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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subject300 = BIRTH OF A NATION 2007
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=82988&mesg_id=83026
83026, 300 = BIRTH OF A NATION 2007
Posted by fatlip, Fri Mar-09-07 02:53 AM
PLEASE do not fall for this okeydoke.
this has all the trimmings and trappings of typical bamboozlement.

just as Griffith was lauded in 1917 for making a technical masterpiece with "birth of a nation", the seminal race film....

snyder has served up a delicious slice of 'white is right', buried under the latest technical wizardry.

how could you not laugh out loud at xerxes...played by the same latin actor who acts as Paolo on LOST...but painted in BROWNFACE


the persian army had bajillions of white slaves, and you ain't seeing nary a damn white person in that army.

only black people who fade into the shadows with only their eyes and teeth glowing white.

i am not joking. it could have only been more perfect if the persian king was eating a chicken wing and watermelon on his throne.

"fighting against the mysticism and tyranny of the east"...

Get the fuck out of here with this drum-beating bull sh**