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Topic subjectThey better do a part 2....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=7601&mesg_id=7792
7792, They better do a part 2....
Posted by Voodoochilde, Fri Aug-22-03 11:42 PM
I was born in the 60's so I was old enough to remember all of this stuff pretty well...

I've been taping each episode and i haven't watched them ALL yet, but at first glance it seems they left a bunch of stuff out...some examples of big things (and not so big things) that they didn't touch on enough or at all...

Most of the GREAT soul music of the 70's*...
Evil Knevil phonomena...
Lancelot Link...
Zotz candy...
Funny Face drink mix...(poor mans Kool Aid)
The Breakfast Cereal boom...
Bruce Lee...
Billy Jack...
Powderd Soda mix...(didn't last long...it was some nasty shit)

As a whole, I'm enjoying the 70's series though. Longe overdue...this was my personal 'golden era' of youth so it makes me all fuzzy inside re-living some of the old dusty memories...Some highlights of the series for me are...

•ZOOM! original tv show:
The Original ZOOM crew then & now. Someone commented on the show about and i had the same feelings...i too had a crush on the asian girl! (she still looks kinda hot) There was also a tall black girl I had a crush on too but i didn't see her in the old clips...i think she may have been a member later on in the series.

•LAND OF THE LOST original tv show: Sid & Marty in general...
Sid & Marty Croft RULED saturday morning in my house in the 70's. They they seemed to have their finger on the pulse of every kids dreams (or nightmares). I allmost crapped my pants when i first saw the trailer for Land Of The Lost on the Saturday morning linup back in the 70's. Sid & Marty had the whole "Sid & Marty Crofts Superstar Hour" or something where they would just hit you with a variety of episodes of different shows...DR Shrinker, Electro Woman & Dyna Girl, WonderBug, The Lost Saucer, Pryors Place, Sigmund the Sea Monster. Plus they had HR Puff NStuff and Lidsville...both freaky ass tv shows that had me GLUED to the TV.

•The Soul Train Flashbacks:
I want more of this. There should be a whole special devoted to Soul Train...maybe do a then & now on some of the more memorable dancers. Maybe have my girl Rosie Perez host a retrospective (for those that may be too young to remember, Rosie was a regular dancer on Soul Train back in the day...lawd... love me some Rosie.

•Sesame Street & anything Muppets:
Goes directly to my heart. I love me some Muppets. Comments about Snuf as a crackhead & Bert and Ernie as the first alternative lifestyle duo were pretty funny. But there was not enough of my boy Grover...Grover was THE monster!

•The Modern Mystery phenomena:
Bigfoot, Lochness Monster, Bermuda Triangle, UFOs...
I used to check out the same UFO books from the library over & over & over again back then. I just KNEW I was gonna be able to figure out what they were all about and why they were here. I was gonna grow up and become an 'Unexplained Phenomena Investegator'...hehe i guess i was the 'Mulder' of my era in my neigborhood.

•Burning Pintos:
one commentor said somthing about the Pinto's back bumper being made of flint.

•The Commercial flashbacks are always great:
It doesn't matter that many grainy and faded...they're still classic. Stretch Armstrong. Connect Four. "Pretty Sneaky Sis"

•Linda Carter:
Hot then. Hot now. nuff said.

So those are a few of the GOOD things...here are some of the not so good things about this 70's series...

PET PEEVES i have with the 70 series so far...
•The MUSIC thing part 1...with all of the wealth of 70s music available to use, WHY do they regularly use music form the 80's or 90's as backdrop soundtrack music for certain parts. Drives me crazy! Use the music from the 70's for crying out loud.

•The MUSIC thing part 2...Definitely NOT enough done regarding the great SOUL music of the 70's. Sure they touched on Disco, and the cheesy (but good in it's own right) easy listening pop hits of the times. They mentioned some good rock stuff too...but DAMN...the SOUL music of the 70's was just CLASSIC. It was THE golden age of soul for me at least. Where is that represented here? Not much at all.

•The youngsters commenting:
Not that some of these cats aren't funny, they ARE funny. They are craking me up. But as has been mentioned, some were likely not even born in the years they are commenting on. I guess it's ok as long as there comments are on target, but i would also like to have more comments from those who actually lived through that shit.

like I said though, as a whole I'm enjoying it. But seeing as i think they are doing an 80's part 2 (80s Strike back)...i definitely think that there is plenty of old gems on the 70's cutting room floor to warrant a 'Return of the 70's' series as well.