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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: What would you have done to make
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=8546&mesg_id=8564
8564, RE: What would you have done to make
Posted by MrSpock, Mon Jun-23-03 11:32 AM
1. No goddamn mutant poodles.
2. Trim about 45 minutes of the utterly boring exposition. There was no need for this movie to have been 2 hours and 20 minutes long.
3. Gotten a DIFFERENT actress to play Betty Ross. Jennifer Connelly acted as if she were on industrial strength Ritalin throughout the movie, which is to say, she didn't emote at all.
4. Cut out the ridiculous father theme in the movie and stuck to the theme of the comic book--that of control vs. losing control.
5. ONE antagonist. This movie had a veritable Rogue's Gallery of antagonists, none of whom were particularly interesting.
6. Cut that shit about David Banner being eeeevil. After a while, it just got boring. 6a) Can all the Joss Whedon-style angst. This isn't fucking Dawson's Creek or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Why give him such a tortured background? Or hell, keep it, but kill BOTH the parents.
7. Pick a fucking ending and STICK TO IT. What is this, fucking Artificial Intelligence? Why'd we need multiple endings?
8. Can those stupid camera dissolves and wipes and multiple screens. It was just. fucking. distracting.
9. Oh, and finally, have Hulk actually kill people. Shit. You mean to fuckin tell me he tosses a TANK damn near a mile and the soldier SURVIVES??? BullSHIT.