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Topic subjectwasnt THAT good *
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=57499&mesg_id=58087
58087, wasnt THAT good *
Posted by GumDrops, Fri Jul-25-08 12:30 PM
i hate batmans voice. wtf. so silly - is that voice meant to make him seem tortured? lol.
why cant they make blockbuster films with nice flowing narratives? does everything have to be so fucking choppy? seemed like various speeches on the nature of man were just being shoehorned in here. seems like they were trying to do too much. the whole film is too overstuffed, theres no time to contemplate or think about anything. and like someone else said, not nearly enough wayne/batman time.


something about this and the last one dont really feel very superhero comic book-y. they feel more like regular action movies starring batman (even down to the q/007 style thing between bale and freeman). lol@him going all the way to HK to kidnap that guy. this is batman. not fucking bourne supremacy.
too many things were too quickly resolved without much development at all, which was dissapointing - gordon not being killed was too subtley revealed, and not even 'oh shit', more like 'ohh'. like someone else mentioned, the fundraiser scene just petered out when it should have been explosive.
if theyre trying to do 'dark' batman, id like them to just go the whole hog. the joker was chilling in this (ledger was pretty amazing and easily the best thing in it), but id have liked them to go all the way with it.

i think the burton films are quite underrated. at least compared to the last two they are.

this film confirmed that i dont really like prequels. better to assume everything thats happened rather than trying to build up to it and explain how everything got started.