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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: I said that because I'd have to start all over entirely and
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=108199&mesg_id=108245
108245, RE: I said that because I'd have to start all over entirely and
Posted by Lardlad95, Mon Jan-23-12 04:45 PM
>lecture you on major motion picture marketing, "target
>audiences", and the fine art of the cop-out interview. ANd I
>don't have the time or interest to lecture anyone; you're

You're just some mf on a message board over analyzing a movie. Lecture away...it wouldn't be the first time someone on the internet tried to bullshit their way through an argument about pop culture. Lmao..."the fine art of the cop-out interview.' You mean directors try to spin their work in the best possible light? Holy shit! My mind is fucking blown. Where can I buy a copy of your book professor?

>Plus, your perceptions of what teenagers can and can't process
>seems condescending and reductive - puzzling since you
>yourself are closer to your teens than I. Also, you believe
>the words coming out of Lucas' mouth at face value.

Where did I say that teenagers can't process more complex material. The only thing I said that could be interpreted that way( I mean assuming that you were deliberately trying to misrepresent my point) was me saying that 13 year olds might be more willing overlook wooden dialogue. There are 8 year olds reading War and Peace right now, the fuck does that have to do with the fact that the vast majority of them would much rather be reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

You want to lecture about demographics and what kids can and can't process? Why don't you start with analyzing why Red Tails was advertised on Cartoon network but The Hurt Locker wasn't? I know some 13 year olds that could handle the latter film.

Just because a film might talk down to its audience, in your opinion, that doesn't mean there wasn't an intended audience. So until you can tell me who this movie was made for, I'm going to go with what I saw at the theater and the places where I saw the heaviest advertising.

As for George Lucas. No I don't take what he says at face value, but I've followed his movies enough to know that he pretty much only makes movies for young people.

Go ahead and list some movies where this isn't true. I'll help. American Graffiti was for boomers who grew up in the 1950's. Oh and there's uh....um...OK you go.

Also..an age shot? Really family? You go to the Newt School of debating?

>I honestly don't feel like i could carry on the convo without
>talking down to you. In fact, I'm well aware I'm talking down
>to you right now, and I apologize.

Hey when you don't have anything else, at least have confidence.

Good luck with that sport.