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Topic subjectit's a good, fun flick.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=5872&mesg_id=6010
6010, it's a good, fun flick.
Posted by Mosaic, Sat Oct-11-03 05:16 AM
i just rethought something about Quentin Tarantino in the last 1.5 seconds (i'm serious, too). i was about to write that while i enjoyed the film, that i didn't think QT was a genius.

i was about to write that QT just had a knack for 'sampling' the movies that he loved and synthesizing them into cool films to watch.

in that flash of a second-and-a-half, i realized that it's pretty rare to have someone as zealous about movies that he's loved as QT is, and equally as zealous about paying homage to those movies - many of which never got their due from the establishment at the time, but were well loved anyway.

so, while QT may not be exactly a genius, i think he has a brilliant (although not necessarily deep) way of merging art & entertainment by doing what he does.

my other notes:

- Lucy Liu was actually tolerable: usually, she sucks. she
didn't suck in Kill Bill.

- the RZA: the score was great.

- the ending: i was suprised by how well it ended for basically
being chopped at its midpointending. Kill Bill ended better
than Matrix Reloaded.


- the plot was kind of thin. i mean, despite any upcoming
twists, it's a pretty straight up tale of vengeance.

- use of color was great.

- damn projectionists need to step up their game.