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110562, ...
Posted by astralblak, Thu Jul-26-12 08:38 PM
>at a very basic level. no wonder bruce willis best
>performances came in two night dogg films

this is very true. the humanness of Nolan's characters gets lost in the grander of cinematic universe he creates, and just down right shitty development of the characters, while Tarantino, with the exception of Inglorious Basterds, literally drowns his characters in the caricature of his dialogue/monologues.

>nolan and QT dare you to offer very basic film criticism
>because we're all too busy dealing with the sheer spectacle
>and "FUN" of their films.

you wrote that as though that's a bad quality

>momento and pulp fiction were boring stories told in a
>ultra-stylized way. nothing more.

agree on Momento, just no on Pulp Fiction. but again you wrote ultra-stylized like that was a bad thing