking ending!


Colored Heavyweight Champion of The World

Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith is in theater where you should be right now!

"You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or who s
22904, i TOLD you not to watch that director's films!
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Mon May-30-05 07:15 PM
22905, plus
Posted by bignick, Mon May-30-05 07:26 PM
you can't just fake a career ending injury. his doctors and coaches would have been like, "This mother fucker's knee is fine."
22906, Sam Jackson needed some super clippers in that damn film
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Mon May-30-05 08:18 PM
I hated that fuckin movie.

All that time to find out it was a fuckin comic book.
22907, RE: Sam Jackson needed some super clippers in that damn film
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 01:25 PM
>I hated that fuckin movie.
>All that time to find out it was a fuckin comic book.

I'd still rather be forced 2 watch it over & over again 4 the rest of my life than have 2 watch a movie about aliens being scared of water ever again.
22908, RE: How the fuck he never realize he had super powers?
Posted by deacon, Thu Jun-02-05 09:24 PM
Yeah, "Unbreakable" sucked.
22909, So he kills the wrong guy, but his wife supports her husband?
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon May-30-05 07:34 PM
What's this Bostonian MacBeth horseshit? What about the dead guy's wife, or does the director hate EVERY WOMAN in this movie? Goddammit I wanna shoot the guy who recommended this movie to me.
22910, RE: So he kills the wrong guy, but his wife supports her husband?
Posted by MadDagoNH, Mon May-30-05 08:00 PM
To be fair...that's how it is in the book too.

You're gonna take one of the most famous superheroes, make his sidelick a whiny (BC grad) bitch motherfucker, put nipples on his uni, and have some future governor spit out stupid oneliners, none of which are remotely clever? This was on some "script?!? There's a script?!?!" shit. Add to that a fuckin dayglo universe (He's supposed to be Dark goddamnit?!), and I've never wasted money like I wasted it that night.

And that's why I never let chicks pick movies.

Proud Supporter of the 2004 World Champion Boston Red Sox, The Three-time Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots, The 16 Time NBA Champion Boston Celtics, the four Time NCAA and 26 time Beanpot champion Boston University
22911, Batman and Robin
Posted by Polyphemus, Thu Jun-16-05 01:38 PM
The worst comic book flick ever.
22912, yeah that ending was shite.
Posted by will_5198, Mon May-30-05 08:36 PM
22913, In all fairness
Posted by DubSpt, Mon May-30-05 10:14 PM
You always said you liked the movie but hated the ending.
22914, Yeah but with hype and time and viewings on HBO the hate grows
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon May-30-05 10:15 PM
22915, ha
Posted by DubSpt, Mon May-30-05 11:15 PM
You're the one that purposefully watches movies he doesnt like, haha.
22916, it doesn't hold up very well to repeat viewings
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue May-31-05 12:11 PM
and I LOVED it the first time around (out of place ending and all).

still decent but I haven't been able to sit through it all the times i've tried.
22917, Okay, I'll admit it: I have no idea which movie you're describing.
Posted by kurlyswirl, Tue May-31-05 02:25 PM

My diminutive DVD collection: http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=kurlyswirl

I be Scrobblin': http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/TasteeTreat/
22918, M. River
Posted by will_5198, Tue May-31-05 03:01 PM
22919, Thank you.
Posted by kurlyswirl, Tue May-31-05 03:03 PM
If he'd said something about Sean Penn yelling his head off in a park, I would've known it.


My diminutive DVD collection: http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=kurlyswirl

I be Scrobblin': http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/TasteeTreat/
22920, Fuck his wife, tho...she snitched on her MAN...
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue May-31-05 05:38 PM
to the GUY who's daughter was killed.

What, she thought he was just gonna get a good talking to?

Then, during the parade, she was wandering around looking for him.
22921, I actually laughed. I was like, "You REALLY don't know? You stupid?"
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue May-31-05 05:40 PM
22922, problem with that film is that none of the characters are sympathetic
Posted by The Damaja, Thu Jun-02-05 08:34 PM
Dave might have been a child murderer
Dave's wife snitched on her husband (and was in general annoyingly hysterical)
Sean Penn's character - I dislike those sorts of angry/aggressive male characters. and he killed an innocent man
the two police officers are really just smartasses

powerful film though
22923, ie everyone was an idiot
Posted by will_5198, Thu Jun-02-05 08:44 PM
I hate movies like that
22924, wow
Posted by DrNO, Mon May-30-05 08:23 PM
who would have thought a 2 hour movie with 13 gigantic egos and no plot could be terrible?
22925, Ocean's Eleven
Posted by colonelk, Mon May-30-05 09:45 PM
Though, to be fair, Elliot Gould's ego is merely "huge," not "gigantic."
22926, I thought it was Gosford Park, haha.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon May-30-05 09:53 PM
22927, Oceans 12
Posted by DrNO, Mon May-30-05 10:46 PM
11 had a plot.
22928, RE: Oceans 12
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 01:33 PM
"Random" motion sensor lasers that can be breakdanced thru? I've never laughed so hard @ unintended comedy in my life.
22929, worst scene of any movie
Posted by DrNO, Thu Jun-02-05 01:01 PM
last year.
The only good bit of the movie was the Topher Grace cameo.
22930, RE: worst scene of any movie
Posted by jigga, Thu Jun-02-05 01:40 PM
>last year.
>The only good bit of the movie was the Topher Grace cameo.

"Dude I totally phoned in that Dennis Quaid flick"

22931, I'll take a shot
Posted by Olu, Mon May-30-05 09:21 PM
Why the fuck does anyone give Ben Affleck a job in this day and age. By this point it chould be an accepted fact that the mutherfucker can't act to save his life. His every attempt to play a grim avenger just looked like he was constipated. Oh, and the less said about that ridiculus farce of a fight scene between him and Jennifer Garner. The moment they saw that scene they should have saved everyone the trouble and just stopped filming right then and there. Honestly, only Colin Farrel ans Michael Clark Duncan keep this from being an early candidate for worst movie ever made. As it stands, it still shits all over one of my all time favourite comic book characters
22932, RE: I'll take a shot
Posted by ScooterBj, Thu Jun-02-05 04:11 PM
I really hated Daredevil. My fiance had to make me sit down and watch it.

Damn you Affleck for messing up a good character! Damn YOU!!!
22933, damn Sofia Vergara is hot
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon May-30-05 09:42 PM
"wow this movie is lame as shit"

"whoa Roselyn Sanchez is hot"

"what a stupid fuckin' movie"

"damn Jaci Velazquez is cute as hell"

"ugh how fuckin lame is this... *watches Caliente instead*
22934, Wait, that's that 'Chasing Papi' movie, ain't it?
Posted by ZooTown74, Mon May-30-05 11:54 PM
22935, hahaha *presses mute, and opens up the Jergins*
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue May-31-05 05:39 PM
Oh wait, that could be "Disclosure" too.
22936, CO-SIGN!!!
Posted by Ray_Snill, Wed Jun-01-05 08:48 PM


73.14% of all television-transmitted HIV infections are caused by jerkers who think pulling out the remote control right before the moment of truth will render them safe from harm. - the wisdom of squeeg

22937, Okay, so now is Keanu dead? How did he stop the machine?
Posted by ZooTown74, Mon May-30-05 11:53 PM
Now he looks to be in a brand spanking new section of the Chicago subway system, staring at a little girl. Oh, wait, sorry, he's "in-between worlds." My bad. Now he's meeting up with Carrie-Anne Moss again, and they're going to this club, and they're talking to that sleazy French dude who's with Monica Bellucci. She's hot.

