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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectnolans visual treatment is pretty boring???
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=57499&mesg_id=58091
58091, nolans visual treatment is pretty boring???
Posted by gluvnast, Sun Jul-27-08 02:54 PM
you mean to tell me you didn't like the introducion visuals, the visual of batman swooning across hong kong, the visual of the joker in the interrogation room with nothing but darkness behind him, or the visual of the truck flipping over, or the visual of the joker sticking his head out the window of the cop car, or the visual of dent once he saw the scarred coin while on the hospital bed, or the visual of the joker walking out of the hospital while it was exploding, or the visual of the joker swinging upside down and the camera slowly rotating right side up, or the FINAL visual of batman speeding off in his batpod at the end of the movie...

those visuals STAY stuck in my head...let alone trying to watch it on IMAX...

but hey, that's on you