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Topic subjectJust got back from seeing it.....excellent film
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93478, Just got back from seeing it.....excellent film
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-04-10 03:24 AM
First off, the look was amazing....just beautifully beautifully shot. The sets and cinematography, an absolute master-class.

The performances were outstanding through and through.

Just such an atmospheric piece, and the score made it that much more so, so well done.

Story wise.....my gut feeling was telling me, as we progressed through the movie, that he might just be a patient at this place, but I still had a doubt in the back of my mind based off his conversation with the 'real' Rachel in the cave that they would try to convince him he was a patient there. Having the movie so fresh in my mind, there are so many little details that fit into the jigsaw of his insanity.....I will still go back and watch it again, knowing what I know now.

The conversation with Noice was imo the best part of the movie, until the last 5 mins. Just an amazing scene, and having re-read the dialogue that Zoo posted above, it's even better.

The final lines and ultimate twist with Leo basically admitting he hadn't relapsed and would rather be lobotomized than live with his past, and Ruffalo wobbling on his stance with that 'Teddy?' line....then the final shot of the lighthouse with the piercing score, great twist and finish.

There are a couple faults that are valid imo....the pacing def took a hit in the middle, and you could have cut or shortened some of the Germany scenes without losing their impact on the movie. Secondly, that nurse must have been one helluva cotdamn actor to give that performance in the room lol.

In all, one of the best atmospheric pieces that I have ever seen....capped off by excellent performances, a complete jigsaw storyline, and an ending that I will not forget.