Meanwhile, the Dingy-Ass Promised Land with Cornel West, Roy Jones and a lot more barefoot black people is being, um, penetrated, by these big-ass machine, um, drills (no homo). WTF? And now they've penetrated the, um, walls of the dingy-ass promised land, and the people are fighting back with big-ass machine guns and Robotech battle gear. Wow, this is like one long, bad war picture from the 40's.

Meanwhile, Keanu fought the slick dude who's spreading himself everywhere (not Hugo Weaving but one of his disciples... he looks like a broke Luis Guzman), and he lost his sight in the process. Uh, what? Now the machines are all over the dingy-ass promised land city. Hope is fading fast.

Meanwhile, Hugo Weaving is spreading himself all over town. What a man-whore.

Where did Roy Jones go? He must have had to go prepare for the first Tarver fight. Anyway, Jada's in her ship, doing... God knows what. Oh, she's fighting the machines as well, and looking longingly at Laurence Fishburne, whom we're supposed to believe she'd choose over my man from The Five Heartbeats. GTFOWTBS. "Nights Like This" vs. "GIVE ME THE MOTHERFUCKIN' GUN, TREY!" Ladies, who would YOU choose? And the fight continues. And continues. And continues. We haven't seen Keanu and Carrie-Anne in about an hour, I think. This battle sure is bloody. Those machines are kicking ass. Wow, the head general of the dingy city army just got murked. And he's got a big-ass, bloody tire streak running across his face. Okay, that looked kinda cool.

Meanwhile... where the FUCK are Keanu and Carrie-Anne? Oh, there they are. Now they're traveling to Machine City? Who knew there was even a Machine City to begin with? Wait, they're getting attacked by more machine ships. And their ship got fucked up, even though Keanu is The One and theoretically could have prevented it. And now... wait, Carrie's DEAD? Like THAT? She couldn't have gone out in a blaze of bullets or a really cool fight? She gets a pipe through her chest as her exit? Are you fucking kidding me?

Keanu soldiers on, and meets with a big face that looks like one of those pin things you can buy and put your hand in and it looks kinda dope. He makes a deal with the machine pin thing, and now we're going to see Keanu fight Hugo one last time. Awww YEAH! Now we're onto something. They're fighting in the rain and stuff... it's all very powerful, very Superman 2-ish... Keanu keeps getting his ass handed to him, and there's some talk about choice and yin and yang, and opposites, and all that shit. Wait, Keanu's DEAD? What in the blue FUCK? Now the machines have stopped penetrating the dingy city, and all of the black people there (like Larry and Jada, and that dude from Oz/Lost, but somehow not Roy and Cornell) rejoice! They have been SAVED! The war is over! Thank The One for superhuman white hackers!

Now we're looking at the lady from A Different World, who apparently is now the Oracle, and the Colonel Sanders dude from Reloaded (which was at least intriguing), and they're talking about an uneasy truce between the Mexican Mafia and the Crips-- oh, sorry, I mean, the machines and the black people in that now-kinda-dingy city. Keanu died to save us all, people. THAT dude's our last hope? How fucking shitty was that? Guess I'll watch the animated shorts after I finish beating the video game, then after that I'll go online for some interactive fun with this world. I can't WAIT to give them more of my MONEY!
22938, A Walk in the Clouds
Posted by dgonsh, Tue May-31-05 01:48 AM
22939, Sorry. Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
Posted by ArtVandelay, Tue May-31-05 02:38 PM

22940, Thank God this is a joke, because Bill and Ted 2 is AMAZING
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue May-31-05 05:24 PM
22941, B&TBJ >>>>>>>>>> This movie
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue May-31-05 10:46 PM
And no, it's not Johnny Mnemonic, fuckers.
22942, revolutions made reloaded semi watchable
Posted by Iltigo, Tue May-31-05 10:03 AM
he stopped the machines because his powers extend beyond the matrix intot he machine world becasue he is creation of the machine world.

also he stopped agent smith by solving the equation. the system started breaking down when he didnt go intot eh source. he was different 'memeber.

this is still lame though...

return to your home citizens

madagascar titties- (c) phontiggalo the rap jiggalo

I would never, ever hit a woman....but i'll beat a bitch (c) wifey
22943, They remade this?!?!
Posted by biscuit, Tue May-31-05 02:20 AM
This cool ass movie about a very violent sport in the future where corporations have superseded governments.
22944, rollerball?
Posted by DrNO, Tue May-31-05 02:35 AM
that was on TV the other day, jesus it was bad.
22945, RE: rollerball?
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 01:41 PM
>that was on TV the other day, jesus it was bad.

Your TV didnt get up & throw itself out the window? I mean Chris Klien & LL in the same movie? That's enough torture right there alone. I dont need 2 see the damn movie.
22946, exactly.
Posted by biscuit, Thu Jun-02-05 01:55 AM
probably the worst movie ever made. well, next to Passion that is.
22947, Okay I get it, he's a weird genius
Posted by PDouly33, Tue May-31-05 04:40 AM
And he trembles a lot, and then the same disturbing music plays, but numbers light up when he studies them. UH OH HERE COME THE COMMIES. Hey, where's my imaginary friend? Wasn't I supposed to be kind of gay too? Why is the director of EdTV doing this movie? WHERE ARE AL PACINO AND MICHAEL MANN...
Posted by Rjcc, Tue May-31-05 06:06 AM


they don't even mention if the black cop comes back, but of course that doesn't matter.

exeryone involved in the production of this film should be disappeared on a plane flight.


Certified Grade A Coon - Inspector Abrock33

http://rjcc.stumbleupon.com - what I'm looking at
22949, the Isiah/Haile Berry flick? When she left him in a dumpster
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue May-31-05 02:15 PM
to find crack?

22950, no.
Posted by Rjcc, Tue May-31-05 10:12 PM


Certified Grade A Coon - Inspector Abrock33

http://rjcc.stumbleupon.com - what I'm looking at
22951, The Forgotten....
Posted by gmltheone, Wed Jun-01-05 02:35 PM
Waste of time for everyone involved.

Favorites songs of the moment
H2o Gate Blues & Song for Bobby Smith
22952, I watched a bootleg and felt ripped off
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jun-01-05 11:59 PM


Certified Grade A Coon - Inspector Abrock33

http://rjcc.stumbleupon.com - what I'm looking at
22953, Not even Gael Garcia Bernal could save this one.
Posted by janey, Tue May-31-05 11:11 AM
Worst. Movie. Ever.

