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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: Current Director/Actor films you'll see no matter w
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=12051&mesg_id=12075
12075, RE: Current Director/Actor films you'll see no matter w
Posted by rosenbloom, Thu Dec-19-02 08:33 AM
the number is getting smaller, but there are still a few. i think there are much more directors than actors now, but here they go.

Edward Norton
Cate Blanchet
Julianne Moore
Brian Cox
Nicholson (usually)
Don Cheadle
Luis Guzman

PT and Wes Anderson
Oliver Stone
Michael Mann
Spike Jonze
Jim Jarmusch
Pedro Almodovar
Alexander Payne
Ang Lee
David Lynch
Soderbergh (usually)
Speilberg (usually)
m. night-i dont know why, but i just cant help myself.
i think thats about it for people whose films i will see no matter what. there could be a commercial saying "coming soon-a new film by spike jonze" and i would be first in line. i wish i could put more people up here, like pacino, de niro, scorsese, but recently those people have been letting me down. a year a go soderbergh would be the first person i thought of, but i had no interest in seeing full frontal and heard it was horribe.

i think thats it.
