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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: Don't act like you didn't insult the intelligence of most in here.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=57499&mesg_id=57895
57895, RE: Don't act like you didn't insult the intelligence of most in here.
Posted by princeguy, Sun Jul-20-08 11:52 AM
>First you say:
>"and go see something else and ask the industry to stop
>pulling the okey doke on you."
>then you say:
>" I'm
>>not telling...... as you say... "US", or your bitch ass
>>a victim, "
>Yeah, that's plea copping. You came in here and told us the
>hype machine got us just because we loved the movie and you
>didn't. THAT is the personal attack that I reacted to. Stand
>by your words or retract them.
This ain't about insulting anyone's intelligence. The HYPE machine isn't about "intelligence". Everyone can be affected by the Hype machine. If everybody saying the shit is amazing BEFORE you see it, it's not unintelligent to assume the movie is good. It's intelligent to think so, versus a movie that got shitted on by every critic and message board poster they choose to quote. If everybody and they momma shit on a movie, then intelligence tells you to either wait for video or see it at your own risk - that's intelligence, so i'm not insulting anyone's intelligence by suggesting they're wasting our time and money when they OVERHYPE the greatness of a movie like they did with Dark Knight and a person goes out to see it.

It's amazing how you cut my quote just like a HYPEMAN would. Why didn't you paste my entire sentence instead of cutting and pasting off the beginning of my sentence? If you quote someone, you should start from the beginning of their statement, not the middle.

You started this post about how you're waking up at the crack of dawn to go see this movie before you go to work - that shows you're a "fan" of this genre or this series, and that is totally okay. I said earlier, that if you're into this comic book superhero genre then you should see the movie, you'll prolly like it. But if you're not INTO this comic book, superhero genre stuff and don't know who the fuck Bruce Wayne or DC Comics are all that much and wanted to see a good movie regardless of genre, then you may enjoy seeing something else and may feel duped by spending your time and money seeing this movie as a result of the HYPE machine rolling.

I made no personal attack on you. Not unless you are admitting to be part of the Industry that perpetuates this HYPE bullshit of this movie. As I said, "Industry" not James Peach. Once again, you using terms like "you came in here and told us". Man, are you crazy or something? You saying that I came "in here", and told "us", as if i walked in your crib or something. Its a message board. I'm being real and maybe i can save some people a little loot and time if they aren't too much into the genre.

The movie was okay. It wasn't great, not at all great. It also wasn't "bad". It was okay. As I said before, very good cast. Very good opening scene. mediocre special effects. mediocre fight scenes. mediocre plot. no eye candy. no innovation. no advancement within the genre either. No new characters. No interesting gadgets. Another average comic book movie. Nothng special. Just keeping it real man.