No one will guess this because thank god none of you saw it.
22954, Haha...but I remember your review of it.
Posted by kurlyswirl, Tue May-31-05 02:26 PM
dot the i. :-)


My diminutive DVD collection: http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=kurlyswirl

I be Scrobblin': http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/TasteeTreat/
22955, Bingo!
Posted by janey, Wed Jun-01-05 12:52 PM


what if a straight man got bashed every time queers felt threatened by heterosexuals?
and what if a white man got lynched every time blacks felt threatened by whites?
22956, crime of padre amaro
Posted by wntrbaby, Tue May-31-05 02:34 PM
gotta be. that movie really sucked ass. even for gael.
22957, padre amaro DID suck ass but...
Posted by janey, Wed Jun-01-05 01:25 PM
...Gael looked hot.

Dot the i, he didn't even look hot. It was just gross.
22958, dot the i
Posted by wntrbaby, Thu Jun-02-05 08:00 AM
don't remember that one. guess that's why i didn't get kurly's post.
obviously, it doesn't need to be remembered
22959, A Dialogue:
Posted by BigWorm, Tue May-31-05 11:43 AM
Person 1: "Hold-up, so the movie is supposed to be set in France, right?"

Person 2: "Yeah."

Person 1: "It's about the French King, and the Musketeers, right?"

Person 2: "Yeah..."

Person 1: "Every single person in the movie is supposed to be French, right?"

Person 2: "I feel you..."

Person 1: "Then why is Gerard Depardieu the only one with an accent, and all them other mufuckas got an English accent? I mean damn, they ain't even try to act French..."

Person 2: "Yup. Leo ain't even have an English accent. That nigga was Cali all day long."

22960, The Spam in The Iron Mask....oui? lol
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue May-31-05 02:16 PM
22961, RE: A Dialogue:
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 01:47 PM
>Person 2: "Yup. Leo ain't even have an English accent. That
>nigga was Cali all day long."

No shock there
22962, wow this movie should be intense
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue May-31-05 11:54 AM
that sucks this kid having to deal with his drunk dad

that was a nice long tracking shot of a school hallway. this school sure is clean

(30 minutes later)

I thought that tracking shot would never end. wait another tracking shot of a school hallway?

(30 minutes later)

another one? oh I get it. they're all the same scene

ok, an hour plus of walking down hallways looking at high school stereotypes. something's bound to happen now....wait why are these two guys making out for no reason. did I miss something?


*credits roll*

*listens to applause of amazed audience*

*scratches head*
22963, Hahahahahaha
Posted by icecold3000, Tue May-31-05 12:21 PM
I would have done this one had I got past the 15th tracking shot.
22964, What movie is this so I don't rent it lol
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue May-31-05 05:37 PM
22965, I think its Pumpkin
Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-31-05 05:52 PM
But I haven't seen it. I know it sounds like what's been described to me as Pumpkin.

Edit: Fuck. I meant Elephant. Pumpkin has Christina Ricci in it.
22966, I'm pretty sure it's Elephant. n/m
Posted by kurlyswirl, Tue May-31-05 05:54 PM


My diminutive DVD collection: http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=kurlyswirl

I be Scrobblin': http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/TasteeTreat/
22967, ...was his name-o
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue May-31-05 06:00 PM
22968, fuck it, Elephant was a good film!
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Wed Jun-01-05 12:50 PM
22969, dude go watch Goodfellas for the 50th time
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Jun-01-05 12:54 PM
and complain about how you still don't like it
22970, check out the original
Posted by DrNO, Wed Jun-01-05 01:25 PM
22971, who would travel that far
Posted by DrNO, Tue May-31-05 02:22 PM
for fucking nicole kidman?
22972, Cold Mountain? I thought the problem with that one
Posted by janey, Wed Jun-01-05 07:29 PM
was that everyone whispered?
22973, HA!! Well played.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Jun-01-05 07:31 PM
22974, I never saw it.
Posted by janey, Wed Jun-01-05 07:32 PM
Just going from what I've heard.
22975, that too
Posted by DrNO, Wed Jun-01-05 11:47 PM
and they use the title every 5 minutes:
"it's so lonely here in...Cold Mountain"
"excuse me I need to get back to... Cold Mountain"
"we're known for impeccable southern accents and a landscape oddly similar to eastern europe here in... Cold Mountain"
"we only have slaves off camera here in... Cold Mountain"
22976, And why was Renee Zigzagger making goo-goo eyes at Jack White
Posted by ZooTown74, Wed Jun-01-05 11:54 PM
during the entire movie? It musta been cause he's sooo cool. And she was SO CRAZAY, talkin' with that accent half the time and doing "wild" stuff like shooting raccoons and stuff. What a REBEL. Give that girl an Oscar for that.
<------Where have all the raspberry women gone?
22977, So here's the thing...
Posted by gmltheone, Tue May-31-05 02:49 PM
It's about a cuban immigrant's rise and fall in miami in drug game. Not only is everybody hamming it up, but the star of the show is the biggest ham of all. I could deal with getting italians to fake it as cubans, but F. Murray Abraham? Give me a break!

Favorites songs of the moment
H2o Gate Blues & Song for Bobby Smith
22978, XXX 2
Posted by ImPerfectNick, Tue May-31-05 03:15 PM
This has to take the cake as the worst piece of cinematic crap ever. The car's tires come off and they ride on the train tracks?!?!?!?! Cube???? What the hell?
22979, Italians acting as Cubans always end up looking like Mexicans
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue May-31-05 05:35 PM
from the 1800's lol

Like that one flick with Marissa Tomei.

They always do that exagerrated flamenco/salsa dance when they are happy, and "YAP! YAP!". WTF? Even @ a party or club, Cubans don't do that shit lol
22980, lol...The Perez Family
Posted by kurlyswirl, Thu Jun-02-05 12:07 PM

>Like that one flick with Marissa Tomei.


My diminutive DVD collection: http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=kurlyswirl

I be Scrobblin': http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/TasteeTreat/
22981, RE: So here's the thing...
Posted by ScooterBj, Thu Jun-02-05 04:18 PM
Scarface is a classic. I like the movie but I think you are right about F. Murray Aberham. You hate this movie?
22982, The brothers finally/unfortunalty let me down here
Posted by B9, Tue May-31-05 03:43 PM
Why does the entire film have the starwash on it? Why is the humor such a bite of everyother romance comedy tounge&cheek film Clooney is in? This is the one time ol' girl hasnt looked good, I mean, coming off of Entrapment with the greatest two seconds of clothed film in the world? COME ON. The one typically clever moment of these writers was beyond predictable. This fucker seemed like such a damn studio obligation pic it's unreal.

