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Topic subject...meaning just fanboys and your family did
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99252, ...meaning just fanboys and your family did
Posted by will_5198, Thu Jul-17-08 09:01 AM
>Interesting. Where do you find this info though? Not doubting
>you, just curious.


>I am not going to dispute this too hard, because as I've said,
>the "general public" were turned off by the 3+ hour length,
>the graphic and extreme subject matter, the unusual format /
>"low-fi" schtick, etc. The title alone is going to turn off
>people who don't want to something gory.
>And not to make sexist assumptions, but Grindhouse probably
>had very little appeal to many women, especially if they'd
>seen the trailer with the chick with the machinegun leg and/or
>know that PT is about zombies (typically not a big box office

lol -- oh so now it's *all* about subject matter, huh? not like people weren't lining up to see worse shit like Saw II or anything...

the zombie effect? now you're just reaching for shit -- Dawn of the Dead made 3x what Grindhouse did

>EDIT - The RT % score (92% out of 1000 ratings) among the
>entire RT community disputes this notion, but again, you don't
>trust their scoring / methodology. The whole community on RT
>that saw Grindhouse (all 920 who scored it positively) must be
>QT fanboys.

oh wow -- 1000 fanboys loved it while 10 million movie-goers didn't...surprise!

>For the record, the community scores for the DVDs are 75% for
>DP out of 494 ratings and 89% for PT out of 404 ratings.

for the record, even the critics jumped off the QT hype train after realizing how stupid they sounded. remember all those Oscar nominations Grindhouse got, all those best of 2007 lists?

lol, me neither