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Topic subjectMy re-arranged top 50
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56033, My re-arranged top 50
Posted by McDeezNuts, Tue Aug-12-08 04:57 PM
Based on my Top 100:

1--- 6. Pulp Fiction- 1195
2--- 14. Coming to America- 936
3--- 36. Office Space- 595
4--- 1. Goodfellas- 1978
5--- 22. Lord of the Rings Trilogy- 764
6--- 37. Memento- 595
7--- 4. Die Hard- 1280
8--- 8. Back to the Future- 1063
9--- 11. Fight Club- 994
10--- 39. Terminator 2: Judgment Day- 580
11--- 13. The Usual Suspects- 960
12--- 12. The Shawshank Redemption- 992
13--- 42. Forrest Gump- 547
14--- 49. The Sixth Sense- 500
15--- 25. Ghostbusters- 722
16--- 34. Silence of the Lambs- 621
17--- 23. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- 763
18--- 17. The Matrix- 836
19--- 33. Groundhog Day- 654
20--- 19. Full Metal Jacket- 817
21--- 29. Saving Private Ryan- 673
22--- 47. Reservoir Dogs- 504
23--- 27. LA Confidential- 717
24--- 40. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off- 554
25--- 26. The Princess Bride- 721
26--- 28. Se7en- 711
27--- 35. Heat- 619
28--- 9. The Big Lebowski- 1018
29--- 3. City of God- 1295
30--- 21. Batman Begins- 780

Those are the only ones that made my top 100.

31--- 15. Hoop Dreams- 845 (I just saw it last weekend - it should probably be higher but I don't want to have to redo my Top 100)

These got consideration for my list, but didn't make it:

32--- 46. The Lion King- 514 (honorable mention for me)
33--- 2. Do the Right Thing- 1851 (honorable mention)
34--- 38. Toy Story- 584 (honorable mention)
35--- 10. No Country For Old Men- 998 (almost made it)
36--- 45. Casino- 523 (got cut)
37--- 20. The Incredibles- 790 (got cut)
38--- 44. Pan’s Labyrinth- 529 (got cut)

Didn't even get consideration for my list:

39--- 41. Miller’s Crossing- 552 (good, but not THIS good)
40--- 43. Aliens- 544 (haven't seen it in so long it's hard to say)
41--- 31. Boogie Nights- 668 (see Miller's Crossing)
42--- 48. Anchorman- 501 (funny but very uneven - requires multiple viewings to really enjoy, which is a negative IMO)
43--- 18. Rushmore- 827 (liked it, but didn't get the hype - but it's been a long time)

And these I didn't really like very much:
44--- 30. Children of Men- 670 (not that great)
45--- 50. This is Spinal Tap- 499 (just saw it last weekend - not as good as advertised)
46--- 32. There Will Be Blood- 664 (great acting, SUPER boring and lame)
47--- 7. Fargo- 1170 (I didn't like it and couldn't finish it - which is REALLY rare for me - maybe I should give it another chance?)

I haven't seen these so they're not included:
5. Malcolm X- 1220 (yeah, I know - it's on my queue)
16. Unforgiven- 836
24. Schindler’s List- 751 (keep meaning to see, but I know it's gonna be a downer)