22983, Intolerable Cruelty
Posted by kurlyswirl, Tue May-31-05 03:47 PM
Yep, it was very disappointing. However, I'm gonna have to disagree with you about CZJ not looking good.


My diminutive DVD collection: http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=kurlyswirl

I be Scrobblin': http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/TasteeTreat/
22984, she looks classy in it, but not hot
Posted by B9, Tue May-31-05 03:57 PM
which I guess was the intention of the film, to do a 1950s still studio-style romance comedy. I tried to justify this film for so long...
22985, nah man she looks damn good in it
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue May-31-05 04:28 PM
better than she does in most movies
22986, What movie does she look bad in?
Posted by gmltheone, Tue May-31-05 04:31 PM
Seriously? The camera LOVES her.

Favorites songs of the moment
H2o Gate Blues & Song for Bobby Smith
22987, not saying she looks bad in anything
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue May-31-05 04:34 PM
just that she looks better in Intolerable Cruelty
22988, Zeta-Jones is bad bodied tho, so for them to make her
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue May-31-05 05:33 PM
THAT fly is like a talent.

I know ur not talking about "Entrapment...that part with her ass in the air? Man, like the 1.5 second Haile Berry titty shot, that's all they EVER played in order to get you hype for the movie lol
22989, my fucking eyes
Posted by will_5198, Tue May-31-05 05:50 PM
>This is the one time ol' girl hasnt looked
22990, RE: The brothers finally/unfortunalty let me down here
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 01:51 PM
This is the one time ol' girl hasnt looked

22991, If it wasn't for fine ass Lela this shit would be a total waste
Posted by OldPro, Tue May-31-05 04:25 PM
I hate when my wife picks the flick.
22992, ummm... Waiting to Exhale?
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Wed Jun-01-05 12:51 PM
i can probably think of maybe 3 other movies it could be, too
22993, RE: ummm... Waiting to Exhale?
Posted by OldPro, Wed Jun-01-05 03:05 PM
lol yep
22994, so it took 100+ minutes for this movie to tell me
Posted by will_5198, Tue May-31-05 06:03 PM
a regular guy with self-esteem issues shouldn't be given the powers of God just to get a promotion?

no FUCKING way dude!
22995, CENTURY MARK! And that movie was okay in retrospect.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue May-31-05 06:07 PM
A second viewing showed it wasn't as crappy as I felt after the first time.
22996, Bruce Almighty?
Posted by magilla vanilla, Wed Jun-01-05 10:45 AM
22997, the one. the only.
Posted by will_5198, Wed Jun-01-05 02:10 PM
I mean, talk about life lessons learned
22998, RE: the one. the only.
Posted by deacon, Thu Jun-02-05 09:43 PM
I liked Bruce Almighty. It gave me a case of the warm fuzzies.
22999, RE: so it took 100+ minutes for this movie to tell me
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 01:53 PM
>a regular guy with self-esteem issues shouldn't be given the
>powers of God just to get a promotion?
>no FUCKING way dude!

23000, Horatio Sanz got a fucking movie? Wait, what's Roselyn Sanchez
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue May-31-05 10:25 PM
doing with that banana? Oh my God. I think I just nutted on myself.

Also, a gay Roger Moore is NOT funny. He's not "subverting his image" either.
23001, Boat Trip
Posted by sosa, Wed Jun-01-05 01:33 AM
haha. I was watchin the movie on cable once. not a good look for 007.
Roslyn Sanchez was looking great in there. & the banana scene mentioned..!!!
23002, THIS won best movie?!?
Posted by Slim Ass Rivets, Wed Jun-01-05 09:59 AM

Alright, so the star got royally fucked over by the most impossibly evil cinematic bad guy ever. He was made the most latently homosexual incestuous hairlip of all time...he may as well have been walking around with a flashing arrow pointing at his head saying "#1 Heavy". It didn't bother me so much that the bad guy's sister and nephew might as well have been named "Plot Points 1 and Plot Point 2" and his trainer should have been named "Expositionus", for he focused all the little brains on just how we were supposed to feel about each character. I didn't even mind so much that exactly NONE of the battle scenes made logistical sense and the quick-cut, extreme close-up nature of all of them made it impossible to accurately follow the action. But one thing I can't forgive...

The star is sold into slavery along with various: Africans, Germans, Romans, Greeks, Middle Easterners, etc. The story is set in various locations around the Aegian where any number of languages was spoke but I think the main ones would have been: Roman and Latin. The fucker even goes by the name "Spaniard" and yet...EVERYONE SPEAKS WITH AN ENGLISH ACCENT!!! Even the American hired on to play the Roman Emporer speaks with like a bad guy from another movie Empire. (The only notable exception in all of this is of course the 7' German dude who speaks with his Germanic accent). What's even worser though, is that to show lower class citizens in the slave dens...they speak with a bloomin Cockney!! I mean these must be REAL low class Roman slave traders if they've adopted an underworld slang 14 centuries too early, that is in an entirely different language, to illustrate for all the dum dum heads just how low class they really are.
23003, Forrest Gump!
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Jun-01-05 11:15 AM
if he would have just ran like Jenny told him to, he would never have been sold into slavery in the first place
23004, hahahaha @ 'Spaniard'
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Wed Jun-01-05 12:43 PM
It baggles the mind how they didn't call him 'limey'.
23005, RE: THIS won best movie?!?
Posted by ScooterBj, Fri Jun-03-05 04:40 PM

The thing that messed with me about Gladiator was that the "King" wanted a pureblood son from his sister...yuck!

And, Phoenix was such a b**ch!
23006, the plot: nonsensical shit / lesbian love scene / nonsensical shit
Posted by soundsop, Wed Jun-01-05 01:55 PM
Baddest Motherfucker in the OkaySports Hall of Fame

Fun in activist:
inVerse: "Can you prove to me that Thunder does NOT come from the god Thor?"
40thStreetBlack: "sure-doppler radar shows no mystical hammers flying around thunderclouds"
23007, She Hate Me?
Posted by kurlyswirl, Wed Jun-01-05 01:58 PM

My diminutive DVD collection: http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=kurlyswirl

I be Scrobblin': http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/TasteeTreat/
23008, silencio
Posted by soundsop, Wed Jun-01-05 01:59 PM

Baddest Motherfucker in the OkaySports Hall of Fame

Fun in activist:
inVerse: "Can you prove to me that Thunder does NOT come from the god Thor?"
40thStreetBlack: "sure-doppler radar shows no mystical hammers flying around thunderclouds"
23009, and the dvd has no chapters so you can't just jump to the lesbian scene
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Jun-01-05 01:58 PM
i kinda dug the movie though
23010, RE: Mullholland Drive?
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 02:00 PM
23011, RE: A buncha brats in the woods
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 02:22 PM
The cameraman is apparently 2 drunk 2 operate the camera & is making me nauseous.

I hear eventually that there's supposed 2 be something scary @ the end of this thing.

There's 2 much vomit on the screen now 2 tell what's goin on. I can still hear a buncha brats complainin tho.

