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Topic subjectRE: The Official '300' Post
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=82988&mesg_id=83140
83140, RE: The Official '300' Post
Posted by ChypOne, Sun Mar-11-07 05:15 PM
I'm not Persian, or Turkish..

But I felt offended by the film.

There were too many racial undertones..the Persians DID NOT LOOK LIKE THE purposefully "evil" mofos in the film.

They did not have to show a black Persian messanger being kicked down the well..or a black general getting his head lopped off by a monstrous guy with kaiser blades as arms.

The film was horrifically one-sided..not by the battle scenes but by the way Persians and Spartans were portrayed.

I saw the original Spartans movie on TNT a few years back (when they used to show those classic and high-quality stop motion animated Greek films like Jason and the Argonauts, Clash of the Titans) and that movie was true to form.

I hated the subplots too, they were boring and it was something I've seen before.

The deformed guy who turned was a good idea, but I felt cheated because I thought I was going to actually see him do battle, kill off a few Spartans and then once he and Leonidas fight, Leonidas persuades him to "join us, I misjudged you. You fight well, e.t.c." I don't know.. :)

If Frank Miller is allowed to twist history to ridiculous proportions, then I think it's time that a black filmmaker should answer by coming up with a film about Shaka..or Chaka.

Anyone remember that made for TV film about Chaka back in the 80s? It was great, but it's mostly forgotten. I am surprised to not find any modern films that highlight ancient milestones in our African heritage. A film that admits "yes, he was a bad-ass, he terrorized and killed, (just like William Wallace and Alexander the "Great") but he was able to create a vibrant and powerful empire that shaped the destiny of South Africa."

I'm not South African, but I would really like to see that. I'm tired of watching films that portray history from a Eurocentric and Asian point-of-view.