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Topic subjectmy take on 101-200
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=55934&mesg_id=56024
56024, my take on 101-200
Posted by McDeezNuts, Tue Aug-05-08 10:59 AM
>111. The Karate Kid- 309
I don't think this belongs here. Is it just nostalgia for people?

>112. Spider-Man 2- 303
I think this is way low. I think this is THE best superhero movie, just barely edging out X-Men 2 and with Dark Knight probably in third.

>114. When Harry Met Sally- 299
This should have made the top 100.

>117. Zodiac- 290
God, I hated this movie. BORING. How can a serial killer movie be so painfully fucking boring? And needlessly long too. Great cast though.

>121. There’s Something About Mary- 285
This should be higher. Comedies generally didn't fare well in this exercise, but I think this is one of the funnier movies in this time period. I had ti in the top 60.

>123. Chasing Amy- 284
>125. Clerks- 277
I love these movies (# 20 and 21!), but I understand they're not for everyone.

>130. Good Will Hunting- 269
Do people not like this for the same reasons they don't like Forrest Gump? I think they're both great. This should be top 50 IMO.

>132. Jerry Maguire- 263
>133. Raising Arizona- 261
>134. The 40 Year Old Virgin- 260
These should all be higher. 40 Year Old Virgin was one funny movie, and I think Raising Arizona is my favorite Coen flick.

>142. The Aviator- 242
I didn't like this movie much at all.

>143. Oldboy- 241
I had this at # 12. Possibly too high, but holy shit, this movie was amazing. I wonder if people didn't see it, didn't like it, or were just grossed out by it? I think it's brilliant.

>146. Borat- 240
This should definitely be higher. Maybe people were already tired of the character from the show? This is one of my favorites from recent years.

>147. The Green Mile- 239
Did the "magical Negro" turn people off that much? I thought it was a really great story.

>160. American History X- 212
Too low, IMO. Great movie.

>161. Mulholland Drive- 211
A craptastic bunch of bullshit. But a nice lesbo scene.

>166. Return of the Jedi- 206
I didn't really consider this one. Star Wars and Empire would have made it if eligible.

>168. Almost Famous- 204
>169. Superbad- 203
Too low. I really enjoyed Almost Famous, and Superbad is yet another underrated comedy that makes me laugh my ass off.

>184. Capote- 182
Really? This was boring as fuck to me. Much like Zodiac.

>187. American Psycho- 178
Way too fucking low. What an amazing novel and movie as well.

>189. Naked Gun- 177
Crazy low, but perhaps the comedy hasn't aged well, since so many fucking stupid spoofs have tried to copy this style of humor (never doing it nearly as well, IMO).