Aw fuck it who cares what's been scarin em this whole team. I'm turning this shit off & poppin some dramamine.
23012, Blair Witch cost 27,000 to make
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Jun-01-05 02:30 PM
so what I wanna know is where the hell did the other $26,500 go?? (c) Chris Rock
23013, oh wow this deep south racist overcame his racist feelings
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Jun-01-05 02:54 PM
to sleep with one of the most beautiful women in the world!

and it couldn't have come at a better time. her dimwitted, obese kid couldn't keep his ass out of the street and went and got himself run over, she's out of money, her car just broke down, her man was just executed.. oh wait, who's this driving up the street? why its the same guy who just executed her husband! he's come to save the day and "make her feel good"

how inspiring!
23014, LOL...You could've made it a _little_ more challenging. :-)
Posted by kurlyswirl, Wed Jun-01-05 03:21 PM
Monster's Ball


My diminutive DVD collection: http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=kurlyswirl

I be Scrobblin': http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/TasteeTreat/
23015, LOL
Posted by gmltheone, Wed Jun-01-05 03:43 PM
Heath ledger had the right idea in that flick.
Favorites songs of the moment
H2O Gate Blues & Song for Bobby Smith
23016, you fucking racist
Posted by janey, Wed Jun-01-05 07:31 PM
or, so I was called when I said basically the same thing that you just did about this so-called *movie.*
23017, just think of the racsits who changed their ways
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Jun-01-05 09:12 PM
after watching this movie

before it would be unthinkable for a southern redneck to date a black woman

but many after seeing this movie now know that its reasonably acceptable as long as the woman in question, is incredbly needy, looks up to them, and most importantly, looks like Halle Berry
23018, I changed MY ways for sure
Posted by janey, Thu Jun-02-05 01:16 PM
before seeing that movie, I woulda fucked her.

Now I can't even look at her.
23019, I damn near wanted to fight somebody
Posted by kayru99, Thu Jun-02-05 09:11 AM
after watching this stupendous bullshit.

Black pussy apparently is the cure for racism
23020, RE: Blair Witch cameraman @ it again
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 03:44 PM
So the fucking camera is spinning outta control 4 like 10 minutes before it finally focuses on some guys babbling about god knows what in some crummy building.

Ok now the camera spirals outta control again before it settles itself in some gay bar w/ the worst techno music in the world blaring from the speakers. There's 2 guys frantically searching 4 someone. Hopefully it's the DJ so they can tell him 2 play some Skynard or som'n. Anythings better than this techno crap giving me an even bigger headache than the camera movement...it's all over the fucking place.

Looks like they might have found the guy they were looking 4. Fuck!...it wasnt the DJ. They're pretty pissed about something. Good thing there's subtitles cuz I wouldnt be able 2 tell w/ them trying 2 yell over that awful techno music.

Whoa! Looks like 1 of the guys also found a fire extinguisher & is pounding it repeatedly in this other guys face in the most graphic nature I've ever seen. Sup w/ this 1 cat laughin in the background tho?

Ok now those same 2 guys are standing next 2 a very bloody woman lying on a stretcher w/ an ambulance also on the scene. Minutes later after another spiraling camera moment they're interogating a hooker w/ some very vulgar language. Wait! This hooker has a dick!?!?! Gross!

Hey there's the lovely Monica Bellucci pissed off @ her husband. Must have something 2 do w/ that breakdancing stunt he pulled in Oceans 12. Anyway she leaves him & is out on the street by herself now.

Uh oh. Footsteps. Followed by a brutal beating, an even more brutal rape (that goes on far 2 long) along w/ more vulgar dialouge, & an even more brutal beating afterwards.

Hey! She's @ home now & everything is cool. She would later go 2 a park on a sunny day & read a book. I guess time really does heal everything. But if that's the case when do I get those 2 hours back you sick French fuck!
23021, didnt we already mention a Matrix movie?
Posted by DubSpt, Wed Jun-01-05 04:58 PM
23022, RE: Yes
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 05:42 PM
And if you ever see the movie I'm talking about you'll wish it was another Matrix movie instead. Trust.
23023, This is...
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Jun-01-05 05:52 PM
Irreverseible, right?
23024, RE: Indeed
Posted by jigga, Wed Jun-01-05 05:58 PM
Great title 4 a shitty shock flick
23025, but she's naked for
Posted by DrNO, Thu Jun-02-05 01:04 PM
like 20 minutes. Thumbs up.
23026, So, this dude meets this girl who just moved in. New neighbor.
Posted by ZooTown74, Wed Jun-01-05 11:52 PM
He's like, dude, she's hot, I like her. His boys are like, wow, she's hot, where have we seen her before? Turns out, she kinda-sorta was/is an actress. In THOSE kind of movies. You know what kind. No, Kurlyswirl, not independent foreign movies about oppressed lesbian kids or French perverts.

Anyway, the dude's boys are like, dude, she's hot, and she's easy, we know 'cause she acted in THOSE kind of movies, so she's obviously always horny and ready. But the dude is like, no, I like her for who she is and shit. We know this because of the way he looks at her while the "airy" score plays in the background. I was hoping Joey Pants would show up and ask him if he's had sex with her on a train, cause she likes choo-choo trains. Hey, speaking of killer pimps:

We then get to meet her pimp, oops, I mean, her "film producer," and it turns out, he's a cool guy! Although, he looks kind of shifty. I think he ended up stealing some money or something, I don't remember.

Then some stuff happens, and some other stuff happens at a film festival-convention thing (no, Kurlyswirl, not the SIFF), you know, a convention for THOSE kind of movies. If I remember (cause I try as best I can to flush shitty flicks like this out of my head soon after I see them), the dude racked up some kind of debt, or was about to flunk out of school, or some other example of false jeopardy, and the new neighbor girl cooked up a scheme for them to make some dough by, get this, shooting one of THOSE kind of movies AT his school during THE PROM! Talk about RISKY BUSINESS! But if I remember, it turned out that the movie they shot wasn't one of THOSE kind of movies at all, it was a hip movie about safe sex. How's that for a twist on the teenage sex comedy?
<------Where have all the raspberry women gone?
23027, RE: So, this dude meets this girl who just moved in. New neighbor.
Posted by ScooterBj, Thu Jun-02-05 04:26 PM
The Girl Next Door? Didn't see it though.
23028, Girl Next Door is a guilty pleasure for me
Posted by JungleSouljah, Mon Jun-06-05 05:38 PM
On so many levels.
23029, RE: Girl Next Door is a guilty pleasure for me
Posted by jigga, Mon Jun-06-05 05:46 PM
>On so many levels.

