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Topic subjectThe Noyce conversation is an interesting chapter in the book (swipes)
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93393, The Noyce conversation is an interesting chapter in the book (swipes)
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Feb-21-10 05:44 PM
Unabridged audio transcription FTW!

Too bad I don't remember much of the details of this chapter from the film, save Kelly Leak looking emaciated and pretty fucked up...

This will include some of the passages from book (© Dennis Lehane)... whole passages will have the ">" and"<" marks around them... Colin Powell it if you must...

When Noyce first calls out Teddy's real last name, Teddy thinks that it's "not Laeddis' voice, definitely not, but one that seemed familiar just the same," but when he shines the match on Noyce and Noyce looks at him for the first time, Teddy thinks, "no, not Laeddis, not anyone he knew."

Noyce says that Teddy failed him, promised that he'd "be free of this place," that he lied, that he was supposed to save him, reminds Teddy of all the conversations they had, then they argue a bit about what "this" was really about... Noyce hints that Teddy lied when Teddy told him that he was going to do something to "expose" something (presumably the entire institution)... and when Teddy starts to say that "this" was about "the truth... exposing--" Noyce cuts him off and says, "This is about YOU. And Laeddis. This is all it's ever been about. I was incidental. I was a way in."

Then Noyce walks toward Teddy... and Teddy asks who did the facial to him. "YOU did this..." Then Noyce gets closer: "All your talk. All your fucking talk, and I'm back in here, because of you."

Then Lehane writes, "Teddy remembered the last time he'd seen him in the visiting room at the prison." Noyce then says that Teddy never wanted to expose this place:

>"George," Teddy said, keeping his voice low, calm, "that's not true... No. What do you think I've spent the last two years of my life planning for? This. Now. Right here."<

Noyce disagrees, saying Teddy only spent the last two years "planning to kill, that's all. Kill Laeddis, that's your fucking game. And look where it got me. Here. Back here. I can't take it here. I can't take this fucking horror house, do you hear me? Not again. Not again. Not again."

Teddy asks George how "they" got to him: "they can't just come into a prison and pluck you out. There have to be transfer orders, there have to be psychiatric consultations. Files, George, paperwork."

George spits in Teddy's face, then says that Cawley's specialty is treating men with a history of violence, that the institution consists mainly of patients with felonies from all over the country, which is why no one bothered to look over his transfer papers. Then he says that he's "never getting out now. I got out once. Not twice. Never twice."

Teddy asks again how "they" got to George, who replies:

>"They knew. Don't you get it? Everything you were up to. Your whole plan. This is a game. A handsomely-mounted stage play. All this... is for you."

"They threw in a hurricane just for me, huh? Neat trick... explain that... Let's relax with the paranoia, okay?"

"Been alone much?" Noyce said... "Alone. Have you ever been alone since this whole thing started?"

Teddy said, "All the time."

George cocked one eyebrow. "COMPLETELY alone?"

"Well, my partner--"

"And who's your partner?"

Teddy jerked a thumb back up the cell block. "His name's Chuck. He's--"

"Let me guess," Noyce said. "You never worked with him before, have you?

Teddy felt the cell block around him. The bones in his upper arms felt cold. For a moment he was unable to speak, as if his brain had forgotten how to connect with his tongue. Then he said, "He's a U.S. Marshal from the Seattle--"


Teddy said, "That's irrelevant, I know men, I know this guy. I trust him.... I trust him.... That's the only way I know how to put it."

Noyce looked at him sadly through the steel tubing. "Then they've already won."<

Then Noyce begs Teddy to not let them take him to the lighthouse, and Teddy says he's going to get Noyce out of there:

>Teddy remembered that last time they'd met in the visitor's room. And George had said, "If I ever had to go back to that place I'd kill myself." And Teddy had said, "That's not going to happen." A lie, apparently. Because here Noyce was: beaten, broken, shaken with fear.<

Teddy then promises George again that he will come back for him, but Noyce tells him that "You can't kill Laeddis and expose the truth at the same time. You have to make a choice. You understand that, don't you?"

But Teddy asks where Laeddis is. And when Noyce repeatedly asks Teddy if he understands that he has to make a choice, Teddy only says that he "won't kill anyone," and Lehane writes that Teddy would agree to "bury his vendetta (against Laeddis), put it aside" if it meant getting "this terrible victim (Noyce) home." Noyce then tells Teddy that "She's dead. Let her go."

And at that moment, Teddy has a memory of Rachel.

>"Let her go." Noyce had said.

"I can't." Teddy said....

"Then you'll never leave this island."

Teddy said nothing, and Noyce said, "He was transferred out of Ward C. If he's not in Ward B, there's only one place he can be." He waited until Teddy got it. "The lighthouse." Teddy said. Noyce nodded, and the final match went out.<

Teddy leaves shortly thereafter.

It's times like these that I wish I had a copy of the movie in front of me... damn you, Paramount, for moving this movie up to now, thus preventing me from getting a screener (hypothetically)...

And yo, there's a lot going on here for this to just be a simple pulp story... later I'll transcribe the very last scene of the book...



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