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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectIt couldn't live up to the hype, but I liked it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=57499&mesg_id=58011
58011, It couldn't live up to the hype, but I liked it
Posted by Darryl_Licke, Mon Jul-21-08 02:50 PM
1) i was distracted by the chicago background. As a movie though I do think it showcases Chicago as best as any moive could since the Blues Brothers.

2) when they were filming the final scene I was downtown going to see The Departed. I thought that was cool. And I remember seeing people running around the construction site and I could of sworn I saw people hanging off the side of it.

3) This was a great expostion of how one actor can steal a movie. Ledger did a phenomenal job but I felt it was hit or miss. Sometimes he was on...others....not so much. More on than not though.

4) The story itself was slightly non sequitor and that is evidenced well by the first scene. Cool shot with the cameo....batmans jumping out of nowhere shooting guns mixed with the fast panning and cutting....meh.

5) Long. 20/20 Hindsight...Dent should of "disappeared" and that of been it for his character. That saves a good bit of screen time for better expostion into Joker.

6) Action wise. Impeccable. but it's true....more gadgets would of been nicer. It was one BIG gadget that was glanced over with an explanation except for it being an improvement on what was done earlier.

All in all it's a flawed movie but still a good movie. But there is no way it could of lived up to the internet generated hype. I seriously went in thinking I was going to come out having seen jesus or in dire need of a clothes change.