Which are?
23030, If fuckers are after you with a shotgun
Posted by spenzalii, Thu Jun-02-05 06:59 AM
Why the fuck are you moseying down the alley with a lotto scratch off? Dumb bastard, you deserve to catch it! And who the hell eats pomegranites in Compton? Get the fuck out of here! At least they gave O'shea his bottle of activator
23031, and why the fuck are you stopping to piss?!
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jun-02-05 10:33 AM
still, it's a good movie
23032, I don't find you or any of your brothers funny
Posted by bigkarma, Thu Jun-02-05 08:47 AM
And I especially don't want to see you play a private detective in a wanna-be action comedy filled with some of the most obviously blatant stereotypes ever...i.e. the corrupt FBI agent, the lovestruck assistant, the Columbian drug kingpin and one of the most blatantly offensive gay characters I've ever seen...and I'm straight.

The only mildly redeeming thing about this flick is the hotness of the female villian/love interest. But, even she can't act her way out of a wet paperbag.

Why oh why must Charles Dutton overact in EVERY role.
23033, RE: Low Down Dirty Shame?
Posted by jigga, Thu Jun-02-05 10:33 AM
Dont remember the gay guy tho.
23034, He was like Jada's roommate or some shit
Posted by bigkarma, Thu Jun-02-05 10:56 AM
He was only in the movie for a couple of scenes, but I cringed during every one.
23035, Another Dialogue
Posted by BigWorm, Thu Jun-02-05 09:36 AM
"Man if they kill off Franka Potente in the first fifteen minutes, fuck this movie."

"Why do you say that?"

"They always do that shit. End the first movie on a happy romantic note, and then in the sequel they don't know what the hell to do with the leading lady no more so they just kill her off right at the start. Then they can just start from scratch again. That shit is the biggest action movie copout ever."

"Maybe they'll find a clever way to keep her in the movie?"

"Quiet, man, the movie's starting."

10 minutes later...

"Man fuck this movie."

"Damn you were right. She went out really fast."

"They really didn't even give her no lines. Ain't that some shit."

"Now what?"

"Now it's going to be like any other action movie. There's one traitor. Dude is going to be out for revenge, and every now and then he'll stop to get sad about how his woman came up short. Hey man I'm finna take me a nap. Wake me when it's time to leave the theater."

23036, RE: They shoulda 86'd...
Posted by jigga, Thu Jun-02-05 10:31 AM
...Julia Stiles in the 1st 10 minutes...of the 1st movie instead.
23037, you = Ain't never a liar
Posted by Slim Ass Rivets, Thu Jun-02-05 10:31 AM
>"Man if they kill off Franka Potente in the first fifteen
>minutes, fuck this movie."

I actually made the comment (or something similar) to my nephew as the FBI warning came on, "The thing I'm looking forward to most is getting to see Frnk Potente's beautiful body for the next 2 hours.

23038, RE: PG-13 but supposedly really scary?
Posted by jigga, Thu Jun-02-05 10:51 AM
I already have my doubts.

Ok whoa that chic in the closet door looked pretty freaky.

Hmmmmm it's been @ least an hour now since that chic in the closet & so far nothing has scared me other than the fact that so many people thought this movie was scary.

Wait. Is this still the movie or did someone put on a Nine Inch Nails video when I went 2 the bathroom?

Ah there's the chic crawlin outta the TV that I heard about 1000 times. I guess that was kinda creepy. Wish I didnt hear about it already tho.

Hmmmm the credits are rollin now & I'm still waitin 4 the scary part. Maybe it comes after all the credits?

Nope. Damn. Should've trusted my own skepticism. Worst part is I'm not even sure I wanna watch the original version now.

23039, RE: PG-13 but supposedly really scary?
Posted by ScooterBj, Thu Jun-02-05 04:29 PM
The Ring was okay. It was different. I wish I had saw Ringu first though.
23040, RE: PG-13 but supposedly really scary?
Posted by jigga, Thu Jun-02-05 05:29 PM
>The Ring was okay.

Okay 4 Insomnia. That's about it 4 me.
23041, Wait...there's a sequel planned?!?
Posted by Slim Ass Rivets, Thu Jun-02-05 12:01 PM
Then there truly is a Devil. And he's running a couple of studios in Hollywood, churning out just enough visual excrement to satisfy the entertainment wants of the lowest common denominator amongst us. Such as this little piece of Hell:

Okay so two wholly uncharismatic brothers, played almost catatonically by two wholly uninterested yet talented actors, decide on a whim to abandon the job they hate and kill mafia members. They recruit a low-level mob flunky, who is criminally misnomered "funny man", to join them. And so begins a campaign of wanton acts of aggression much to the delight of the white trash scumbags who look up to the brothers as some sort of twisted Irish Robin Hoods. This new guy, who is such a walking train wreck, stumbles and bumbles his way through the movie and his lines. o top it all off, sort of like extra runny warm diarrhea sauce on top of a vomit sundae, this flamboyantly gay FBI agent is the only one in the South Boston area who has any inkling that the brothers are responsible for the ever increasing number of dead wiseguys. Utterly oblivious to the fact that they turned themselves in the first time (for offing a couple of Russian gangsters who they then robbed), the police department is shown up time and time again by Agent Flame-On and his uncanny ability to reccreate the crime scene action by studying its aftermath. This would have been the only semi-remotely-sort-of-interesting-in-a-hlf-assed-kind-of-way part of the movie, mainly because the agent character is played by a wholly watchable and gifted actor. But its done in such a contrived and cliched ham-handed way that it never gets even partly enjoyable. The absolute rock bottom is reached when the aforementioned actor, who is so totally slumming in this role, decides to go undercover as a woman. The scene isn't played for laughs but once you realize that the dialogue is intended to be serious and that the agent is passing as "beautiful", you can't help but heartily crack-up at the sheer stupidity of the whole thing.

The rookie writer / director of this tripe, who rumor has it received a bar from harvey weinstein as a signing bonus for shopping his movie to Miramax, has the biggest Quenton Tarantino hard-on imaginable. I have never seen any one director so blatantly rip off another director's style since...well since I first saw a Quenton Tarantino movie.(Miramax, however, apparently came to their senses as they distanced themselves from anything having to do with this mind-numbingly lame piece of shit movie. The movie got no pub and while technically "released" to theaters, it is MOST DEFINITELY considered a straight-to-video film.) I hesitate to use the words "cult film" because in the magical realm of movies "cult", at least to me, has a slightly positive tone to it. I will however use the word "cult" to describe this film if only the word is assoicated with cults like Heaven's Gate or Branch Davidians. Meaning anyone who likes it is whacked out of the gourd, should be castrated, and then coerced to eat some of the "special powdery pudding".

