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Topic subjectmake it darker or lighter
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=8546&mesg_id=8578
8578, make it darker or lighter
Posted by downrodeo, Thu Jun-26-03 12:32 PM
the movie had potential. I will give it that much.

1.My first problem was that the scenes changed way too dman much in the first 45 minutes. seemd that each scene lasted at most a minute or two and then changed.
2. Another problem was that their was too much background. Alot of that shit was un necessary, alot of it could have been compressed.
3. No real analysis of the villain. even though we get a huge background on david, we still dont really see what his real motive is.
4. Damn, I dont think i even smiled one time in that movie, let alone laugh. I enjoy dark movies, alot of my top ten movies are dark movies. However, this wasn't even that dark, so that isnt an excuse. If he wanted to make it that kind of story, go all out and make it an R movie so we can explore the character further. And if it is gonna ahve a happy ending and end in a nice manner, throw in some comedy so i have a reason to watch the movie.

It came to a point where I felt that I had been ripped off for the movie, and I didnt even pay for it.

on a side note, the CGI kicked ass and the hulk looked awesome, no complaints for my eyes, they had a blast. my mind is the one bitching.