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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectSo close, yet so far
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=90202&mesg_id=90228
90228, So close, yet so far
Posted by REDeye, Sat Oct-15-05 11:25 PM
>do you know exactly what it is you want to do yet?

Yes. Write movies.

>do you know how to get there?

Yep. I've done it before. Will do it again.

>can you see it, or are you still years away?

I'm so close I can taste it, and I can still be years away. In short, if I had a saleable script today, I could sell it next week. Or at least I could get other work based on it. Many writers find themselves asking all those questions like "What do I do with my script after I write it?" and "How do I get someone to read my script?" Mostly thanks to my wife, I have contacts at most studios, dozens of prodcos, agencies large and small, in addition to lawyers, actors, directors and other writers. Many of which my wife and I see socially, all of which my wife can get on the phone with no problem. Several of them have already extended offers to read what I have. The problem? Well...

>how much harder has it been than you anticipated?

Writing is hard. Writing a good script is even harder. But what's been hardest for me has been adjusting to life in LA, adjusting to married life, and just focusing. I just can't focus.

I've written good stuff before, but I have nothing ready to go. I have several quality, saleable ideas, but I have no focus. Ironically, since I moved to LA, I haven't been able to concentrate, haven't been able to get on track. In the 2 1/2 years I've been here, I've written one script, and that was a rewrite of something I wrote earlier. the head of an well-known actor's production company read it and gave me some great notes on it. I got about a third of the way into the rewrite and just lost my way in it. Couldn't figure it out.

I can see what I need to do. Everyday, I have my head in my notes, trying to move forward. It's just not working. It is, needless to say, very frustrating. Very.

What keeps me going is that I know I have solid ideas and solid understanding of story and craft -- so that I can tell the difference between a good idea and an idea that can sell. I can tell the difference between a good idea and good execution of the idea. So I know if I can get over this mental hump, I know exactly what I need to do to do the work.

Another thing that keeps me going? At my age, I'm running out of other options to get paid. With housing prices in California the way they are, I'll probably never own a home unless I sell a script.

So, I pray and I work. Ora et labora.
