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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectTo be frank, I'm a little disgusted Hoop Dreams fell so far
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=55934&mesg_id=55973
55973, To be frank, I'm a little disgusted Hoop Dreams fell so far
Posted by celery77, Mon Aug-04-08 01:24 AM
that was the one movie I was really tracking.

Goodfellas? Yeah, okay -- that's absolutely ridiculous, but still I knew it was an inevitability somewhere near the top.

But Hoop Dreams at #15? I can only assume that everyone who didn't put it in the top 10 just hasn't seen it, otherwise it makes no sense whatsoever. I have half a mind to just up and quit this subforum over that shit. I don't even care what kind of movie watcher you are, if you can't stand up and marvel at the brilliance that is Hoop Dreams, you're just missing SOMETHING.

There's a lot that goes into making the "best" movie or topping a list or whatever it is, but I just feel like Hoop Dreams appeal is universal.

I'm disappointed, PTP. I'm shaking my head right now.