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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: Memento
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=19175&mesg_id=19199
19199, RE: Memento
Posted by Re_Alief, Thu Mar-29-01 11:35 AM
>i have a few questions while the film is still fresh and my memory relatively sharp...
just got in, trying to respond with a clear head...

>spoilers follow:
>1. did he kill his wife and was sammy a real character or an invention?
He participated in his wife's death (she actualy committed suicide) and no, sammy wasn't real.

>2. did he ever kill the actual killer in the bathroom or were there two people in the house?
I'm a lil confused, cuz "teddy" told him that it was 2 junkies in the house and you see him cap 1 of the dudes, hmmmm!?

>3. carrie ann moss' character was magnificiently manipulative, did she indeed play leonard
>against 'teddy', as 'teddy" said she would?
WORD! She played him like a motha! "teddy" wasn't no angel either, they both used him!! (he took care of that dude for her and he kilt the dealer for "teddy", who almost got away with $200,000)

>4. who was 'teddy'?
Teddy was John G's cover. He was really a cop. He actually used the truth against dude quite well! He had him bugging the fuck out!

Ré Alief ~~~> part-time poster

"it feels good to feel good" - Sugah