This garbage ass movie is for the type of film "afficianados" who understand that the supreme pinnacle of "how to look really, really cool" in a movie can only be achieved by slow motion. Slow-mo is absolutely necessary to convey "the utmost coolness" for these people and can be effective in just about any situation. Whether its: walking with a group of men, smoking in a darkened bar, emoting with your actor's face all extra actor-ey like, or wantonly random acts of violence. ESPECIALLY wantonly random acts of violence. And MOST ASSUREDLY wantonly random acts of violence in an odd situation. Such as, oh I don't know, maybe perhaps like...two guys climbing through an air duct, plunging head-first through the ceiling and hanging precariously by a rope, upside-down, starting to spin in circles as they blast away with fully loaded semi-automtic pistols at the people scurrying around the room. This movie is for all you people who think its just doesn't get any funnier than when a movie has a spoof of that Matrix bullet-time jump kick. Because nothing in this world is funnier than a million variations of an idea that had only moderate comedic potential in its very first incarnation. And it is without a doubt a movie for all of you so-called independent film fanatics who think a disjointed narrative, even one as pointless and as unecessary as the one in this **shudder** cult film, automatically adds "depth" to a film.
23042, haha word
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jun-02-05 12:07 PM
Boondock Saints sucks
23043, is there really gonna be a Boondocks Saints sequel?
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu Jun-02-05 01:49 PM
say it ain't so!

i need to get around to watching that documentary, though
23044, Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jun-02-05 02:06 PM
coming soon to a trailer-park near you!

I think it's still in production, however.
23045, sequel been 'in production' for years
Posted by wntrbaby, Thu Jun-02-05 02:24 PM
i don't hate the first one as much as you guys, but i saw it not too long ago after i hadn't seen it in years. wasn't that great.
23046, I'm surprised no one has done this one yet.
Posted by ZooTown74, Thu Jun-02-05 12:54 PM
Even though I love the movie. So now, because it hasn't been done yet, and also since I'm apparently the implied head of the T** C***** Internet Fan Club (I see you, Myno! "Really!"), here goes:

Fucking frogs?

He still can't act. And all she's doing is crying over that old man. I wish he'd die already.

Fucking frogs?

Random kids rapping?

3 hours of watching some chick snort coke?

Fucking FROGS?

What a pretentious piece of shit.
<------Where have all the raspberry women gone?
23047, I was gonna do it and just write, "Frogs? FROGS?"
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jun-02-05 01:21 PM
23048, so adam sandler
Posted by DrNO, Thu Jun-02-05 01:09 PM
represses a lot of anger... um... who the fuck cares and why is there a movie about it?
23049, lol...Punch Drunk Love
Posted by kurlyswirl, Thu Jun-02-05 01:21 PM


My diminutive DVD collection: http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=kurlyswirl

I be Scrobblin': http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/TasteeTreat/
23050, OR:
Posted by BigWorm, Thu Jun-02-05 01:54 PM
Happy Gillmore
The Waterboy
Big Daddy
Anger Management

In fact that description describes just about every Adam Sandler movie ever.
23051, so your strategy for
Posted by DrNO, Thu Jun-02-05 01:12 PM
re-inventing the slasher film is to make a shitty one with some kid that screams "pancakes"? And the special effects suck! I don't imagine somebody who has just shaved her skin off would look like she just spilled ketchup on herself.
23052, RE: so your strategy for
Posted by ScooterBj, Thu Jun-02-05 04:34 PM
WTF? Please tell me so that I never rent the ish!
23053, This is Cabin Fever, right?
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jun-02-05 05:33 PM
23054, yep
Posted by DrNO, Thu Jun-02-05 06:58 PM
23055, a movie so confused it thinks a plastic bag is beautiful
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jun-02-05 02:08 PM
to me it's just litter. someone please throw that bag away before it suffocates a duck (c) King_Friday

I like the movie but not as much as I like that quote
23056, hah
Posted by DrNO, Thu Jun-02-05 02:20 PM
23057, American Beauty
Posted by kurlyswirl, Thu Jun-02-05 02:35 PM
>to me it's just litter. someone please throw that bag away
>before it suffocates a duck (c) King_Friday

Haha...Yeah, that was a good one.


My diminutive DVD collection: http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=kurlyswirl

I be Scrobblin': http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/TasteeTreat/
23058, I too like the movie
Posted by mc_delta_t, Thu Jun-02-05 04:16 PM
but that's the best king_friday quote ever

along with *redistributes your wealth*
23059, How'd that fat motherfucker fit comin outta the TV in the first place?
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jun-02-05 04:21 PM
23060, I know the movie doesn't really have a budget
Posted by spenzalii, Thu Jun-02-05 04:31 PM
But I am SURE you can afford to get my man more than one fuckin' sweater. Wherever your little budget went, it wasn't in wardrobe or dialogue, for that matter
23061, RE: I know the movie doesn't really have a budget
Posted by jigga, Thu Jun-02-05 05:30 PM
>But I am SURE you can afford to get my man more than one
>fuckin' sweater.

Fat Albert?
23062, RE: Throwing caffeine & nicotine in each scene...
Posted by jigga, Thu Jun-02-05 05:37 PM
...does not a movie make.
23063, the irony of puting "coffee" in the title..
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jun-02-05 05:40 PM
of a movie that works better than Ambien
23064, hipster celebs totally do though!
Posted by DrNO, Thu Jun-02-05 09:10 PM
they can't fail to be interesting.
23065, RE: Is that supposed 2 be Mr. Hyde?
Posted by jigga, Thu Jun-02-05 05:46 PM
Or a retarded adult w/ a really bad He-Man halloween costume?

Has Sean Connery already uttered the inevitable, "I'm gettin 2 old 4 this shit" line yet?

If that dudes really invisible why doesnt he just walk off the set already?
23066, RE: Is that supposed 2 be Mr. Hyde?
Posted by ScooterBj, Fri Jun-03-05 04:43 PM
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Yes, it totally sucked!
23067, RE: Tom Cruise has a lot more hair this time
Posted by jigga, Thu Jun-02-05 05:55 PM
There's a lot more doves this time

There's a shitty love story this time

Oh would you look @ that. Just when you think her car is outta control & she's heading off the cliff he uses his car 2 gain control of hers & gazes into her eyes while he's doin it. Where's the barf bag?

Amazing how those "masks" look exactly like the person.

Even more amazing how many times this director decided 2 use the mask gimmick when once was good enough in the last flick

And I thought this was a sequel 2 something else other than Face Off.
23068, Coem on! Thandie Newton is hot!
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jun-02-05 06:46 PM

MI:2 ain't that bad.
23069, LOL and I thought he was talking about Vanilla Sky
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jun-02-05 06:51 PM
sappy love story, cars going over cliffs, masks...
23070, Yeah, that's what I thought too at first
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jun-02-05 06:58 PM
Then I caught all the sequel references. And Tom Cruise did have more hair than in MI:1.
23071, yeah that's exactly what I was thinking
Posted by will_5198, Thu Jun-02-05 07:31 PM
23072, RE: LOL and I thought he was talking about Vanilla Sky
Posted by jigga, Fri Jun-03-05 11:46 AM
>sappy love story, cars going over cliffs, masks...

I should've combined the 2 cuz I hated Vanilla Sky just as much if not more than MI-2.
23073, RE: Thandie Newton being hot...
Posted by jigga, Fri Jun-03-05 11:44 AM
...does not a good movie make

>MI:2 ain't that bad.

