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Topic subjectRE: WHy Hawkeye and Black Widow?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=106393&mesg_id=106492
106492, RE: WHy Hawkeye and Black Widow?
Posted by Robinson Pearl, Sun May-06-12 01:39 PM
>Black Panther should have been there, he is one of the most
>underated characters and it would have been great to introduce
>him to the masses.

Black Panther will show up soon. Most fanboys agree that the roster of the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon, is Marvel's immediate goal for the live action franchises. If you buy that, it's only a matter of time before we see T'Challa, Wasp, and Henry Pym.

My guess is that those three will be introduced in the next round of solo movies, and will suit up officially in Avengers 2 a la Black Widow (Iron Man 2) and Hawkeye (Thor).

Also, vibranium was mentioned by name in the Captain America flick. I wouldn't be surprised to see Tony Stark politicking with T'Challa in Iron Man 3, trying to score some for a new and improved Iron Man suit.