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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: Well, for me
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=55934&mesg_id=55975
55975, RE: Well, for me
Posted by celery77, Mon Aug-04-08 09:21 AM
>I've seen it, and it's one of the greatest documentaries I've
>seen. So its exclusion on my list isn't saying that Hoop
>Dreams isn't that great, but that there are that many films
>that I favor for whatever reason (e.g., a film that I'd
>probably be in the mood for most of the time). Really, past
>the 20th or 30th spot, give or take a few, they're
>interchangeable. Plus, my list was one of favorites. Maybe
>you're someone who makes no such distinction between favorite
>and best/greatest, but I'm one that does.

Mine was one of favorites as well, but I'm big on documentaries and so I've watched Hoop Dreams a lot. I think it's entertaining and enlightening, and not at all a chore to sit through even at three hours.

I mean, if Do The Right Thing is #2 ... Hoop Dreams is an infinitely superior film about race in America, if you ask me...

>I thought Bus 174 was gonna be higher, but I'm not
>disappointed in its ranking or the final list, can't hate on
>them, since I'm assuming most lists were ranking favorites.

I've never seen it, so I didn't rank it. Maybe I would have rated it -- who knows?

I just ... I really hold Hoop Dreams up high, and I'm always a little disappointed at how frequently it's slept on. I thought it would be top 10, but meh -- #15 isn't the worst.