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Topic subjectWatch Golden Door, people. Scorsese's a fan. Golden Door. Watch it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=114896&mesg_id=114976
114976, Watch Golden Door, people. Scorsese's a fan. Golden Door. Watch it.
Posted by Sponge, Thu Feb-21-08 05:34 PM
>Marinca gives one of the best female performances I've seen in

Shit. That's not helping my horrible feeling that I'm missing out.

>After revising my ballot, I realized how off-base Longo's line
>about the Best Actress category not being the deepest really
>was. This was an outstanding year for everyone.

Yea, man. Like, Cotillard is mindblowing and there're other performances that one can say is as impressive.

>Have you seen Madonnen yet?

No, but can't wait to see it. I'd be surprised if it gets a theatrical release here. Huller was awesomely terrifying in Requiem. Heard great things about Maria Speth, too.

>I hope people don't think I'm trying to be colorful here
>adding Molly Shannon, but she was so fucking in control of
>that role it was scary.

Absolutley. Her crying (after the vet and her monologue to Sarsgaard's character) was as genuine and moving as von Sydow in TDBATB. She has some dramatic chops.

>Quattrocchi - amazing. In fact, almost everything about The
>Golden Door was amazing. Loved Respiro and loved this.
>Crialese could turn out to be a giant.

One of us (you, genius.switch, or any other fans of it) should make a post of this movie to get people to watch it. Like, mention Scorsese Presents and loves it just in case first-rate script, acting, directing, and cinematography isn't enough. What's not to like? *Edits Subject Line*

>Man, Jessica Yu may just be the most underrated documentarian
>alive. Protagonist was chilling.

Agreed. In the Realms of the Unreal is right up PTP's alley, I think. The people in Protagonist are more fascinating than those in The King of Kong which I loved, too. There may not be the pop sensibility, but...

Did you see Honigmann's Forever? I was sick then and feel sick now that I missed screenings. Didn't want to be those people coughing non-stop during a movie.

>Terror's Advocate is getting lost in the shuffle. I hope more
>people see it.

I'm kind of surprised by some of the lukewarm and negative reviews. Regardless, it's essential viewing, hands down.

>Have you ever seen the Quays' videos for His Name Is Alive?
>Great stuff.

I've only seen Still Married and Can't Go Wrong Without You. (Did they do more?) Both are just behind Street of Crocodiles and right up there w/ The Comb and Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies, in my book.

BTW, read somewhere that Norstein has been getting proposals for financing The Overcoat, but he's turned them down (I think including Studio Ghibli) b/c he wants to work at home. Don't know why the possible financers need him to work abroad. Damn.

>As leaden and played-out as anything Eye Of The Tiger is these
>days (the joke's a little old, no?) it worked here. Really

I liked it, but the rest of the theatre was dead. Can't say I loved the movie through and through. Ratatouille was a perfect film, but the content of Persepolis was the difference elevating it to the 5 spot.

Did you catch either Secret Sunshine or Still Light at TIFF? Didn't like Reygadas' previous efforts.