Compared 2 the 1st one...which I realize wasnt perfect itself...it was terrible.
23074, count the surprise endings!
Posted by soundsop, Thu Jun-02-05 06:20 PM
the monster isn't real
the monster is real again
the monster isn't real, it's the retard
everybody lives in the middle of a fucking nature preserve

most horrible surprise ending(s) ever

Baddest Motherfucker in the OkaySports Hall of Fame

Fun in activist:
inVerse: "Can you prove to me that Thunder does NOT come from the god Thor?"
40thStreetBlack: "sure-doppler radar shows no mystical hammers flying around thunderclouds"
23075, Is this all the same movie?
Posted by Slim Ass Rivets, Fri Jun-03-05 11:59 AM
>the monster isn't real
>the monster is real again
>the monster isn't real, it's the retard
>everybody lives in the middle of a fucking nature preserve

Or is it Lost?
23076, the village
Posted by wntrbaby, Fri Jun-03-05 12:56 PM
23077, Self defense isn't murder...
Posted by Mbutterfly, Thu Jun-02-05 07:32 PM
But killing your husband and making it look like self defense is.
mini spoiler below

J Lo get's the shit kicked out of her the by Bill Campbell. Who are were supposed to root for?
23078, hahaha she completely MacGyvered his apartment
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri Jun-03-05 11:00 AM
I don't care HOW much he terrorized her, what she did was just fuckin sheisty. Putting that note in the drawer, measuring shit, etc...

She souldn't kill his ass when he was bullyfooting her in the vagina, but she learns boxing and turns his apartment into a Rube Goldberg of pain for him...
23079, Dialogue Three
Posted by BigWorm, Fri Jun-03-05 08:46 AM
"So let me get this straight. Halle chopped up Charles S. Dutton cause she was possessed by the spirit of a dead broad that Dutton raped and killed?"

"Yeah man Roc is no joke."

"And so Halle was committed, cause chopping up ya man with an axe is some crazy ass shit, no matter why you doing it?"

"Yeah especially if you talking bout spirits made you do it."

"On top of that Penelope Cruz was also committed cause she killed her husband and she WASN'T possessed by no spirits?"

"Damn that joint is full of some fine crazy bitches. Get me that straight jacket nigga."

"And Halle busts out of the joint TWICE, but somehow because she proved that her man was bad, they let both her AND Penelope Cruz out of the asylum?"

"Yeah the judge was just like, 'damn maybe she was talking to ghosts all along. Well, fuck it--at least she saved us the trouble of putton Roc on trial. And hell, Halle, ya patna Penelope can go too--just promise us y'all ain't finna chop up nobody else, ha ha ha. I'm just playing. Tell them ghosts I said what up."

23080, LOL Penelope Cruz spends ALL KINDA TIME in an ASYLUM
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri Jun-03-05 11:02 AM
then, when they find out the truth, they just up and sign her ass out. A few days later, she's all healthy and walking the streets.

Fuck that, innocent or not, she was STILL in the asylum, talking to herself with her hair sticking up. She still should've went through mad evaluations.
23081, RE: Get off the phone...
Posted by jigga, Fri Jun-03-05 11:54 AM
...& go shoot another episode of 24 insteada Hollywood's bad boy strugglin w/ a Bronx accent will ya please?
23082, ROLMAO!
Posted by ScooterBj, Fri Jun-03-05 04:52 PM
I love Kiefer's voice in that movie! Phone Booth wasn't that bad. I kinda liked that movie :)
23083, this movie makes me want to dump oil into the sea & kill all marine life
Posted by FuriousFreddy, Fri Jun-03-05 01:02 PM
23084, RE: Free Willy!
Posted by jigga, Fri Jun-03-05 01:57 PM
23085, Damn, that's cold. You hated Free Willy that much?
Posted by mrhood75, Fri Jun-03-05 02:04 PM
23086, RE: Talk Shit About A Movie You Hate, and We Guess What It Is....I'll Start...
Posted by ScooterBj, Fri Jun-03-05 05:00 PM
One of the best writers in the world. And people are always f**kin up his stories when converting them to a screenplay (with one exception-Jack was the MAN!)!

The movie sucked ash! HOLLYWOOD: if you want to remake a movie, THIS IS THE ONE TO REMAKE!

Tim Curry was the ish though! "They all float down there!"
(he scared the ish out of me as a kid)
23087, IT!
Posted by eldealo, Thu Jun-16-05 01:57 PM
and that one scared the hell outta me as well as a kid.


Check out my brother's band if you have a sec.

His cd is also on i-tunes.
23088, RE: I feel sorry 4 Tim Roth
Posted by jigga, Fri Jun-03-05 05:36 PM
He's giving a great performance but this movie is terrible.

Is that the chic from Fight Club or Micheal Jackson?

23089, I knew what this was just from reading the subject line
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Jun-03-05 05:49 PM
and the monkey in the spacepod? now there's a scene that rivals Ed Norton beating himself up.
23090, WTF is this Braveheart in the desert BS?
Posted by mrhood75, Mon Jun-06-05 05:52 PM
Huh, a leper king and a beautiful French princess who hates her hsuband. Whoa, that's original.

Wait, everyone is supposed to be French? Then why the fuck do they all have British accents?

Okay, we get it, everyone has a claim to the Holy Land, but I don't need an elf delviering a wanna-be William Wallace speech to hammer the point into fucking the ground.
23091, RE: I feel sorry 4 Barry Pepper
Posted by jigga, Mon Jun-06-05 06:02 PM
He's really much better than this lame ass material. I've already shed tears 4 him after Battlefield Earth & now I'm doing it again.

Waingro from Heat is getting pummeled by Vin Diesel. The scene is going on far 2 long but I guess I should be glad Vin aint talking during it. The last time he opened his mouth he mentioned something about how he couldn't be a made guy cuz of his Sicilian blood, & how we all know what that means. Well yeah I do since I've seen so many movies about these type of guys before (& done much better mind you) but that's still lazy writting.

Seth Green is my comic relief but I need something more when John Malkovich & Dennis Hopper are on the other end literally phoning it in.
23092, Barry Pepper sucked in that too
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Jun-06-05 06:26 PM
they all did
23093, FUCK THAT GIGLI "Actor"!
Posted by eldealo, Thu Jun-16-05 01:50 PM
I hate Ben Asslick! He always plays the same wise crackin asshole. Except this time he is a wise cracking, flabby, shades and bad hair by day, and S&M gear wearin asshole by night that gets his ass beat by a chick. He did such a shitty job and to think he said "I took this role because I didn't want anyone else to screw it up."


Check out my brother's band if you have a sec.

His cd is also on i-tunes.
23094, people say this shit is great?
Posted by soul creator, Thu Jun-16-05 02:48 PM
who the fuck cares about a chopped off ear? Man that director should go film some lesbians or something instead of this shit.

"Hey, when that Madden 6000 coming out?" - random Gamestop customer