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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectLost DVD's and holy grails.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=60944&mesg_id=61017
61017, Lost DVD's and holy grails.
Posted by DarkStar, Wed Aug-16-06 07:43 PM

My entire Russ Meyer "Vixen" series, on a Greyhound bus back from Canada.

Holy grail(s):

One of them is "FM."
And Amazon dealers want above $100 for it. I just can't rationalize that into a smart investment, but DAMMIT. I want that movie.

Another is only on VHS--the forgotten Chevy Chase film "Under the Rainbow." Saw it at the theatre--Skinemax used to show it constantly in the eighties. Would a DVD release draw the ire of little people in today's "let's-get-back-to-being-politically-incorrect" America? Dunno.