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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=19175&mesg_id=19304
Posted by UrbanCowgRRL, Tue May-15-01 08:43 PM
holy shit..this is why independent films are the shit..no hype over said actor/ess..no flashy shit, just a damn fine film..

first off...you just start piecing together the scenes to try to find a rhythm or a sense of time...just as you start to get it...YOU forget the details, on some lenny shit..so i go back to the beginning...bloody wall picture, shoots teddy/john G , glasses/gun go back into his hand...we're now in rewind mode, BUT..damnit i forgot why they went to that building again?!?!?...i know Teddy comes to the Inn and the desk dude points him out..and he then has the kill him note on the picture...but why do the go to the building where he killed the drug dude?

damn natalie FUCKED with him..shit, that one scene was scarry (the Dodd hit me shit)..yikes!

(i really hope someone reads this)...but yo, piecing it together..all that shit John says is just to fuck w/ him right? cause the ONLY time you see a flash back w/ needles and her laying on him w/ tattoos already was when John was saying those things...i choose to believe John and the dealer (Jamie (sp/name?)..natalies boyfriend..SEE it's fucking with MY shorterm memory) killed the wife (why else would he have been unconscious on the floor, she died..he would NOT have remember the insulin shots and shit that was after the accident)..he got the tattoo early on, to remember...it DID say "raped and murdered my wife"...i'm set on the fact she didn't stay alive and sammie was true...sammie was also b4 the accident so he remembers it..

okay, with that said...this teddy dude was actually kinda smart to just completely fuck w/ him to get him out of town..but why would he call him and tell him all the facts? ..wait,that was Jamie calling him to lead him to John, and John was doing the same shit??...and OF course natalie wants to see John dead..she was damn smart..she could piece together that teddy set the memory loss dude up with the car and clothes...but they ALL knew bout the memory loss guy (even natalie) so there were two at the scene...

in the end, good old lenny beat the odds...he did it..with his freak tattoos and all!!

i LOVED it...gotta see it again..

why was I DYING at some parts..hysterically laughing..

"so i got two rooms in this shit hole now"

Much love,

go vote for me, cause i'm extreme and deserve to be on TV..oh yeah, and i'll buy tara something too :7


let ang be a rock star! no more moderating for her!

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