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Topic subjectWHOA
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=19175&mesg_id=19192
19192, WHOA
Posted by UrbanCowgRRL, Tue May-15-01 08:51 PM
that's an interesting twist that crossed my mind too, i was like, damn he's just working the law, taking out the bad guys for the cops..

but if you read my post (yeah it was long)..i think the second scenario..but damn i gotta keep reading through these..i'm sure it's somewhere here, damn smart okps..

OH shit, i just remembered how the pic of the bloody lenny was old and teddy had it ( he had to have killed one dude w/ teddy) cause he had the tats in that photo (could it have been his wife??..not in that photo, already had tats) ..it really seemed like he loved her too much...maybe a breakdown and he couldn't bare it, but didn't fully kill himself

Much love,

go vote for me, cause i'm extreme and deserve to be on TV..oh yeah, and i'll buy tara something too :7


let ang be a rock star! no more moderating for her!

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